
  • 网络streamlining;streamlined design;STREAMLINE DESIGN
  1. iPhone7的流线型设计与最近两年的设计几乎没有什么区别——除了新的亮黑色镜面外观。

    The streamlined design of the iPhone 7 made few departures from the last two years " models apart from a new shiny black finish .

  2. 一种浅滩整治新方法&空间流线型设计法

    A New Method for Shoal Regulation : Space Streamline Design

  3. 血泵叶轮的流线型设计及其对溶血性能的影响

    Effect of Impeller Vane Number and Angles on Pump Hemolysis

  4. 基于后掠台阶流动的航空发动机尾锥流线型设计方法

    Streamline Design Method of Aero-engine Exhaust Cone Based on Backward-facing Step Flow

  5. 任何流线型设计都是高端科技。

    Anything that aero-dynamic has to be high end .

  6. 为了提高速度、增强美观,现在小轿车均采用流线型设计。

    Now cars are streamlined for speed and beauty .

  7. 流线型设计,款式新颖时尚。

    Streamline design , fashionable and stylish .

  8. 外形美观,为流线型设计;

    Graceful outline with streamline designs ;

  9. 本文针对基于流线型设计的叶轮心脏泵和直叶片叶轮心脏泵,应用计算流体动力学对其内部的流动行为进行了数值模拟。

    Computational fluid dynamics was applied to predict the flow in the streamlined blood pump and a pump with straight vanes .

  10. 为了提高泵的水力效率,泵壳体采用流线型设计,同时加大了壳体的通流面积。

    In order to improve the water power efficiency of pump , casing applies streamline design , the circulation area is increased .

  11. 独特的流线型设计,独有的超静音功能,中医穴位指法,科技灵感,成就健康之美。

    Special Stream-Line Design , Unique Super Silence Function , TCM Acupuncture Point Fingering , Technological Inspiration , Create Beauty of Health .

  12. 为了提高速度、增强美观,现在小轿车均采用流线型设计.坐小轿车去车站要多长时间?

    Now cars are streamlined for speed and beauty . How long does it take to go to the station by car ?

  13. 独特的流线型设计,柔软的高档毛绒布料(质感好,耐用),增加了使用的舒适度。

    Second-ranking unique , streamline design , soft high-grade wool fabric ( simple sense is good , durable ), increased use of comfort .

  14. 而且纯白色车身布满划时代的流线型设计,21寸钻石型合金轮圈也充满运动感。

    And covered with pure white body of the sleek design of the landmark , 21-inch alloy wheels diamond full of a sense of movement .

  15. 超音速飞机的长窄三角翼型设计是美观实用原则的代表,极度的流线型设计对于将阻力降到最低是必要的。

    The long narrow delta shape of supersonic aircraft is an example of aesthetic functionalism , an extreme form of streamlining that is essential to minimize drag .

  16. 表面光洁度的静电力和磷加工,防尘和防腐蚀流线型设计易于安装和确保良好的连接灯泡和持有者。

    Surface finish by static electricity and phosphor processing , dustproof and anti-corrosion , streamline design is easy for installation and ensure excellent connection between lamp and holder .

  17. 威尔本表示,别克在中国如此成功,原因之一是其流线型设计比起其他一些国际品牌的生硬造型显得更具东方感。在中国,拥有一辆别克是一种身份象征。

    Mr Welburn says one of the reasons Buick has become so successful in China – where owning a Buick is a status symbol – is that its fluid lines are more oriental in feel than the angular shapes of some other global auto models .

  18. 根据天然河流的特性,结合以往航道整治经验教训,以及中国传统文化和美学,提出了一种新的航道浅滩整治方法&空间流线型设计法,并结合其工程应用实例进行说明。

    Basing on the characteristics of natural rivers , and combining the experience and lessons from previous waterway regulation engineering , Chinese traditional culture and esthetics , this paper puts forward a new method for shoal regulation , i.e. space streamline design method , which is explained with an example .

  19. 流线型的设计能缩小高速拖曳气流的面积。

    The streamlined design reduces the area of high drag airflow .

  20. 灯光柔和,夜间更添浪漫温馨气氛,流线型外观设计,领先时代潮流。

    Soft lighting , romantic atmosphere at night brightened , streamlined design , the leading trend of the times .

  21. 基于上述理论分析,运用造型设计原理和列车气动设计指标,结合城市特点提出若干不同风格的列车车头流线型造型设计方案。

    Based on theoretical analysis above , three streamlined train heads characterized the city with many different styles are presented according to the principles of modeling design and aerodynamic design .

  22. 这款汽车巧妙地将经典式样融入到流线型的现代设计中。

    The car neatly blends classic styling into a smooth modern package .

  23. 流线型列车头部设计制造一体化方法

    Integrative method of design and manufacture on streamlined head of train

  24. 工业造型和空气动力学在流线型列车外形设计中的应用

    Application of Industrial Visual Design and Aerodynamics in Streamlined Train Contour Design

  25. 高速列车流线型头部外形设计软件研制

    Research on the Shape Design of High-speed Train Streamline Head

  26. 拥有有完美的吻合度及流线型的外观设计,凝聚了智慧心思,尽显尊贵气息。

    The perfect inosculation and streamline design agglomerate the smart mind and show the exalted tang .

  27. 它采用流线型人体工学设计,握持操作舒适;

    The utility model has the advantages that the streamline ergonomic design is adopted , the holding operation is comfortable ;

  28. 外观上采用了富有现代化的流线型前面板设计,革新性的改变了中央控制主机单调的平面设计。

    Appearance on the use of rich and modern , streamlined front panel design , innovative changes in the central control of the main Machine monotonous graphic design .

  29. 靓丽、高性能的功能化外形设计:顶盖采用三聚氰胺树脂钢抗热塑料材料,并配合流线型复合式设计,完美的体现设备优越性。

    Beautiful , high-performance exterior design : the top cover is constructed of melamine resin heat-resistant plastic , and equipped with the streamlined design , perfectly embodying equipment superiority .

  30. 大连市快速轨道交通3号线车辆流线型司机室设计国3重型柴油车在实际道路行驶中的气态污染物排放

    Design of the streamlined cab of the railway car running in line No.3 of Dalian high-speed railway traffic Gaseous Pollutant Emission of China 3 Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles Under Real-World Driving Conditions