
  • 网络bundled
  1. 第一期有一张随刊附赠的CD-ROM。

    The first issue has a cover-mounted CD-ROM.

  2. 本周杂志的附赠礼品是有关家庭度假的便捷手册。

    The covermount with this week 's mag is a handy guide to family holidays .

  3. 但是加利福尼亚州的一个小镇最近提出一项议案,即禁止麦当劳在其高热量的“快乐套餐”中附赠玩具,因为立法者们认为这会引诱孩子们去吃不健康的食物,这表明还有更多事情等着快餐企业去做。

    But the recent proposal by a county in California to ban McDonald 's from including toys in its high-calorie " Happy Meals " , because legislators believe it attracts children to unhealthy food , suggests there is a lot more left to do .

  4. 如今,虽然人们可以面对面表达祝福,他们仍会随礼物附赠贺卡。

    Today cards are often given with a present , even when people can express their wishes face to face .

  5. 我们的一个竞争对手附赠了CD,另一个附赠的是计算器。不一而足。

    One rival is offering a CD , another a calculator .

  6. 比利时一家法语报纸最近推出了欧洲首份3D版的报纸,随报附赠特制眼镜以便读者体验3D效果。

    Belgian French-language daily has issued what is thought to be Europe 's first3D newspaper-complete with cardboard viewing glasses .

  7. 联合国儿童基金会表示,梅西在球衣上签名,并用西班牙语在上面写着“Withmuchlove(带着很多爱)”,还附赠了一个足球。

    Messi autographed the jerseys , writing " With much love " in Spanish on them , and added a football to the treasure trove , UNICEF said .

  8. 马斯克还说每个火焰喷射器都附赠“免费的Boring灭火器”。

    Musk also announced that every flamethrower will ship with a " complimentary Boring fire extinguisher . "

  9. 三月那期的Prime杂志立即引起了我的注意,因为封面上写着“本刊附赠:免费日记本”。

    The March issue of Prime magazine immediately caught my eye because the cover said : 'Free Gift this Issue : Free Diary ' .

  10. 少数其它手写板生产商会提供在PC和MAC上使用的更为廉价的替代软件,通常附赠试用版或全功能版本的软件。

    A few other pen tablet makers offer cheaper alternatives that work with PCs and Macs and usually come with trial or full function software .

  11. 《花花公子》创始人休•赫夫纳表示,他“曾想在杂志创刊号中插入3D画页,但由于资金不够,无法附赠3D眼镜”。

    Playboy founder Hugh Hefner said he " wanted to create a 3-D pictorial for the very first issue of Playboy , but didn 't have enough money to include the 3-D glasses .

  12. 饲养鹦鹉需要鸟笼鸟食还要各种备品但是我们的perfectpolly只要$14.99哦还附赠栖木绝不坑爹亲

    live parakeets need a cage , food and multiple accessones , but pefect polly , complete with perch , is yours for only $ 14.99

  13. 《花花公子》6月号将于本周五在美国上架,并将随刊附赠一副3D眼镜。不久前,使用了3D技术的影片《阿凡达》曾大破票房纪录。

    A pair of 3-D glasses like those that helped the film " Avatar " shatter box office records will be included with the issue of the magazine which hits US newsstands on Friday .

  14. 配置了SD读卡器及USB接口,用户可以通过附赠的音频线将它与电脑等设备连接,播放音乐。

    SD card reader and configure the USB interface , user can pass throw in audio line will be it with computers , music , play device to connect .

  15. 美国汉堡王推星球大战套餐附赠31种玩具

    Burger King Derives 31 Kinds of Star Wars Toy Set Food

  16. 我的食物附赠了一辆玩具小汽车。

    Boy : My food came with a free toy car .

  17. 哦,我试用了杂志附赠的古龙水。

    Yeah , I rubbed the magazine on myself earlier .

  18. 随信还附赠一个特别的小礼物。

    And with the letter went a special gift certificate .

  19. 办一张附赠很多礼品的信用卡。

    Get a credit card with a great sign-up bonus .

  20. 产品还附赠一个山毛榉实木“思考凳”。

    It also comes with a Thought Stool made from solid beech .

  21. 还有一个附赠的做芦笋的碟子。

    There is even ? A bonus disc ? For creating asparagus .

  22. 飞机起飞后,服务人员给我们附赠的饮料。

    The flight attendant gave me a complimentary drink after we took off .

  23. 还附赠杰弗逊舞会的入场券

    They come with a complimentary set of tickets to the Jefferson Ball .

  24. 为了获得新的订户,一些杂志附赠礼品。

    Some magazines give premiums for obtaining new subscriptions .

  25. 你们卖房子还附赠这个吗?

    You 're gonna sell a house with this ?

  26. 附赠锦囊一枚:用胶带盖住摄像头。

    A Bonus : Cover your webcam with tape .

  27. 附赠式有奖销售的法律分析

    Analysis on Legal Issue of the Premium Sales

  28. 附赠商品民事责任研究

    The Civil Responsibility Studies of Additional Donated Commodity

  29. 他们还附赠了这条柠檬黄裤子。

    They threw in these lemon-yellow racing pants .

  30. 正确分担附赠商品致人损害的举证责任。

    Correctly sharing the providing evidence responsibility of the additional donated commodity created harms .