
  • 网络Supply Chain Response Time
  1. 基于核心企业的供应链响应时间结构模型

    Study on Structural Model of Supply Chain Response Time Based on a Focal Enterprise

  2. 在对供应链响应时间进行概念界定的基础上,对供应链响应时间决策过程进行建模研究。

    After exactly defining the supply chain response time , the decision-making process of response time is modeled .

  3. 基于AHP的企业逆向供应链响应时间管理模型构建及对策分析

    To Analyse on Constructing Response Time Managing Moded of the Reverse Supply and Its Countermeasure Chain Based on AHP

  4. 基于瓶颈的BTO供应链响应时间优化与控制研究

    A Bottleneck-based Study of Response Time Optimization and Control in Build-to-order Supply Chain

  5. 基于供应链响应时间的协同计划模型

    Coordinated Planning Model Based on Response Time of Supply Chain

  6. 军事供应链响应时间结构模型研究

    Study on Response Time Structure Model in Military SC

  7. 迅速的供应链响应时间已经成为决定企业生存与否的关键要素。

    Fast response time of the supply chain has become the key elements which makes a system be survival or not .

  8. 通过一个案例证明利用该方法能够准确、有效地确定供应链响应时间的主要构成因素与次要构成因素。

    The method is proved to be correct and effective in determining the major and minor constituent elements by a case analysis .

  9. 接着在对供应链响应时间影响因素进行分析的基础上,提出了缩短供应链响应时间的方法。

    Then , through analyzing those factors that affect supply chain response time , several methods are put forward to shorten supply chain response time .

  10. 首先,在系统分析加盟连锁行业特点基础上,构建了基于缩短供应链响应时间的模型,并详细分析了该模型中的各个时间变量。

    Firstly , based on the system analysis of the characteristics of chain it constructs the shortening chain response time model and analyses the time variables in this model .

  11. 首先,论文针对资源最优配置情况,采用嵌套的混合遗传算法进行优化,并对供应链响应时间瓶颈进行了瓶颈识别。

    Firstly , considering optimization distribution of resources , nested hybrid genetic algorithm is presented to solved the optimization problem and identify the response time bottleneck of supply chain .

  12. 资源(尤其是矿产资源)的稀缺性导致钢铁生产企业的供应链响应时间长,物流周期长,钢铁生产企业物流管理的好坏直接关系到整个企业竞争力的强弱。

    Steel production enterprises ' supply chain has long response time and long cycle . Logistics management of Steel production enterprise has a direct relationship to the whole strength of the competitiveness of enterprises .

  13. 本文把供应链响应时间视为一种重要的可分配资源,力求在供应链节点企业间及节点企业内生产时间和物流时间的合理分配上提供一个有效的协同计划工具。

    The paper treats the response time of supply chain as an assignable resource , and provides an effective approach of coordinated planning , to assign production time and logistic time rationally between the node enterprises of supply chain .

  14. 现今,随着市场竞争的加剧以及市场全球化的影响,时间敏感型需求的客户群体逐渐增大,对于产品的供应链响应时间的要求越来越高,时间正成为新的竞争资源。

    Today , as the market competition and market effects of globalization , time-sensitive needs of client groups increased gradually , the product supply chain response time requirements are much too high , time is becoming the new competitive resource .

  15. 供应链网络响应时间的一种模拟算法

    Simulation Model for Calculating Response Time of Supply Chain Network

  16. 借助最优生产技术和价值分析,提出了敏捷物流运作的一般原理:供应链整体响应时间的压缩。

    Recur to optimum production technology and value chain analysis , the total response time shortening of supply chain as general principle of agile logistics operation is put forward .

  17. 供应链网络响应时间是供应链网络绩效评估的重要指标,现有的计算方法在反映供应链网络整体响应水平、网络随机性等方面尚存在不足。

    The response time of a supply chain network is an important criterion for supply chain assessment . However , the existing approaches to calculating the response time can hardly describe the behavior of the whole network .

  18. 再次,针对在直线式供应链结构中企业订单响应时间与费用成一定的比例关系,研究了供应链响应时间在一定时间范围内实现供应链整体费用最小时的瓶颈环节。

    Thirdly , in supply chain with linear structure , the order response time of every member enterprise has a proportion relationship with cost . How to make the total cost of supply chain least within certain time range is studied .

  19. 最后构建了信息协调型供应链模型,以实现基于响应时间下的供应链运作。(2)时间敏感型需求下的供应链响应时间决策模型及其决策分析。

    At last Information Harmonized Supply Chain ( IHSC ) is modeled to realize the operation of supply chain based on response time . ( 2 ) Decision model of supply chain response time and decision analysis under time-sensitive demand .

  20. 以一个两阶段的供应链系统为背景,研究了价格对时间敏感时的MTO供应链的响应时间决策问题。

    The decision problem of SC response time is studied while price is time-sensitive .