
  1. 供应链战略联盟中的风险因素分析

    Analysis on risk elements in strategic alliance in supply chain

  2. 基于供应链战略联盟的竞争优势研究

    Analysis on Competitive Advantages Based on Supply-chain Strategic Alliances

  3. 跨国公司供应链战略联盟的决策问题研究

    A Study on Decision Problems of Supply Chain Strategic Alliance of the Transnational Corporation

  4. 建立供应链战略联盟;

    Setting up alliance of supply chains ;

  5. 如何快速构建供应链战略联盟是企业成功的核心内容。

    How to construct a strategic alliance of supply chain rapidly is the core content of successful enterprises .

  6. 论文在第四章重点介绍了基于供应链战略联盟融资模式以及搭建信息共享平台思路,分析了该模式中需要考虑的关键因素和一些解决方案。

    Chapter four mainly introduce the financing model based on the supply chain strategic alliance , analyzing the critical factors in the process of information sharing and some solutions .

  7. 文章主要对供应链战略联盟的概念、作用及企业实施供应链战略联盟应该注意的问题进行了阐述。

    In this paper , the supply chain concept of strategic alliance , the role of enterprises and supply chain strategic alliance should pay attention to the problems described .

  8. 供应链战略联盟作为在供应链管理和战略联盟基础上兴起的新的企业合作形式,受到越来越多的关注和应用。

    Strategic alliances in the supply chain as supply chain management and strategic alliances based on the emergence of new forms of cooperation is being noticed and applied more and more .

  9. 本文在相关文献介绍和评价的基础上,分别从国际生产理论、全球价值链理论、核心竞争力理论和全球学习效应理论四个方面解释跨国公司供应链战略联盟的理论基础。

    On the basis of introducing and appraising relevant references , this paper interprets the theoretical bases referring to theories of international production , global value chain , core competence and global learning effect .

  10. 供应链战略联盟是一种新的企业合作模式,构建供应链战略联盟是一项庞大而复杂的系统工程。

    The strategic alliance of supply chain is a kind of new business enterprise mode of cooperation , and so setting up the strategic alliance of supply chain is a huge but complicated system engineering .

  11. 适合产品、价值和知识三种形态整合的组织模式分别是供应链战略联盟、核心企业协调下的网络组织和知识联盟,而在空间形态上产业链整合的组织形式是产业集群。

    According to product , value and knowledge integration , the suitable organization structures are separately strategic alliance of supply chain , netted organization dominated by core enterprise , and knowledge union . The dimensional organizational structure is industrial cluster .

  12. 只有选择合适的服务商,才能更好地为服务供应链战略联盟企业之间建立长期的合作伙伴关系提供服务,它对整条服务供应链链的高效运行起了非常重要的作用。

    Only selecting the appropriate service provider , can better provide services for the supply chain strategic alliances enterprises when they established long-term partnership . It plays a very important role to the efficient and effective operation of the whole chain .

  13. 20世纪80年代以来,供应链战略联盟作为一种新的企业合作模式日益成为跨国公司全球发展战略的重心,是跨国公司提高国际竞争能力,开拓国际市场的主要手段。

    Since 1980s , as a new model of corporation collaboration , supply chain strategic alliance has become an effective way for the transnational corporation to hence the international competence and exploit the international market , and also a necessary choice of the global development .

  14. 在此基础上,结合我国金融体系和资本市场的特点,对融通仓、供应链战略联盟的直接融资模式和民间融资、私募融资的间接融资模式进行了深入研究。

    On the basis of that , this article deeply studies on the direct financing mode of exchange-storage center and supply chain strategic alliance , and the indirect financing mode of civilian financing and private financing combining with financial systems and the characteristic of capital market .

  15. 运用区间数和可能度克服由实数引起的信息丢失,更科学得实现商业供应链中战略联盟的选择。

    The interval number and possibility are supplied to stop information loss which causes by simple numbers , and selecting strategic partner of supply chain is achieved scientifically .

  16. 本文主要对扩展企业,这一供应链上的战略联盟组织加以研究。

    This paper focuses on the study of the Expanded Corporation , which is the strategic alliance of supply chain .

  17. 中山专业镇的产业集群具有一定的规模,具备了集群式供应链库存管理战略联盟形成的基础,因此提出了建立中山专业镇集群式供应链库存管理战略联盟的对策建议。

    Professional Town , Zhongshan has a certain scale industrial clusters , with the cluster supply chain inventory management strategies necessary condition for the formation of alliances , it proposed the establishment of special town Zhongshan cluster supply chain inventory management , strategic alliances countermeasures .

  18. 结果认为G公司的竞争战略有:加大品牌营销力度;加快上市进程,加强融资力度;加强生产供应链管理;组建战略联盟。

    Results showed that G company competition strategy : increase brand marketing dynamics ; Accelerate ipo process , strengthening financing dynamics ; Strengthening production supply chain management ; Form strategic alliances .

  19. 供应链概念的提出要求企业从传统的只注重自身的库存控制转向注重整个供应链的库存控制,建立供应链上企业的战略联盟关系,实现信息共享和协同作业。

    The appearance of supply chain concept request the enterprise which traditionally only pay attention to the inventory control oneself change direction to pay attention to the whole supply chain , build up the strategic alliance relationship in supply chain , carry out the information sharing and work cooperate .