
zhēn chá shí yàn
  • Investigation Experiment;investigative test
  1. 侦查实验是实验在侦查领域中的运用。

    Investigative experiment means the application of experiment in the investigative territory .

  2. 可以说侦查实验对于整个刑事诉讼而言都起着非常重要的作用。

    Say for the entire criminal lawsuit investigative experiments concerned plays a very important role .

  3. 但是,我国无论是理论界还是司法界,对侦查实验都关注的较少。

    But , our country whether theorists or judicial investigative experiments , the concern for less .

  4. 侦查实验相关问题探讨

    Exploration on spy experiment

  5. 侦查实验结果具有证据的属性,其证明价值要结合个案情况具体分析。

    Investigative experiment results have evidential characteristics , and the probative value of the results should be analyzed in specific case .

  6. 这些方法主要有现场勘查、调查访问、侦查实验和司法鉴定。

    These methods mainly have the scene to investigate , the investigation visit , the detection experiment and the expert evidence .

  7. 侦查实验是我国刑诉法规定的一项侦查措施,在侦查破案以至整个刑事诉讼过程中发挥着其他侦查措施难以替代的重要作用。

    Investigative experiment is an important litigant measure prescribed in criminal procedure law , and plays a special role in the whole course of criminal justice .

  8. 世界主要法治国家也有关于侦查实验的相关研究和规定,以保证侦查实验的顺利、依法进行,保证侦查实验结论作用的发挥。

    The world each country are about the investigative experiments related research and provisions to ensure the smooth , investigative experiments in accordance with law , guarantee the investigative experiments conclusion function display .

  9. 辩护律师申请调查取证的证据种类主要是书证、证人证言,勘验、检查、辨认、侦查实验等笔录和物证。

    The main categories of defense lawyers ' investigation and evidence collection are transcripts and evidence such as documentary evidence , testimony of witnesses , inspection , examination , identification and investigative experiments .

  10. 核侦查实验通常会由向联合国这样的组织完成,监控各国核动态,如是否生产高浓缩铀,是否遵守有关大规模杀伤性武器的国际条约。

    Nuclear investigative testing is used by agencies such as the United Nations to monitor countries ' nuclear activities such as the production of enriched uranium and their compliance with international agreements on weapons of mass destruction .

  11. 在机制上合理定位兼职实验教师并调动他们的积极性、创造性,这将是侦查学实验教学中必须引以重视的重点问题。

    The crucial question that must be taken seriously in this subject is how to orientate part-time teachers properly and bring their enthusiasm and creativeness into full play .

  12. 侦查学是一门实践性很强的应用型学科,侦查学实验是侦查学必不可少的组成部分。

    The criminal investigation experiments are the indispensable part of the course of criminal investigation .

  13. 关于侦查权的范围,我国《刑事诉讼法》列举的侦查权遗漏了询问被害人、侦查实验、辨认、查询冻结、秘密侦查等项;强制措施具有侦查的性质,预审也同样具有侦查的性质。

    About the scope of investigative power , There are not questioning victims , identify , inquiry and freeze , clandestine investigation on investigative authority listed in The Criminal Procedure of China .