
shǐ yòng
  • use;operate;service;apply;employ;make use of;exercise;manipulate;occupy;utilise;resort to
使用 [shǐ yòng]
  • [use] 使人或物为某种目的服务

  • 使用打字机很熟练

使用[shǐ yòng]
  1. 在精心安排的分组活动中可以使用这些玩具。

    Make use of the toys in structured group activities .

  2. 我真希望人们使用人行道并给予应有的关注。

    I do hope that people will make use of footpaths and treat them with due attention that is needed .

  3. 她常常使用粗俗的骂人话,这使他感到震惊。

    He was shocked at how often she used the F-word .

  4. 节目里使用了某些观众可能认为是犯忌的语言。

    The programme contains language which some viewers may find offensive .

  5. 化学武器已被禁止使用。

    A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons .

  6. 他们把钱存着以备退休后使用。

    The money was being kept in reserve for their retirement .

  7. 欢迎非旅馆住客使用本旅馆的游泳池。

    Non-resident guests are welcome to use the hotel swimming pool .

  8. 这抵用券在我们的任一分支机构都可以使用。

    This voucher can be redeemed at any of our branches .

  9. 他在讲演中使用了探险时拍摄到的幻灯片。

    His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition .

  10. 这机器的安装和使用都很简单。

    The machine is a doddle to set up and use .

  11. 在特护期间给他使用了生命维持设备。

    He was put on a life-support machine in intensive care .

  12. 经常使用护发剂来使你的头发柔软而且易于梳理。

    Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable .

  13. 这个浴室使用抽风扇通风。

    The bathroom is ventilated by means of an extractor fan .

  14. 大多数飞机上不许使用手机。

    The use of cellular phones is not permitted on most aircraft .

  15. 要根据听众的年龄使用相应的语言。

    Adjust your language to the age of your audience .

  16. 要适当地使用插图,但不宜过多。

    Use illustrations where appropriate but don 't overdo it .

  17. 酒吧仅供会员使用。

    The bar is for the use of members only .

  18. 这次示威游行是使用和平抗议权。

    The demonstration was an assertion of the right to peaceful protest .

  19. 这种药须遵医嘱方可使用。

    The drug should only be used under medical supervision .

  20. 这辆汽车本周归我使用。

    I have the use of the car this week .

  21. 使用这些化学品可能有失火的危险。

    Use of these chemicals may present a fire risk .

  22. 儿童必须使用经过认可的儿童安全带或成人座椅安全带。

    Children must use an approved child restraint or adult seat belt .

  23. 我上班时在午餐时间使用互联网。

    I use the Internet at work , during my lunch hour .

  24. 他谈话中使用的行话对我是一团迷雾。

    The jargon in his talk was opaque to me .

  25. 博物馆有专门设备供失明和视力有缺陷的参观者使用。

    The museum has special facilities for blind and partially sighted visitors .

  26. 使用的材料全是优质品。

    All the materials used were of the highest grade .

  27. 新的计算机系统下月投入使用。

    The new computer system comes on stream next month .

  28. 爱惜你的键盘,这样就可以使用很多年。

    Treat your keyboard with care and it should last for years .

  29. 你会使用咖啡机吗?

    Do you know how to work the coffee machine ?

  30. 我们使用的软件已按我们的需要作过修改。

    The software we use has been modified for us .