
  • 网络Li Guang;Kuang Li
  1. 李广的悲剧与意外后果

    Li Guang 's Tragedy and the " Unexpected Consequence "

  2. 从汉匈战争中认识真实的李广

    Recognizing True Liguang from the War between Han and Hun The Wide Han

  3. 如李广射虎的故事就是用心之箭去射石头无所不为无所畏惧无所不能;

    Li projectiles such as the tiger is the heart of the story of the stone arrow shot stop at nothing to fear anything ;

  4. 公元前119年,大将军卫青卷人一次有争议的战争,这次战争导致另一位名将李广去世。

    In 119 B. C. , Wei , as the Grand Commander of the armed forces , was involved in a controversial battle leading to the death of another famous general , Li Guang .

  5. 李广虽然身居高位,统领千军万马,而且是保卫国家的功臣,但他一点也不居功自傲。

    However , he did not claim credit for himself and become arrogant , although he held a high post , commanding a big army , and had rendered outstanding service in defending the county .

  6. 这时,李广将军和他的将士决定用更明智的办法将费尔干纳围困,目前还没有一个合适的方案,但是在汉朝军营的附近真的发现有间谍存在。

    Li Kuang Lee and his generals decided that the proposal would be wiser to take Farghana , since the outcome of the siege is unclear , but the near by camp , they really were spotted kangyuy spies .

  7. 公元前129年,匈奴进攻上谷(大概在今河北张家口),汉武帝派车骑将军卫青、公孙敖、公孙贺和李广各领1万人马出击匈奴。

    In 129 B. C. , when Xiongnu attacked the Commandery of Shanggu ( roughly modern Zhangjiakou , Hebei ) , Emperor Wu dispatched Wei Qing ( with the title General Cheqi ) , Gongsun Ao , Gongsun He and Li Guang against Xiongnu , each leading 10000 men .