
  • 网络epistle
  1. 新约圣经的使徒书信;

    The Epistles of the New Testament ;

  2. 新约圣经的使徒书信;约翰的新书几时能出版?

    The Epistles of the New Testament ; When will John 's new book come out ?

  3. 在圣保罗致罗马人的使徒书信中就已论及了自然法。

    A reference to " natural law " can be found in the Epistle of Paul to the Romans .

  4. 如果你只看过其他书,比如三封使徒书信,你会怎么看待他们的政治?

    If you all you had were certain other books such as the Pastoral Epistles what would you think the & about their politics ?