
zuò yè chénɡ xù
  • operating procedure
  1. 警方说,他们目前正在进行调查,这是溺亡事件的标准作业程序。

    The police department said that it is conducting an investigation as'standard operating procedure in any drowning . '

  2. 自20世纪初在美国企业诞生以来,很快成为了企业管理的标准作业程序。

    Since the comprehensive budget management came into being in the early 20th century in the United States , it has quickly become the standard operating procedure in enterprise management .

  3. LPG码头装卸作业程序及安全措施

    Operation Procedures and Safety Measures for LPG Terminals

  4. 即使对非常简化了的作业程序,理论上也是NP-hard问题,没有好的算法能够找到最优解。

    Theoretically , it is an NP-hard problem even for the simplified scheduling .

  5. 审核承包商的HSSE作业程序/划,如:大型吊装和超高、状复杂物体或主体结构吊装。

    Review Contractors ' HSSE procedures / plans , such as heavy lifting operations and for high and complex structures .

  6. 这可能是不熟悉标准作业程序的有关。

    This could be a possible problem with familiarity of SOP .

  7. 与承包商联合检查平台的热工作业程序和安全工作程序。

    Check thermal engineering and safety work procedures with the contractor .

  8. 油气井井喷着火灭火方法和作业程序

    Extinguishing method of oil & gas well blowout inflammation and operation process

  9. 接着莎拉处理了所有书面作业程序和执照事宜。

    Then Sarah dealt with all the paperwork and licenses .

  10. 汽车经过复杂作业程序制成。

    A car comes into being through a series of complex operations .

  11. 本文介绍其基本理论、作业程序和应用实例。

    This paper outlines its basic theory , operational procedures and application example .

  12. 维持和平行动指导性标准作业程序草案;

    Draft guideline standard operating procedures for peacekeeping operations ;

  13. 回返的作业程序问题联合工作组

    Joint Working Group on the Operational Procedures of Return

  14. 机场路收费中心收费岛大门网架施工作业程序及质量保证的要点

    The key work to assure construction quality of the airport road charging island gate

  15. 文章介绍了该技术的机具配置、作业程序、安全措施及应用效果。

    The paper introduced the operation procedure & which machines and tools to be used .

  16. 针对上述油气中毒原因,提出要加强油品安全知识教育,提高设施设备科技含量和严格遵守作业程序、安全操作规程的措施。

    Measures such as enriching safety knowledge , upgrading equipment and strengthening rules are presented .

  17. 隐藏的背景作业程序,任务类型,计划你的生活将提供极大的便利。

    The hidden background operating procedures , types of missions to plan your life will provide great convenience .

  18. 两组将在数据收集时,使用不同的作业程序。

    The two groups will use different operative procedure to collect the data of service failure from the respondents .

  19. 铁路轮渡渡运的车流必须按照一定的作业程序进行,才能保证作业的安全和效率。

    A railway ferry should ship wagon flow observing strictly the procedures to guarantee security and efficiency of ferry operations .

  20. 制定支持联合国维持和平行动的后勤工作原则和标准作业程序的行动计划

    Plan of Action for the Development of Logistics Doctrine and Standard Operating procedures in Support of United Nations Peace-keeping Operations

  21. 为简化通关作业程序,需将通关程序及相关法规力求精简;

    To simplify the procedure of the customs passage , the procedure and laws or rules related must be simplified .

  22. 记载的指示,标准作业程序(燮的),和方法,界定和控制的方式生产;

    Documented instructions , standard operating procedures ( SOP 's ), and methods that define and control the manner of production ;

  23. 对生产、安装及服务的方式,若缺少作业程序会对质量有所不利时,应制定该等书面程序;

    Documented procedures defining the manner of production , installation and servicing , where the absence of such procedures could adversely affect quality ;

  24. 通过测试表明,检测系统能够实现对常见类型抄袭代码的检测识别,对于作业程序中多见的高相似度抄袭程序效果显著。

    Tests show that the detection system can achieve significant effect on the common plagiarism types in assignments , especially ones of high similarity .

  25. 该机采用连续双导梁的结构形式,作业程序简单,安全可靠,对环境适应性强。

    The machine uses continuous double guide beams , it is safe and simple to operate , and has a better adaptability to environment .

  26. 文章介绍了不停输管道施工工艺的国内外代表性设备及它们在作业程序、方法、适用管径、工作压力等方面的异同点。

    The article cites the similarities and differences of typical equipments home and abroad in their operating procedures , methods , suitable diameter , working pressure .

  27. 死命抵抗的神圣责任。我必须向老板报告,或许你也可以帮大家省点官僚作业程序。

    Khrushchev : The sacred duty to resist . I have to report to the boss . Perhaps you would prefer to avoid the red tape .

  28. 安南在一九九七年就职时,大家都对他有很高的期待,希望他能改革这个国际组织过度膨胀的官僚制度与神秘难解的作业程序。

    Kofi Annan came into office in1997 amidst high hopes as being someone who could reform the bloated bureaucracy and arcane procedures of the world body .

  29. SPJ900/32架桥机采用拼装式连续双导梁的结构形式,作业程序简捷,安全可靠。

    Taking assembled continuous twin-guiding-beam as its structural form , Type-SPJ900 / 32 bridge erector is safe and reliable , its construction procedure being concise as well .

  30. 建议事项标准作业程序需要仔细检视,并加以必要的修改,以达到提高安全与挽救生命的标准。

    It is recommended that the SOP 's are critically reviewed and changed were necessary to meet standards that would promote safety and the saving of lives .