
zuò yè jì huà
  • production plan;operation schedule
  1. 模糊综合评判法在用微机编制印染厂生产作业计划中的应用

    Application of Synthetical Fuzzy Judgement to the Programing of Operation Schedule by a Microcomputer in a Printing and Dyeing Mill

  2. 并结合炼厂的实际情况,提出了混合智能优化模型,帮助解决生产调度系统作业计划的复杂问题。

    In addition , the article puts forth mixing intelligence and optimizing models , help to solve the complicated problem of the systematic production plan of production scheduling of oil refining factory .

  3. n个工件在m台机器上加工的四种典型作业计划

    Schedules for n Jobs to Be Processed on m Machines

  4. 开发RAT文件和利用作业计划实现数据库的自动清理,提高系统的稳定性。

    The file with RAT format is developed to clear the database automatically , which keep the training system steady .

  5. CAPP与车间作业计划集成的研究

    Research on the Integration of CAPP and Shop Job Scheduling

  6. 一种CAPP和车间作业计划的集成模式

    A Pattern of Integrate CAPP and Job Shop Scheduling

  7. 模糊聚类分析在FMS作业计划调度中的应用

    The Application of Fuzzy Clustering Analysis to FMS Production Scheduling

  8. 冷轧MES机组作业计划过程中的任务分配法

    Task Distribution Method of MES Unit Operation Planning within Rolling Mill CIMS

  9. 一种机械加工车间MES体系结构及其作业计划执行技术研究

    Research on a Machining Workshop MES Architecture and Its Operating Plan Execution Technique

  10. 基于OPT的生产作业计划与控制系统设计

    The Design of OPT-based Production Planning and Control System

  11. 基于MRPⅡ的车间作业计划管理系统

    Workshop production planning system based on MRP ⅱ mode

  12. MRP与车间生产作业计划集成的新方法

    A New Integrated Approach to MRP and Production Scheduling

  13. CAPP和车间作业计划是CIMS环境下,车间生产活动的两项重要内容。

    CAPP and job shop scheduling are two important parts involved in shop floor activities with the CIMS .

  14. 生产作业计划是混合企业CIMS实施的关键环节之一。

    The production scheduling is one of the key links in implementing mixture manufacturing factory 's CIMS .

  15. 基于OPT的车间作业计划中瓶颈识别问题的研究与系统实现

    Research and Realization of " Bottleneck " Identification in Workshop Production Scheduling Based on OPT

  16. 最后总结出CIMS环境下混合型企业生产作业计划的特点。

    Finally , its characteristics of the production scheduling of the mixture industry are summarized under CIMS information integrated environment .

  17. 本研究应用遗传算法研究了时间-成本的双目标Job-shop作业计划的优化问题。

    The problem of the bi-objective job-shop scheduling is studied by using genetic algorithms .

  18. UML在大型单件小批型制造企业生产作业计划系统中的应用基于单件小批量生产企业的动态随机生产函数

    Application of UML in Production Information System in MTO ; Dynamic Stochastic Production Function of Manufacturing Enterprises under the Condition of Single Unit Job Lot Production

  19. RMS的作业计划以瓶颈工序为目标,前、后工序的作业根据瓶颈工序分别按拉动、推动的方式排定。

    Bottlenecks are the objective of programming by which the former and the latter processes can be pulled or pushed .

  20. 上述成果对于我国离散制造业成功实施MRPⅡ车间作业计划与控制具有普适性和参考价值。

    The above achievements possess a wide suitability for dispersing manufacture industry to realize workshop task plan and control of MRP ⅱ .

  21. 制造执行系统(manufacturingexecutionsystem,MES)以作业计划与调度优化为核心,能够实现企业经营管理信息和生产控制信息的集成,解决企业管理系统与生产控制系统之间的信息断层问题。

    Manufacturing execution system ( MES ) which core is job shop scheduling optimization can be used to integrate between enterprise management information and production control information to solve the problem of the information fault between them .

  22. 本课题所研究的单件小批量作业计划与调度监控系统&ZENITHSPPS,为解决车间一级的作业计划问题提供了有效的解决方案。

    Our system , Zenith SPPS , can solve the problem of small-batch workshop .

  23. 文中描述了基于OPT的ERP软件中生产作业计划系统的设计与实现,给出了系统的信息流程图,详细描述了系统的实现步骤和一种动态调度仿真顺排算法。

    It described the design and realization of a production planning system which is based on the theory and principles of optimized production technology ( OPT ) in ERP .

  24. Flow-Shop网络作业计划对缓冲区容量的影响

    Effects of the Schedules of Jobs in A Flow-Shop System on the Capacity of Buffers size

  25. FINDES能够读入一个工件的作业计划和用它自身的制造知识自动生成NC程序。

    Finally FINDES is capable of reading the process plan of a workpiece and automatically generating an appropriate NC programme .

  26. 生产作业计划调度和监控是计算机集成制造和面向制造企业的ERP前端关键技术之一,在制造企业信息化建设中处于重要地位,也是目前制造业信息化建设过程中的难点和薄弱环节。

    " Production Scheduling and Supervisal " that is the key technology of CMS and ERP 's front module possesses important significance of information technology processing for manufacture project , and is difficulty and weakness too .

  27. 第三章介绍Petri网基本理论,包括Petri网的基本概念、基本性质,分析方法和高级Petri网,并对企业铁路作业计划编排系统进行Petri网建模。

    The third chapter introduces the basic theories of petri nets , including the basic concepts , properties and analyzing methods , and using petri nets describes the enterprise railway plan intelligent making system model .

  28. 针对生产作业计划调整专家系统中知识处理的特点,提出综合应用粗糙集的定性分析能力和BP神经网络的精确逼近功能进行知识采掘的方法。

    In this paper , facing the knowledge processing features of production scheduling adjustment , we bring out the knowledge discovering algorithm which integrates the qualitative analysis power of rough sets and the precise approximation capacity of BP neural network .

  29. ERP系统将生产计划分成主生产计划、物料需求计划、车间作业计划三层,并通过粗细两级能力计划对主生产计划、物料需求计划进行调整。

    ERP system will divide production plan into the main production plan , material requirements plan , workshops operative plan , and through the thick and thin plan of ability to adjust production plan and material requirements plan .

  30. 根据上述思想,构建了基于MES的特钢企业生产计划模型,分为总厂计划、分厂月生产计划、车间日作业计划三层;

    According to the theories described above , this paper builds integrated production planning management model which includes three levels : enterprise planning , monthly plant planning , daily plant planning .