
fēn xī
  • analysis;analyse;analytical;assay;unpack;broke down
分析 [fēn xī]
  • [analyse] 将事物、现象、概念分门别类,离析出本质及其内在联系

分析[fēn xī]
  1. 他试图分析自己的感情。

    He tried to analyse his feelings .

  2. 数据采掘被用来分析个体的购买习惯。

    Data mining is used to analyse individuals ' buying habits .

  3. 这本书分析了贫困及其原因。

    The book is an analysis of poverty and its causes .

  4. 她的分析是建立在权力使人堕落的观点上的。

    Her assessment is based on the proposition that power corrupts .

  5. 血样要送往实验室进行分析。

    The blood samples are sent to the laboratory for analysis .

  6. 她对家庭状况的分析显示出敏锐的洞察力。

    She showed great perception in her assessment of the family situation .

  7. 你可以要求给你的自来水做化学分析。

    You can ask for a chemical analysis of your tap water .

  8. 分析显示,尸体中有微量砒霜。

    Analysis showed that traces of arsenic were present in the body .

  9. 这些资料只是原始数据,还需要进一步进行分析。

    This information is only raw data and will need further analysis .

  10. 在心理分析治疗法中,个人可以化解严重的情感冲突。

    In analysis the individual resolves difficult emotional conflicts .

  11. 对它先用酸处理再进行分析。

    It is treated with acid before being analysed .

  12. 传统的经济分析是以多多益善的设想为依据的。

    Traditional economic analysis is premised on the assumption that more is better .

  13. 这项工作包括搜集和分析资料。

    The job involves gathering and analysing data .

  14. 他缺乏深度和分析的精确性。

    He lacked profundity and analytical precision .

  15. 这一发现将公众的注意力集中在用DNA分析技术来解开谜团的可能性上。

    The discovery has fastened public attention on the possibilities of DNA analysis for resolving mysteries .

  16. 这样的分析论证实际上并没有让她信服。

    She was not really convinced by this line of reasoning .

  17. 他喜欢剧中尖锐机敏、一针见血的社会分析。

    He enjoyed the play 's shrewd and pungent social analysis .

  18. 人们想仔细分析他的作品,并对他的动机提出质疑。

    People want to dissect his work and question his motives .

  19. 自始至终,她摘引讨论内容来阐明她的分析。

    Throughout , she illustrates her analysis with excerpts from discussions .

  20. 所有的原材料都将用我们最新的分析技术进行解析。

    All raw materials are subjected to our latest analytical techniques .

  21. 作为中立的观察员,我的分析应该客观。

    As an impartial observer my analysis is supposed to be objective

  22. 这是对失败原因毫不讲情面的分析评估。

    This was an uncharitable assessment of the reasons for the failure .

  23. 该中心在语篇分析研究方面成果丰硕。

    The Centre has a strong record of research in discourse analysis .

  24. 在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。

    Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams .

  25. 习惯上要把所有的样品分析记录在案。

    The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples .

  26. 是时候进行简要分析和重新评估了。

    It is a time for quiet analysis and reappraisal .

  27. 他们会认真分析那个问题,指出其症结所在。

    They will take that problem apart and analyze it in great detail

  28. 要对所有的信息进行分析研究几乎是不可能的。

    It would have been virtually impossible to research all the information .

  29. 研究人员和分析人员的高素质给我留下了深刻印象。

    I was impressed by the high calibre of the researchers and analysts

  30. 该作者对这个问题的分析很透彻。

    The author 's treatment of the subject is exhaustive .