
  • You and I;You and me;You & I
  1. 除去你和我还有其他五个人。

    There are5 other people besides you and me .

  2. 别忘了,你和我是一个团队。

    Remember , you and me , we 're a team .

  3. 约翰刚告诉我你和我的生日是同一天。

    John just told me that your birthday is on the same day as mine .

  4. C:我想请你和我一起去购物。你买了什么吗?

    C : I wanted to ask you to go shopping with me . Well , did you buy anything ?

  5. 你和我,镜子发出的光

    You and I , mirrors of light

  6. 儿子:“就是只有班主任,你和我参加!”

    Son : " It 's only a class teacher , you and I participate in ! "

  7. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)杂志资深语言专栏作家沃拉夫(BarbaraWallraff)说,你和我现在都可以成为自己的字典编纂者了。

    ' You and I can be our own lexicographers now , 'says Barbara Wallraff , the longtime language columnist for The Atlantic magazine .

  8. Montel说,“今天你和我联系就是迈出了第一步。”

    Montel says ," You 've made the first step today by getting in touch with me . "

  9. 让你和我试试把这个做好。

    Let you and I try to make this all right .

  10. 只有你和我知道这件事。

    You and I are the only ones who know this .

  11. 我想请你和我携手走入婚姻。

    NO00,1 . I am asking for your hand in marriage .

  12. 我确定你和我会因此疏远的。

    I am sure that you and I would drift apart .

  13. 你和我都应该努力一起达到我们的目标!

    You and I should work together to reach our aim !

  14. 这是你和我的生活方式!

    It 's a way of life for YOU and ME !

  15. 但你和我都知道这是不可能的。

    But you and I both knowthat 's not gonna happen .

  16. 我想就剩下你和我了,杰克。

    I guess that leaves just you and me , Jake .

  17. 我不知在未来你和我会怎么样。

    I wonder what the future holds for you and me .

  18. 你和我一起去格林立夫。

    You and me are going to go see Greenleaf together .

  19. 你和我拍二,二,二。

    You and I clap two , two , two .

  20. 如果你和我联合,大众将会归顺。

    If you and I are united , the people will follow .

  21. 你和我拍三,三,三。

    You and I clap three , three , three .

  22. 这有一个大的微笑给你和我。

    Here is a big smile for you and me !

  23. 她是一个学生,就像你和我。

    She 's a student , like you and me .

  24. 这是你和我,长久的孤独!

    It 's you and me , and long solitude !

  25. 老师们将你和我的观点进行了比较。

    Teachers drew a parallel between your opinions and mine .

  26. 马克:谢谢你和我聊了这么多,京晶。

    Mark : Thanks for talking with me about this , Jingjing .

  27. 是对你和我来讲对河马来讲怎样算正常?

    For you and me . What 's normal for a hippopotamus ?

  28. 也许你和我下班后可以在那上面玩摔跤。

    Maybe you and I can wrestle it in here after work .

  29. 这怎么回事?你和我开玩笑吧?

    What the hell is it ? You , re kidding me ?

  30. 你和我从未处的那么深,保罗。

    You and I never went that deep , paul .