
liú bì
  • abuse;corrupt practice
流弊 [liú bì]
  • [corrupt practice;abuse] 指某事引起的坏作用,也指相沿下来的弊端

  • 谗谄之流弊,一至于斯。--刘昼《新论.伤谗》

流弊[liú bì]
  1. 最后,笔者主要叙述了县参议员选举过程中的流弊现象,并对这些流弊加以理论分析。

    Finally , the author describes the major abuses phenomenon Senator electoral process , and these abuses to theoretical analysis .

  2. 虽然有法律保护消费者,但是没有足够数量的执法者来处理市场的全部流弊。

    Although there are laws designed to protect consumers , there is not a sufficient number of law enforcers to cover all the abuses of the marketplace .

  3. 关于目前高校学术流弊的对话

    The dialogue about the evil social practices in University at present

  4. 略论目前报纸版面设计改革的走向及流弊

    A Brief Discussion about Trend and Drawbacks of Current Newspaper Layout

  5. 相比之下,秘密武器的发展流弊颇多。

    Covert weapons development , in contrast , is rife with problems .

  6. 中医药产业化流弊之我见

    My Opinion on the Drawbacks of Traditional Chinese Medicine Industrialization

  7. 试论包装装潢的民族性商品装潢的流弊及对策

    Discussion on The Objection And Solution of Merchandise Packing

  8. 以言代法、以言废法的习惯仍有流弊;

    Substituting law with words to repeal the laws , habits are still flaws ;

  9. 市管县体制的流弊及其矫治

    The Disadvantages of the System of Administrating the County by the City and the Solutions

  10. 该时期的货币政策取得了一定成效,同时也产生了一些新的流弊。

    The monetary policy achieved some positive results , but they also caused some new problems .

  11. 第二节戴震思想的基本内涵,分别从五个方面加以论述。1.戴震义理思想&承传元典儒学,匡正程朱流弊。

    The second quarter the basic connotation , Dai zhen thoughts from five aspects respectively . 1 .

  12. 这真是个风趣的主意而且用一天的时刻来考试测验一些新的对象并没有什么流弊。

    It 's an interesting idea and it doesn 't hurt to try something new for a day .

  13. 论传统法律文化的流弊对当今法治建设的影响

    The Study between the Negative Influence of the Traditional Law Culture and the Nowadays Developments of the Rule of Law

  14. 政府的强力控制实现和维护了社会稳定,但权力的随意性和无约束性又滋生了腐败流弊;

    The tight government control has created and maintained social stability , but the unchecked power has actually cultured corruption .

  15. 二是对当下学术评价体系的抨击;三是对学术期刊在学术流弊产生过程中所扮演的消极角色的无奈和贬斥。

    The academic appraisal system , and the present academic system are also the root to lead to many malpractices by the journals .

  16. 从症结多多到特色渐明&省级电视台新闻性节目在流弊中突围

    From Owning Many Defaults to Showing a Distinct Feature & On how the News Programs of Our Civil Provincial Televisions Extricate Themselves from Predicament

  17. 近年来,人们在反省西方近现代规范伦理学一些流弊时,提出要重新推介亚氏伦理学的价值。

    Over recent years , scholars , meditating upon defects of modern Western Normative Ethics , consider re-spreading the values of Aristotle 's Virtue Ethics .

  18. 近年来,众多省级电视台的新闻节目已经渐渐摆脱过去的种种流弊,呈现出鲜活的发展动向。

    But in recent years , the news programmes of provincial televisions have got rid of their former defaults , and shown a civil trend .

  19. 这两种语言流势是幽默风格的两种体现我们既要善于把握语言文化发展的必然趋势,又要正确认识其伴随而生的种种流弊。

    The trend of these two kinds of languages is the embodiment of the humor style , showing certain trend of the development of language following with it .

  20. 首先,社群主义从境遇和历史的角度来理解的自我观,为克服个人主义在当代所造成的流弊,提供了颇为新颖的理论资源。

    Firstly , the self-concept of communitarianism based on different circumstances and historical perspective affords quite a novel theoretical resource for overcoming the bad effects resulting from liberalism .

  21. 现物出资在出资对象、价值评估、责任追究等方面的特殊性,使其极易为出资者滥用而滋生流弊。

    The specialization of the physical contribution in the objects , value assessment and system of accountability makes it extremely easy to be abused by the contributors to spawn abuses .

  22. 这些流弊不仅影响着新民歌自身,而且对当代诗歌乃至整个当代文艺创作都产生了相当严重的消极影响。

    Evil social practices these influence new folk song oneself , it produces to be quite serious negative influence to contemporary poem and even whole contemporary literary and artistic creation .

  23. 结论麻醉药品是特殊管理药品之一,加强对麻醉药品的使用管理,杜绝社会流弊具有重要的意义。

    Conclusion The narcotic drugs is one of the special management of drugs to enhance the use and management of narcotic drugs , to eliminate the social evils of great significance .

  24. 文化被“娱乐化”了,而娱乐又被“商业化”了,使人不得不看破了娱乐电视的软肋及流弊所在!

    Culture drive " the amusement turn ", but amusement again drive " commercial ", make the soft rib and corrupt practice place that the person have to see through the amusement television !

  25. 他反对元明以来过分拘泥于诗法而产生的学杜流弊,主张通过妙悟和反复涵咏学习杜诗的精髓。

    He opposed the drawbacks of studying Du Fu 's poems since Yuan and Ming Dynasty , and held that people should study the essence of Du Fu 's poems by repeatedly chanting and awakening .

  26. 分封制的出现是历史的必然,郡县制取代分封制,也是历史的必然。与之相反,朱敬则、孙樵等人则认为郡县制度祸害社会,流弊颇深。

    The appearance of enfeoffment is inevitable in history and so is the substitution of the system of prefectures and counties instead of enfeoffment . believed that it was harmful to the society in various aspects .

  27. 第二章介绍了生命权的发展历程,从国外的发展谈到了国内的发展,并且分析了国内生命权意识的一些流弊以及产生的原因。

    The second chapter introduces the development of the right to life home and abroad , and analyzes some obstacles on our way to improve the sense of right to life in our country and the reasons to them .

  28. 当前学界大多以为我国传统政治之流弊,在于主张人治而不重法治,因此,建立法治社会,乃是现代化建设中极重要的工作。

    Many modern scholars attribute the problems in Chinese traditional politics to the rule of man , rather than the rule of law . Therefore , the establishment of a society of law is an important part of the Chinese modernization drive .

  29. 针对新文学以来的种种现状,提出文学应注重道德,并提出文学应避免的种种流弊,强调文学感情应以中和为指归。

    According to the present situation since the new literature movement had began , he claimed that literature should value the moral , advocating the literature should avoid all sorts of academic abuse and the purpose of literature feeling should be neutralize .

  30. 麻醉和精神药品具有双重属性,如果管理有方,可以治病;如果失之管理、使用不当,则会发生流弊,危害人民健康及社会治安。

    The narcotic and psychotropic drugs have the dual property . If we use them properly , they can cure the disease , but with the improperly use , they will damage the health of the people and affect the social security .