
  • 网络Supply Chain/Logistics;Supply Chain Logistics;supply chain logistics management;Supply Chain & Logistics Management
  1. RFID在供应链物流管理中的应用研究

    The Application Research of RFID in Supply Chain Logistics Management

  2. 因此,对再制造供应链物流管理的研究是提高企业运作绩效的基础和前提条件。

    So research manufacturing supply chain logistics management is basis and prerequisite conditions to improve the performance of business operations .

  3. 供应链物流管理的出现,正迎合了这些要求。

    The appearance of supply-chain-logistics management just cater for these request .

  4. 实施供应链物流管理,降低产品总成本。

    Implementing supply chain management to reduce sum cost of products .

  5. 零售业供应链物流管理初探

    The search of retail trade supplies chain & physical distribution of management

  6. 一体化供应链物流管理可以极大地降低全社会的交易成本。

    Supply chain management can lower the transaction cost .

  7. 基于价值链的企业集成供应链物流管理

    Value-chain Based Enterprise Integrated Supply-chain Logistics Management Research

  8. 竞争力导向的营销供应链物流管理战略过程研究

    Study on Strategic Process of Logistics Management in Distribution Supply Chain Lead to Competitiveness

  9. 最后对我国纸包装印刷企业供应链物流管理的实现问题进行了分析。

    Finally , analyzed the realization of supply-chain-logistics management in our paper packaging printing enterprises .

  10. 浅谈供应链物流管理

    Logistics Management on Supply Chain

  11. 介绍了上海国营商业第三方物流企业经理从传统的单一功能服务以及物流多功能服务的历程,目前正在探索走向供应链物流管理的道路。

    The author explains the process that how the state-owned3rd part logistic enterprise manages to multifunctional logistic service from the traditional style of mono-functional service .

  12. 物流绩效评价章节,论文提出了供应链物流管理的绩效评价指标,以及可以进行相应评价的模糊综合评价方法。

    In the chapter of performance evaluate , the thesis proposes the index of green supply chain logistics management and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method .

  13. 通过这七个子系统,把企业内部以及节点企业之间的各种业务看作一个整体功能过程,形成了集成化供应链物流管理体系。

    By the seven subsystems , businesses in and outside the enterprise form an overall organic function and thus an integrated logistics management system under supply chain comes into the world .

  14. 本文通过对零售业供应链物流管理内涵的分析,探讨了我国家电零售企业构建物流运作模式的思路。

    This article through supplies the chain physical distribution management connotation to the retail trade the analysis , has discussed Our country Electrical appliances Retail sales Enterprise construction physical distribution operation pattern mentality .

  15. 现代企业自营物流已不是传统企业的物流作业功能的自我服务,它是基于供应链物流管理以制造企业为核心的经营管理新概念。

    Modern corporation own-running logistics are not only a self-service of traditional logistic function , but also a new management concept based on the supply chain logistics management regarding manufacturing enterprises as the core from view-point .

  16. 集装箱多式联运的发展不仅为腹地经济和贸易的发展起到支撑和服务作用,同时也是应对国际金融危机的迫切需要,成为供应链物流管理一体化发展下的必然要求。

    The development of intermodal can not only support and service economic for the hinterland , but also prove to be the urgent necessary for international financial crisis under the integration of supply chain logistics management .

  17. 其次,提出了基于一体化供应链物流管理的物流战略规划和供应物流管理、生产物流管理、销售物流管理以及信息管理的解决策略。

    Secondly , he gave the logistics strategic planning based on the integrated supply chain logistics management , also demonstrated the solution strategy about supply logistics management , production logistics management , sale logistics management and information management .

  18. 但是,目前在精益供应链物流管理方面的基础理论研究薄弱以及应用环境的限制,造就了企业低的生产效率和高的运营成本,严重制约了企业的竞争力。

    For the lack of basic theoretical research and application environment at present in lean supply chain logistics management , enterprises are operated with low production efficiency and high operation cost , and their competitive powers are restricted seriously .

  19. 本文旨在为包装印刷企业的物流管理提供某些借鉴,以推动企业从战略的高度,来推进供应链物流管理模式的成功应用。

    The paper applied itself to provide some use of reference for paper packaging printing enterprises about their logistics management , to promote the enterprises , in the strategy high , moving forward the successful application of the supply-chain logistics management .

  20. 为了提供高水平的医药物流服务,提高企业的市场竞争力,越来越多的医药物流企业通过资源整合、信息共享、组织与流程集成等手段力求实现集成化供应链物流管理。

    In order to provide high level of pharmaceutical logistics services and improve the competitiveness of the enterprise , more and more pharmaceutical logistics companies try to realize the logistics management based on integrated supply chain through resource integration and information sharing .

  21. 因此,为了即时处理网络商店经营者的服务需求,在最短时间内完成电子商务后端实体配送的相关服务,研究电子商务下供应链物流管理及其规模效益问题势在必行。

    So in order to dispose the service demand of network shop operator , we may finish the back end serve of the E-Commerce logistics in best time , it is imperative under the situation to investigate the management of logistics and its questions of the scale benefit .

  22. 研究了一种采用ASP技术,支持动态联盟敏捷供应链的物流管理信息平台的设计实现;

    The design and realization of logistics management information platform using ASP technology to support dynamic alliance agile supply chain are studied .

  23. 论文从供应链物流成本管理体系的构建、先进物流成本管理理念的引入、先进物流成本管理方法的运用三个方面对HL公司物流成本管理的优化提出了具体的实施建议。

    At last , this paper gives specific suggestions of the optimization of logistics cost control for HL company in the formation of supply chain logistics cost control system , the introduction of advanced logistics cost control concept and advanced logistics cost control method .

  24. 供应链与物流管理的基本理论。

    The basic theories of supply chain management and logistics management .

  25. 对供应链和物流管理在国内的发展现状进行了分析。

    The development of logistics and supply chain management in China are analyzed .

  26. 基于敏捷供应链的物流管理信息平台的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Logistics Management Information Platform Based on Agile Supply Chains

  27. 供应链绿色物流管理策略

    On Green Logistics Management of Supply Chain

  28. 辽宁省盘锦鼎翔集团基于供应链的物流管理信息系统研究

    A Study of Logistics Management Information System under Supply Chain in Dingxiang Group Corporation of Liaoning Province

  29. 接着分析了汽车零部件采购供应链的物流管理及信息系统应用现状。

    And then the paper analyzed the current application situation of the auto parts supply chain logistics management and information system .

  30. 笔者提出的基于供应链的物流管理实践将为我国钢铁行业现代物流的发展提供有意义的借鉴。

    The proposed logistics management based on the supply chain will provide the reference for the logistics development of Chinese steel industry .