
fēn shēnɡ zǔ zhī
  • meristem;meristematic tissue
  1. FollowinglocusT(FT)基因在拟南芥和瓜类等植物中被证明为成花素类物质,决定着开花时间,可激活花分生组织特征基因,诱导植物开花。

    Following locus T ( FT ) gene as a " florigen ", one of the flowering-time genes , can activate floral meristem feature genes and induce flowering .

  2. PI在转基因植株的花序分生组织和时期2的花中均有表达,随着花的进一步发育,PI的转录水平较野生型明显提高。

    PI was expressed in the floral meristem and stage 2 flower of pAP1 : IPT4 transgenic plants , and the PI mRNA level increased along with subsequently flower development .

  3. 这两个生长过程涉及不同的分生组织。

    These two growth processes involve different meristems .

  4. 以小麦根尖分生组织细胞核及染色体制备高分子量DNA

    High Molecular Weight DNA Preparation from Nuclei or Chromosomes of Root Meristem of Wheat

  5. 1启动期(0~3d),根尖分生组织细胞、中柱鞘细胞起动分裂。

    Root meristematic cells and pericyclic cells first divided .

  6. GA3能促进茶树腋芽内分生组织中的细胞分裂,引起芽的萌发。

    GAs can promote cell division , accelerate germination .

  7. 1以东方百合品鳞片为外植体,采用MS培养基和不同外源激素配比,进行组织培养,研究其茎尖分生组织分化。

    Meristem culture of Oriental Hybrid Lily through its scales was studied in MS medium with different external hormone treatments .

  8. LEAFY同源基因是高等植物花的分生组织分化的重要调节基因。

    LEAFY is an important regulator of floral meristems genes in higher plants .

  9. TCP家族转录因子是植物所特有的转录因子家族,它主要在分生组织中起作用,与细胞分化和生长有很大联系。

    TCP family is a transcription factor family which particularly exists in plant genome . It mostly works in meristem and has great relationship with cell differentiation and cell growth .

  10. 拟南芥LAS基因是GRAS基因家族的成员之一,在植物的腋生分生组织的分化中具有重要地位。

    Arabidopsis LAS , a member of the GRAS family , has an important role in the initiation of axillary meristems .

  11. 本文研究了芦苇(Phragmitescommunis)幼苗根尖分生组织细胞的染色体数目和形态。

    Chromosome number and morphology in meristematic cells of root tips from seedling of phragmites communis were studies .

  12. 用冷冻断裂法在扫描电镜下研究了洋葱(Alliumcepa)根端分生组织细胞内部的三维结构。

    Three-dimensional structures of meristematic cells of Allium cepa were studied using fre - eze-fracture method under the scanning electron microscope .

  13. 体细胞胚经过球形胚、心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶胚而发育成再生植株,子叶期体细胞胚可观察到明显的V型维管束、茎尖分生组织以及根尖分生组织。

    Plantlet regenerations were developed from global embryo , heart-shaped embryo , torpedo-shaped embryo and cotyledon embryo , in which the V-shaped vessel vascular bundles and shoot tip meristem and root tip meristem were observed .

  14. 本试验在小麦生长锥伸长期和小花突起期,在小麦茎间下居间分生组织中注射外源DNA,受体小麦当代出现供体小麦的性状。

    Exogenous DNA was injected into the intercalary meristem at stages from elongating of apical cones to differentiation of floret apex of winter wheat . In this generation ( H_0 ), the plants of acceptors appeared the characters of donors .

  15. 花分生组织决定基因AP1转化矮牵牛的研究

    Studies on Petunia hybrida Transformed with Flower_meristem_identity Gene AP1

  16. SNB在所检测的所有组织中都表达,但在新长出的小穗分生组织中表达特别强。

    SNB is expressed in all the examined tissues , but most strongly in the newly emerging spikelet meristems .

  17. 我们之前已经报道过SNB(多颖壳)基因,它调控着水稻小穗分生组织向花分生组织的转变。

    We previously reported that SUPERNUMERARY BRACT ( SNB ) regulates the transition of spikelet meristems into floral meristems in rice .

