
  1. 噢,你好,李明。你也是回家吗?

    Oh hi , Li Ming . Are you going home , too ?

  2. 我觉得大家都是这样的,你不也是吗?

    I think everyone is . Aren 't you ?

  3. -我很开心你不也是吗-开心

    I 'm happy . Aren 't you happy ?

  4. 先生你也是骑士吗?

    Are you also a horseman , sir ?

  5. 爱丽丝:你也是法国人吗?

    Alice : Are you French too ?

  6. 平常..不我不知道也不在乎我很开心你不也是吗

    Norm - l - I don 't know . I don 't care . I 'm happy . Aren 't you happy ?

  7. 你也是其中之一吗?

    Are you one of them ?

  8. 真棒!你也是棒球选手吗?

    How nice ! Are you a baseball player , too ?

  9. 跟我说说,我出生时你也是这样紧张吗?

    Tell me , were you this nervous when I was born ?

  10. 他是个牧师,你也是,对吗?

    He 's a priestand you 're a priest , too , right ?

  11. 等等你也是俱乐部会员吗

    Wait . Do you belong to the club ?

  12. 你父母也是男巫吗?

    Were your parents in the witch business ?

  13. 你不也是外星人吗?

    Aren 't you also an alien ?

  14. 你也是个妖怪吗?

    Are you a monster , too ?

  15. 你也是个作家吗?

    Are you a writer too ?

  16. 你也是芭蕾舞演员吗

    Are you a ballet dancer ?

  17. 你也是哈佛的吗是的

    So , uh , you go to Harvard , too ? Yes , I do .

  18. 他们回答说,你也是出于加利利吗?你且去查考,就可知道,加利利没有出过先知。

    This was their answer : and do you come from galilee ? Make search and you will see that no prophet comes out of galilee .

  19. 你不是也是装箱工吗,奥赫?

    Aren 't you a box boy , too , jorge ?

  20. 你的主食也是米吗?

    A : Is rice your staple food , too ?

  21. 我能提醒你我们也是波兰公民吗?

    May I remind you we are polish citizens ?

  22. 你也是足球俱乐部的吗?

    Are you in the soccer club , too ?

  23. 我想知道你也是一样的想法吗?

    I wanna know if you feel the same .

  24. 那你也是影视业的吗?

    Are you in the movie business , too ?

  25. 汉娜你印象中也是这样吗

    Is that how you remember it , Hanna ?

  26. 你对他们也是这种吗?

    Was that how you felt about them ?

  27. 你喝酒也是这个原因吗?

    Is that in addition to the drinking ?

  28. 你的兴趣也是这样吗?

    Is it true for your interests ?

  29. 你也是计划的参与者吗

    Were you a part of it ?

  30. 你也是异装女皇吗?

    You a fairy queen or what ?