
  • 网络danger
  1. 注意危险路段的交通状况,改变您到达该区域的时间。

    Notice dangerous traffic situations developing and change your time of arrival at the situation .

  2. 有原发性痛经;子宫肌瘤、子宫内膜异位症家族史的女性更需注意危险因素的预防。

    The women who had dysmenorrhea history , uterine fibroids , and endometriosis family history need more attention to prevent risk factors .

  3. 关节运行越好,你的运就力会更好,反之亦然,所以保持其柔顺和注意危险病灶产生是至关重要的。

    The better your joints run , the better you run , and vice versa , so it 's important to keep them supple and watch out for signs of trouble .

  4. 记住要多吃金币,也要注意躲避危险。

    Remember to eat coins , but also to avoid danger .

  5. 数十年来,专家一直警告加德满都人民要注意这种危险。

    Experts had warned of the danger to the people of Katmandu for decades .

  6. 号角发出呜呜声,提醒过往船只注意那危险的薄雾。

    The horn boomed out to warn the passing ships of the dangerous mist .

  7. 这些台站可以1小时或不到1小时报告1次天气以警告(人们注意)危险天气的临近。

    These stations may report weather intervals of an hour or even less to warn of approaching weather dangers .

  8. 除了被重复项目占据的额外内存以外,详细信息页中存在的另一个值得注意的危险是由于对数据源本身进行更改而造成的不一致。

    Besides the additional memory occupied by repetitive items , another danger in detail pages to look out for is inconsistency due to changes made to the data source itself .

  9. 北面的一座近海灯塔,提醒海员们注意充满危险的暗礁海脊,由岛上居民照管,他们从不让它熄灭。

    An offshore beacon on the north side , which warned sailors of a treacherous ridge of rocks , was tended by the islanders , who never let it go out .

  10. 他认为,并不是身材高大者就可以高枕无忧,不表示他们不会患冠心病,他们需要像身材矮小者一样注意相关危险因素。

    Not that tall people are off the hook , he says , warning that they'are not protected against coronary heart disease , and they also need to pay attention to the same risk factors as shorter people .

  11. 对于热值较高,成分复杂,高分子化合物多的危险废物,在回转窑内焚烧的时候,要注意加强此类危险废物与空气的混和,实现较高的危险废物破坏去除率(DRE)。

    Good mixing with air is necessary for high DRE of hazardous wastes with high heat value .

  12. 必提醒顾客注意显而易见的危险,也不必连篇累牍地一再提请他们注意

    Stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or

  13. 注意标牌,危险勿进。

    Look at the sign , danger keep out .

  14. 他充分注意到会有危险。

    He is fully alive to the possible dangers .

  15. 注意船上危险品货箱的安全积载管理

    Attention being paid to the safe stowage management of dangerous cargo containers on board ships

  16. 警告人们注意其真实危险性,对减少烟草成瘾可有很大作用。

    Warning people about its true risks can go a long way towards reducing tobacco addiction .

  17. 危险警告如在建筑工地上用作警告以提醒注意潜在的危险源。

    Used as a warning to watch out for a potential source of danger , as at a construction site .

  18. 当他注意到这种危险的时候,一天他遇到了猎人并且看到了猎人是怎样抓住那些鹌鹑的。

    While on the lookout for danger , one day he came across the hunter and saw what he did .

  19. 注意,面对危险耶稣再次撤退,但在某程度上,这个撤退,以看似矛盾的方式扩大了事工范围。

    Notice again Jesus withdraws in the face of danger but the withdrawing in a sense increases the ministry in an odd paradoxical way .

  20. 在密封或狭小舱室等有限空间内涂装含有溶剂的油漆时,必须注意爆炸的危险和毒性对健康的损害。

    When the paint containing organic solvent applied in a narrow booth or limited place , one must pay more attention to explosion and toxicity .

  21. 公众需要掌握预防知识与基本技能,同时注意减少相关危险因素。

    The general public shall know the precaution knowledge and the basic technologies , and at the same time , the relevant hazards shall be reduced .

  22. 健康工作者更加需要注意那些处于危险边缘的危险饮酒者和有害饮酒者,如果该危险饮酒者和有害饮酒者还没有发展到酒依赖的程度,能够早期及时的采取干预,能够有效的减少酒量和酒精所致的问题。

    Health workers pay more attention to the risk drinkers , if they are dangerous drinkers or harmful drinkers and not developed to be the alcoholism , the intervention should be take immediately , it can effectively reduce the alcohol consumption and the alcohol-related problems .

  23. 这次事故提醒人们注意登山的种种危险,倒也不无益处。

    The accident was a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing .

  24. 有些书试着提醒人们注意客厅里这个危险品:其中最好的一本是NeilPostman写得《娱乐至死》(1985年出版)。

    Books tried to alert people to the menace in their living rooms : the best of them was Neil Postman 's " Amusing Ourselves to Death ", published in1985 .

  25. 工作时注意要避免接触危险地工具、金属或尖锐物体。

    Avoid working with dangerous tools , metals and sharp objects .

  26. 我觉得有义务提醒您注意可能隐藏的危险。

    I feet bound to warn you of the possible pitfalls .

  27. 每一位工程师都应注意地面滑坡的危险。

    Every engineer watches for the danger of earth slips .

  28. 他们突然的攻击使我们更加注意我们周围的危险。

    Their sudden attack made us more aware of the danger around us .

  29. 7~12岁儿童注意缺陷伴多动症危险因素调查

    Risk Factor Analysis of Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity in Children Aged 7-12

  30. 我劝你注意可能遇到的危险。

    I would advise you to give an eye to the dangers which you might meet .