  18. 实验证实,西葫芦185品系植株衰老进程的发生与顶端分生组织和叶肉细胞中发生PCD密切相关。

    These results indicate that the initiation of senescence process in pumpkin stain 185 plants is closely related to the death of cells in apical meristem and mesophyll .

  19. RNA和DNA的含量在根尖0.5至1.5毫米区最高,而核酸在组织内的相对含量在根的分生组织区也最高。

    The RNA and DNA contents determined were maximum at distances between 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm from the tip of the root , whereas the relative content of nucleic acid in the tissue was maximum at the meristem of the root .

  20. 运用Bernhard染色方法研究了小麦根端分生组织细胞核仁在细胞周期中的变化。

    The changes of the nucleolus during cell cycle in Triticum aestivum were studied by Bernhard staining method .

  21. 目前已知SHR是与根辐射形态直接相关的重要调控因子,同时也参与维持根尖分生组织的活性。

    The SHORT-ROOT ( SHR ) gene , first cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana , is a key regulator not only in root radial patterning but also in root meristem maintenance .

  22. 玉米芽尖分生组织培养过程中,酚类物质的产生与培养芽尖的基因型背景明显相关,培养基的pH值过低或过高均会加剧芽尖的酚类物质产生。

    In the process of shoot-tip meristem culture of the maize in vitro , phenols produced by the culture shoot tips were apparently related to the genotype of the maize , and they would be intensified by lower ( or higher ) pH value of the medium .

  23. 在双目实体显微镜下,分别切取含有生长锥及1、2、3和4个叶原基的茎尖分生组织嫁接到黄化砧木上,以获得茎尖微芽嫁接苗,用PCR进行黄龙病分子检测。

    With the binoculars and stereoscopic microscope , the meristem of shoot-tips containing growing cone and 1,2,3 or 4 leaf primordia separately were grafted on etiolated rootstocks to obtain shoot-tip grafted plantlets . And the pathogen of Citrus Yellow Shoot was determined by PCR technique .

  24. 在开花这一过程中,植物顶端分生组织从细胞内部的代谢途径到外部表型都会发生一系列程序化的变化,而MADS-box等基因在其中担当着重要的作用。

    Plant apical meristem is changing from the endogenous metabolic pathways to external phenotype of this transition . And the MADS-box genes have important roles in it .

  25. 在乳管分化初期,乳管细胞中不存在具有特殊结构的F-w复合体,只有许多与分生组织中的原质体相同的质体。

    There were no F-W complexes but normal proplastids in laticifer at the initial stage of its development .

  26. 我们推测含有非典型HD的类WUS蛋白可能也参与到水稻根分生组织干细胞的维持与分化过程中。

    We speculated that a WUS-type atypical HD protein might also be involved in the specification and maintenance of the root apical meristem ( RAM ) stem cells of rice .

  27. 人们对拟南芥(Arabidopsisthaliana)花分生组织特征基因和花器官特征基因的功能以及光、温度等环境因素对花发育的调控作用已有较深入的研究。

    The functions of Arabidopsis thaliana floral meristem identity genes and floral organ identity genes have been well studied , and some environmental factors such as light and temperature were implicated in floral development modulation .

  28. 扫描电镜和石蜡切片观察发现,CAPC转基因系花序茎顶端分生组织(SAM)与同时期cpd突变体和野生型相比面积增大,顶端隆起,细胞总数增多,发育加快。

    Scanning electron microscope and paraffin section observation showed that the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) of the CAPC lines enlarged and projected with increased cell number . 4 .

  29. 将棉花种仁无菌培养40~60h,制备茎尖分生组织,培养在无激素MSB培养基上,直接再生完整植株。

    The apical meristems were excised from the seedlings of 40 ~ 60 hours and cultured on the MSB medium without / with hormone or active charcoal .

  30. 本文我们分离到了一个控制小穗分生组织向花分生组织转变以及花器官发育的基因SUPERNUMERARYBRACT(SNB)。

    Here , we report the identification of the SUPERNUMERARY BRACT ( SNB ) gene controlling the transition from spikelet meristem to floral meristem and the floral organ development .