
  1. 中国各地月饼供应商在促销木糖醇月饼。

    Many mooncake suppliers in different cities in the country promote their sales of mooncakes made with xylitol .

  2. 大多数供应商的促销活动往往只对那些对价格比较敏感的非忠诚客户起作用,而那些持续为供应商做贡献的老客户却没有得到相应的回馈。

    Promotion activities of most suppliers only affected those disloyal customers who are more sensitive to the price , and no gift has been give to those long-term customers who made contribution for suppliers continuously .

  3. 此外,在工业时代发展起来的营销战略(如供应商通过促销鼓励消费者购买产品)应必须进行回顾,并适应用户推进企业战略的新现实。

    Furthermore , Marketing strategies , developed during the industrial era ( such as push strategy where vendor encourages the consumer to buy the product ) must be reviewed and adapted to a new social reality where the recommendations of users supersede the corporate rationale .