
zhēn chá yuán
  • investigator
  1. 身为首席侦查员,你在一周前就在镇子里有一个怀疑对象。

    As the chief investigator , you have a suspect who was in town a week ago .

  2. 其中,经验丰富的侦查员杨子荣(张涵予饰)主动请缨去土匪窝中担任卧底。

    Seasoned investigator Yang Zirong ( Zhang Hanyu ) volunteered to go undercover in the bandits ' lair .

  3. 美国侦查员已经拿到了嫌疑人的名单,正在试图通过数据库追踪嫌犯信息。美国众议院情报委员会主席MikeMcCaul说。

    In the United States , investigators have been given the suspects ' names and are running them through databases , according to Rep. Mike McCaul , chairman of the House Intelligence Committee .

  4. 好莱坞的侦查员报告指出那位女演员已经订婚了。

    Hollywood observers reported that the actress was engaged .

  5. 那好你会需要一个侦查员的

    Well , you 'll be needing a scout .

  6. 我们的侦查员成功了,你也别失败,上校。

    Our scout has succeeded where you appear to be failing , Captain .

  7. 论侦查员的核心预审业务能力

    On the Core Precognition Ability of the Investigators

  8. 我们的侦查员在篱笆后面偷看查出警卫巡逻的模式。

    Our scout surveyed the guard 's patrol pattern by watching through the fence .

  9. 我们派去的侦查员说有几个警卫在大楼附近巡逻,包括一个少尉。

    The scout we sent noted several guards patrolling around the building , Including a lieutenant .

  10. 利用他们的直觉和经验,侦查员的直觉和经验,挑选球员,

    and use their instinct and experience , the scouts'instincts and experience , to pick players ,

  11. 依据一个由棒球侦查员组成的系统,

    and they went from a system that was based on baseball scouts who used to go out

  12. 当一个人死于户外时,到现场的第一批侦查员通常都是亮亮的绿头苍蝇。

    When someone dies outdoors , the first investigators on the scene are usually bright greenbottle blowflies .

  13. 人民侦查员制度探析&我国警察权滥用的监督机制的构建

    An Analysis on Investigation Person System & construction of supervision mechanism to police right abusing of our country

  14. 侦查员发现在屋顶的东边可以清楚的看到火箭。

    The scout was then able to clearly observe the rocket from the eastern side of the roof .

  15. 美国派遣了军事专家,刑事侦查员和人质谈判专家帮助寻找女孩。

    The United States is sending military experts , criminal investigators and hostage negotiators to help find the girls .

  16. 我们的侦查员提到他是从墙爬过去到洗衣间的后面,就可以进到那个区域。

    Our scout noted that he approached the area by climbing over a wall to the rear of the Laundry .

  17. 依据一个由棒球侦查员组成的系统,频繁地观察他们球员的表现,

    and they went from a system that was based on baseball scouts who used to go out and watch players

  18. 他们频繁的观察球员的表现,利用他们的直觉和经验,侦查员的直觉和经验,挑选球员,

    and watch players and use their instinct and experience , the scouts ' instincts and experience , to pick players ,

  19. 系统功能覆盖包括侦查员、业务主管领导和情报信息工作人员在内的各类经侦民警的业务工作需求。

    And the system functions cover investigators , business executives and business needs of all kinds of economic police including information staffs .

  20. 电影主角(杨子荣)是一个有勇有谋、经验丰富的侦查员,为了保护当地村民的安全,他不惜将自己置于险境。

    The protagonist is both a courageous and resourceful man who places himself at risk in order to protect the local villagers .

  21. 他们就像20年前的棒球侦查员,他们凭本能和经验试着去判断某个人制造的危险。

    They 're like the baseball scouts 20 years ago who were using their instinct and their experience to try to decide what risk someone poses .

  22. 主办侦查员制度的完善、管理之初探如果委员们拿不准,叫他们回头查阅最初议定的规章制度。

    Research on the Improvement and Management of Host-scouted System ; If the committee members are uncertain , refer them back to the rules originally agreed upon .

  23. 是你犯了罪,但面对这一切却是我:警察、侦查员、验伤、讯问和文件档案。

    You are the one who committed a crime , yet I am the one who has faced police officers , detectives , medical exams , questioning and paperwork .

  24. 最后一章,作者将给出结论以及一些建议,即在讯问中侦查员需要注意哪些方面,以及在讯问过程中还可以采取哪些辅助措施。

    In last chapter , conclusions are given as well as suggestions , such as what aspects of interrogation language the police should pay attention to in the course of interrogation , and what other things can be done to assist during interrogation .

  25. 华盛顿大学警察局侦查员道格·舒尔茨少尉表示,这些今年夏天在华盛顿大学学习的中国学生被告知,通过中间人代缴11340美元的夏季学费,可以节省5%,约600美元。

    The Chinese students , all studying at the UW in Seattle this summer , were told they could save 5 percent - about $ 600 - off the $ 11340 cost of summer tuition by paying an intermediary , said UW Police investigator Lt. Doug Schulz .

  26. 侦查信息化是侦查现代化的重要基础,数字化侦查员是侦查现代化的具体目标。

    Investigational Informatization acts as the important base of investigational modernization and " digitalized investigator " is the concrete objective of investigational modernization .

  27. 由于侦查破案工作的特殊性,侦查推理成为侦查员完成侦查破案任务的主要思维方式。

    Because of the particularity of the detective work , investigation reasoning has become the main thinking way of the investigators in fulfillment of their duty .

  28. 刑事侦查需要国家投入必要的成本,秘密侦查的功能在于通过获取准确可靠的信息保障侦查员正确决策,避免盲目投入,把握刑事侦查的主动权,从而促进侦查效益的提高。

    In criminal investigations necessary cost must be expended , the function of secret criminal investigation is that detective can determine rightly by collecting information , and then the waste of cost can be avoided .