
  • 网络Protection organization;conservation organization;WWF;protective tissue;NGO;NAPPO
  1. 具有次生结构,次生保护组织为周皮。

    It had secondary structure and the secondary protective tissue was periderm .

  2. 同时说明,对橡胶树自身来说,乳管可能是与机械损伤相联系的一种保护组织,而乳管的形成和功能,能够被包括乙烯和茉莉酸在内的伤害信号高度地调节。

    It is shown that for rubber tree itself the laticifer might act as a protective tissue associated with mechanical wounding and its formation and function would be highly regulated by wound signals including ethylene and jasmonates .

  3. 这些措施得到环境保护组织的大力支持。

    These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups .

  4. 环境保护组织计划在会议期间组织公众抗议活动。

    Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference .

  5. 环境保护组织称目前并未采取任何行动处理这个问题。

    Ecological groups say that nothing is being done to tackle the problem .

  6. 世界动物保护组织(WAP)称,全世界有多达55万只野生动物正受到虐待;比如,柬埔寨的报道就称大象会因为在炎热天气载客时间过长而死亡。

    The World Animal Protection ( WAP ) says that up to 550,000 wild animals are exposedto ill treatment around the world ; in Cambodia , for example , it 's been reported that elephants have died after carrying tourists for long in hot weather .

  7. 如今,作为长城保护组织国际长城之友(InternationalFriendsoftheGreatWall)的创始人,林赛每天的工作就是徒步爬长城、做研究、摄影以及谈论长城。

    He now spends his days hiking , researching , photographing and talking about the Great Wall , as the founder of a conservation group called International Friends of the Great Wall .

  8. 1990年,该银行与一家国际生物保护组织“世界自然基金会”(WorldWildlifeFund)建立了名为“绿色信托”(TheGreenTrust)的合作关系,一直持续至今。

    In1990 , the bank established a partnership with the World Wildlife Fund , an international conservation group , known as The Green Trust , which continues to this day .

  9. 目的:谷胱甘肽(GSH)是机体内保护组织细胞免受自由基损伤的一种主要抗氧化剂。

    Purpose : Glutathione ( GSH ) is a major antioxidant which protects tissues from free radical injury .

  10. 他又说到经费是个问题,并提议将JUGUSA作为一个保护组织。

    Again he argued that the fee is an issue and spoke about the proposition for a JUG USA as an umbrella organization .

  11. 位于市中心的这座艺术中心已经雇了一只名为FullFlight的保护组织在未来六周循环将两只食肉鸟拴在屋顶以赶走鹦鹉。

    The arts centre in the city centre has hired a conservation group called Full Flight to periodically tether two birds of prey to the building 's roof over the next six weeks to deter the cockatoos .

  12. 包括IFAW、世界野生动物基金会(WorldWildlifeFund)和绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)在内的野生动物保护组织无法立即提供相关数据,且走私掩盖了实际的贸易数额。

    Wildlife groups including the IFAW , the World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace didn 't have data immediately available , and smuggling masks actual trade trends .

  13. LadyGaga上周还身穿“肉制比基尼”登上日本《时尚先生》封面,这招致了动物权利保护组织的批评。

    Meanwhile , last week Lady Gaga appeared on the cover of Japanese Men 's Vogue wearing a meat bikini and attracting criticism from animal rights groups .

  14. •另一份电子邮件讨论显示,2009年可口可乐(Coca-Cola)曾请Stratfor搜集动物保护组织“善待动物组织”(PeoplefortheEthicalTreatmentofAnimals,简称PETA)的情报。

    • Coca-Cola ( KO ) in 2009 asked Stratfor to gather information on the animal-rights group people for the ethical treatment of animals , according to another purported email discussion .

  15. 但是,亚齐森林自然环境保护组织的会长法维扎·法尔汉接受BBC采访时表示,这位奥斯卡获奖演员没有做错任何事情。

    But Farwiza Farhan , chairperson of the group Forest , Nature and Environment of Aceh , told BBC Indonesia that the Oscar-winning actor had done nothing wrong .

  16. IL-22的生物学功能包括提高机体抵抗微生物入侵、保护组织抵御损伤以及修复非免疫系统组织等。

    IL-22 functions by promoting the anti-microbial defense , protecting against damage , and re-organizing non-immune tissues .

