
fó jiào
  • Buddhism
佛教 [fó jiào]
  • [Buddhism] 世界主要宗教之一。公元前6至5世纪古印度的迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔境内)王子释迦牟尼创立。反对婆罗门教的种姓制度,主张众生平等、有生皆苦,以超脱生死为理想境界。广泛流传于亚洲国家。相传东汉明帝时传入中国

佛教[fó jiào]
  1. 1741年,叶卡捷琳娜大帝颁布法令,允许佛教的存在。

    In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism

  2. 盖尔20世纪70年代对佛教产生了兴趣。

    Gere became interested in Buddhism in the 1970s .

  3. 他们信佛教。

    They followed the teachings of Buddha .

  4. 他们不愿意使用暴力,因为这么做违背他们的佛教信仰。

    They are disinclined to use violence because it is against their Buddhist faith .

  5. 佛教伦理很简单,但其实践修行对西方人来说却很复杂。

    Buddhist ethics are simple but its practices are very complex to a western mind .

  6. 到公元前1世纪时,佛教面临着被分化成一些小派别的危险。

    By the first century BC , Buddhism was in danger of fragmenting into small sects .

  7. 那所佛教寺院位于市郊的最西北角。

    On the extreme northwestern outskirts of the city stands the Buddhist temple .

  8. 这是一场关于佛教的争辩。

    This is a controversy about buddhism .

  9. 很多人情愿皈依佛教。

    Many people willingly converted to buddhism .

  10. 他晚年退隐山林,皈依佛教。

    In his later years he retired from public life , converted to Buddhism and became a hermit .

  11. 在斯里兰卡,对佛像和佛教文物不敬是绝对的禁忌。

    Mistreatment of Buddhist15 images and artefacts is strictly16 taboo17 in Sri Lanka .

  12. 佛教是在公元67年左右传入中国的。

    Buddhism was introduced into China about 67 AD.

  13. 佛教对中古法律之影响

    The Effect of Buddhism to the Laws in the Middle Ages

  14. 第三章探讨了佛教因果思想的伦理价值。

    The third chapter discusses buddhist causal thought of ethical values .

  15. 梁启超思想的佛教精神

    A study of the Buddhism spirit of LIANG Qi-chao 's thoughts

  16. 佛教起源在古印度,发展在中国。

    Buddhism originated in ancient India and developed in China .

  17. 佛教与晚明杂剧创作

    The Buddhism and the Creations of Drama in the Latter Ming Dynasty

  18. 北魏宦官与佛教寺院述略

    The Eunuchs and Buddhist temples in the Northern Wei Dynasty

  19. 佛教、佛陀与中国诸神

    Buddhism . the Buddha and the Chinese Pantheon of Gods

  20. 具体讨论了佛教道教语、方言词语、分析了作者创新的语言大背景。

    Analysed the linguistic background of the author 's creation .

  21. 佛教是伦理道德色彩极为浓厚的宗教,儒家文化本身就是伦理型文化,两二者在道德观上有可比之处。

    In terms of ethics , Buddhism and Confucianism can be compared .

  22. 在精神本质上,佛教的生态观是后现代的。

    In spiritual essence , the Buddhist ecological outlook is post modern .

  23. 汉语语境中回族对佛教词汇的借用

    Buddhist Vocabulary Used by Hui Ethnic Group in the Context of Chinese

  24. 塔是中国一种古老的佛教建筑类型。

    Chinese pagoda is an ancient type of Buddhist architecture .

  25. 法律与佛教是一个非常有价值的论题。

    The topic about law and Buddhism is very valuable .

  26. 湖南佛教的发展也遵循这个规律。

    The development of hunan Buddhism also follow this rule .

  27. 换句话说,佛教让我们在精神上做出选择,

    In other words , Buddhism posits a choice in our mental lives

  28. 杂剧中的宗教人物形象,主要涉及佛教和道教。

    Religious image in drama is mainly related to Buddhism and Taoism .

  29. 佛教传入至今,已有两千多年的历史。

    Buddhism spreads until now , had more than 2000 years history .

  30. 再次,阐述了中国佛教孝道思想的历史作用与现代价值。

    Finally , its historical functions and modern value are also illustrated .