
  1. 西汉前期西北民族研究

    Studies on Northwest Nationalities of Pre-western Han Dynasty in China

  2. 蒙古国的社会经济发展与中蒙关系●潘乃谷马戎根锁西北民族研究1997年第1期(总第20期)【内容提要】蒙古是我国邻国,与我国有着密切的历史关系。

    As our neighbour , Mongolia has a very close historical relationship with our country .

  3. 20年来明代西北民族史研究综述

    20 Years ' Study on Northwest National History in the Ming Dynasty

  4. 西北少数民族教育研究20年

    Twenty Years of Study on Education for Ethnic Minorities in the Northwest

  5. 清代西北边疆民族史研究四题

    A Study of Ethnic Minority History on Four Topics concerning the Northwestern Frontier in the Qing Dynasty

  6. 西北少数民族文艺理论研究刍议

    A Discussion on Theory of Literature and Art of Northwest Ethnic Minorities

  7. 西北民族地区城市发展研究

    On the Strategy of the Development of the Cities in Northwest Minorities Areas

  8. 20多年来,西北少数民族教育发展研究经历了起步、发展、繁荣三个阶段,取得了丰硕的研究成果,对进一步促进西部少数民族教育研究工作具有重要意义。

    Over 20 years , the Research Center for the Educational Development of Minorities has gone through three stages of beginning , developing and flourishing with abundant achievements in research . It is of great significance to the further promotion of education for ethnic minorities in the western regions .

  9. 21世纪,中国少数民族文艺理论研究取得了一定的成果,但也面临着巨大的挑战,西北少数民族文艺理论研究尤其如此。

    In 21st century , the studies on the theory of literature and art of ethnic minorities in China have obtained some achievements , at the same time ; we have to challenge , especially in the studies of theory of literature and art of northwest ethnic minorities in China .