
  1. 瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的教师队伍国际化程度最高,而俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学管理学院(St.PetersburgStateUniversity,GraduateSchoolofManagement)的教师则全部为俄罗斯人。

    IMd , also in Switzerland , has the most internationally diverse faculty , while St Petersburg Graduate School of Management 's faculty is all Russian .

  2. 俄罗斯国立研究大学(NationalResearchUniversity)的阿列克谢•马斯洛夫(AlexeyMaslov)指出,这些会晤取得了实质性成果,与此前那种“没有经济内容的政治装点”形成鲜明对照。

    These meetings have yielded tangible results , notes Alexey Maslov at Moscow 's National Research University , contrasting it with the previous pattern of " political decoration without economic content . "

  3. 俄罗斯的国立大学、企业与国家新三位一体的矛盾分析

    Analysis of the Contradictions among the New Trinity of National Universities , Enterprises in Russia and the Country

  4. 1995年俄罗斯国立医学大学的生物物理学家认为,眼球的晶状体细胞膜被自由基逐渐氧化是老年性白内障的主要病因。

    In1995 , the biophysicists from Russian State University for the Medicine held that the gradual oxidization caused by free radicals to lens cell membrane was the main cause for senile cataract .

  5. 在同属“金砖四国”的俄罗斯,圣彼得堡国立大学(stpetersburgstateuniversity)管理学院院长瓦列里卡季卡洛(valerykatkalo)说,mba也没有以前那么吃香了。

    In the fourth BRIC country , Russia , the MBA also takes a back seat , says Valery katkalo , Dean of the Graduate School of management at St Petersburg State University .

  6. 俄罗斯远东国立技术大学建筑学院设计实践

    Design Practice of Architectural Institute of Far Eastern State Technical University

  7. 俄罗斯国立鲍曼技术大学成立于1830年,是世界知名的工程大学。

    Bauman Moscow State Technical University ( BMSTU ) founded in1830 is a leading engineering university of Russia as well as well known over the world .