  17. 过去曾一直被认为是破坏细胞呼吸作用的有害物质的一氧化碳,目前的研究指出,一氧化碳(CO)是一个重要的信号分子,它能在损伤诱导的各种机体应激中起保护组织的作用。

    Carbon monoxide ( CO ) is usually regarded as a toxic species that disrupts cellular respiration . However , recently , CO has been shown to be an important signaling molecule and protects tissues against injuries induced by several types of stress .

  18. 很多德国人对中国公司收购德国著名科技公司非常担心,德国投资者保护组织SdK的发言人丹尼尔•鲍尔(DanielBauer)说。

    A lot of people in Germany have massive concerns about Chinese companies taking over leading tech companies , said Daniel Bauer , a spokesman for SdK , a German investor-protection group .

  19. 我们在当地环境保护组织YEL经营的经济旅社中歇了歇脚。

    We dropped our bags off at the Eco-Lodge run by the local conservation group YEL .

  20. 本周,国际自然保护组织Plantlife发出了这一警告。

    The warning comes from international conservation group Plantlife this week .

  21. IPPC秘书处同成员国政府和区域植物保护组织磋商决定制定标准的优先领域并且协调标准的制定过程。

    The IPPC Secretariat , in consultation with member governments and RPPOs , defines priorities FOR standard setting and coordinates their elaboration .

  22. 设在美国的环保运动团体国际自然保护组织的生态学家、自然保护优先事项主任WillTurner说:“一条清晰的信息就是,我们让生态系统退化是自食其果”。

    Will Turner , an ecologist and director of conservation priorities at Conservation International , a US-based campaign group , said : " The clear message is that we degrade ecosystems at our own peril " .

  23. PETA动物保护组织于本周二致信布什,希望他能将这两只火鸡送往动物收容所。

    But in a letter to Bush on Tuesday , the animal rights group PETA called on the president to send the turkeys to an animal sanctuary instead .

  24. 来自世界自然基金会保护组织的GillyLlewellyn说到,有很多可能破坏珊瑚海生态系统的原因,污染和石油及天然气钻取也在其中。

    Gilly Llewellyn , from the conservation organization WWF , says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the Coral Sea 's ecosystem .

  25. 而来自名为环境整合计划的非盈利性保护组织的一项最新报告的显示,地表水层在靠近TVA燃煤火力发电厂附近地区会被含有有毒物质的蒸汽所污染。

    A new report from a non-profit advocacy organization called the Environmental Integrity Project shows that the groundwater near TVA coal-fired power plants is contaminated with a toxic stew of elements .

  26. 为了解决在保护组织的竞争知识和隐私信息的同时支持business-to-business(B2B)商业合作这一问题,过去研究的重点主要着重于定制的外部和内部流程设计以及整合的工作流结构的正确性这些方面。

    To address the issue of protecting organizations ' competitive knowledge and private information while also enabling business-to-business ( B2B ) collaboration , past research has mainly focused on customized public and private process design and structural correctness of the integrated workflow .

  27. 今年夏天,数名来自动物权益保护组织——善待动物组织(PETA)的成员,潜入一家为爱马仕提供鳄鱼皮的‘短吻鳄工厂’做卧底,将这些鳄鱼所处的极糟糕的环境曝光。

    This summer , members of the animal rights group PETA went undercover at an ' alligator factory ' that provides skins for Hermes , exposing that the creatures were kept in terrible conditions .

  28. 环境保护组织绿色和平(Greenpeace)的交通运输分析师丹尼尔·莫泽(DanielMoser)表示,在德国,柴油税费更低,其差额总计相当于给所有柴油车车主提供了每年高达70亿欧元的补贴。

    In Germany , the lower taxes on diesel fuel amount to an annual subsidy of 7 billion euros , or about $ 7.8 billion , for diesel owners , said Daniel Moser , a transportation analyst for the environmental group Greenpeace .

  29. 北美植物保护组织(NAPPO),包括加拿大、墨西哥和美国,也已接受辐照作为新鲜水果和蔬菜的检疫处理方法。

    The North American Plant Protection Organization ( NAPPO ) which in-eludes Canada , Mexico and the U.S.A.has also accepted irradiation as a quarantine treatment of fresh fruits and vegetables .

  30. 投资者保护组织存在三种模式。

    There are three modes of investor protection organization in the world .