
  • 网络Bifurcation theory
  1. 应用分岔理论分析SVC对电力系统电压稳定性的影响

    The influence of SVC on voltage stability of power system based on bifurcation theory

  2. 第二,借助于一般的Hopf分岔理论,我们获得分岔周期解和它的大范围存在性。

    Secondly , by means of the standard Hopf bifurcation theory , we obtain a branch of periodic solutions and its continuation .

  3. 本文以激光器为例,说明采用突变论(catastrophetheory)中不完全分岔理论求解非平衡相变问题的具体步骤。

    The method of applying catastrophe theory to solve the nonequilibrium phase transition problems is explained via a concrete example , viz the laser system in quantum , optics .

  4. 应用Hopf分岔理论对第二类三分子反应系统的自振荡不稳定性进行了详细的研究。

    The self-oscillating instability in trimolecular reacting systems of the second kind is investigated in detail by making use of Hopf bifurcation theory .

  5. (ⅲ)在一般的Hopf分岔理论中,与通常的横截性条件相应的横越数的计算;

    ( iii ) calculation of the so-called crossing numbers which are related to the usual transversality condition in a standard Hopf bifurcation theory ;

  6. 第二部分包括后两章,研究Z2对称分岔理论和单状态变量局部分岔问题中的内蕴理想和内蕴子模。

    And the second part including the last two chapters investigates the singularity theory with Z2 - symmetry and intrinsic ideals and intrinsic submodules in local bifurcation problems with one state variable .

  7. 首先运用动力学分岔理论和常微分方程理论,对自激摆振的分岔特性进行研究和分析,利用MATLAB软件进行数值仿真计算。分析不同初始激励、转向结构参数和轮胎参数对摆振系统的影响。

    Firstly , according to theories of nonlinear dynamics bifurcation and ordinary differential equation , the bifurcation characteristics of steering wheel self-excited shimmy is studied . Numerical simulations are carried out with MATLAB software , and the influences of initial incentive and different parameters to the self-excited shimmy are analyzed .

  8. 进一步,应用分岔理论及数值仿真方法,研究了SVC和TCSC两种补偿模式下输出电压和输出功率之间的关系,并对仿真结果中的电压失稳和电压崩溃机理给出了解释。

    With the theory of bifurcation and numerical simulation , it further analyzed the relation between output power and out voltage under the compensation of SVC and TCSC , and the mechanism of voltage oscillation and voltage collapse .

  9. 该文利用二维非线性映射的分岔理论分析了多级并联电流反馈型DC-DC升压变换器中的分岔与混沌现象,并得出其在相同参数配置下随着级联数增加的变化规律。

    This paper studied the bifurcation and chaos phenomenon in the Multi-Parallel - Connected Current Mode Controlled Boost DC-DC Converters with the use of nonlinear mapping bifurcation theory of two dimensions , and the changes were analyzed with the increase of parallels .

  10. 基于Floquet分岔理论将预测-校正算法用于讨论参数变化时周期解的稳定性,得到精确的分岔点参数值;

    Based on the Floquet bifurcation theory , the predict-correct method was used to discuss the stability of periodic solutions with changing the parameters , and the parameter values of bifurcation points were obtained accurately .

  11. 本文主要运用中心流形定理和分岔理论讨论了基于B-Z反应体系的三变量数学模型和被改进的四变量Oregonator模型的非线性动态,包括随参数变化时平衡点的个数及稳定性变化。

    This paper analyzes the nonlinear dynamics of the modified Oregonator model by using the center manifold theorem and bifurcation theory , including number , stability and bifurcation of equilibrium points .

  12. 本文基于分岔理论及DERPAR数值算法,运用均相模型计算得出典型沸腾两相自然循环系统的静态分岔解图。

    Based on theory of bifurcation and DERPAR numerical algorithm , static bifurcation solution diagram of a two-phase natural circulation system is presented , using homogeneous flow model .

  13. 分岔理论在电力系统电压稳定研究中的应用述评

    Review on application of bifurcation theory in power system voltage stability

  14. 基于分岔理论的磁阀式可控电抗器匝数比研究

    Turn ratio of magnetic valve type controlled reactor based on bifurcation theory

  15. 发电机模型对分岔理论研究动态电压稳定性的影响分析

    Influences of generator models on the dynamic voltage stability based on bifurcation theory

  16. 此外,本文还建立了热分裂的拓扑分岔理论。

    Moreover , the topological bifurcation theory of the thermal splitting is built up .

  17. 本文提出二分岔理论的抛物线近似处理。

    In this article , we propose a parabola approximation to the theory of bifurcation .

  18. 二分岔理论的抛物线近似

    The parabola approximation to the bifurcation theory

  19. 简要介绍结构稳定性和非线性动力系统的分岔理论,给出研究机电系统中的非线性动力学问题的几种主要方法。

    Firstly , stability of structure and theory of bifurcations in nonlinear dynamical systems are briefly discussed .

  20. 分岔理论及其在热工流体系统两相流动稳定性研究中的应用

    Bifurcation Theory and Its Application in the Study of Two Phase Flow Stability in Thermal Dynamic Systems

  21. 最后应用对称性群论分岔理论对此过程中的分岔行为进行初步研究。

    Subsequently , a preliminary analysis on those bifurcation behaviors is conducted according to symmetric groups bifurcation theory .

  22. 等等。这些现象启发人们利用数学中的分岔理论,对远离热力学平衡系统中的临界行为作明确的动力学分类。

    These phenomenon enlighten people to give kinetics classify on critical behaviour of system by bifurcation theory in mathmatics .

  23. 运用静态分岔理论分析了并联机器人参数化奇异的运动分岔现象,研究了机构在参数扰动下的分岔保持问题。

    Subsequently , the bifurcations of trajectory at parameterized singularities of parallel robots are studied in the framework of static bifurcation theory .

  24. 电力系统是一个大型的、复杂的非线性动态系统,分岔理论是研究非线性动态系统结构稳定性的有力工具。

    It has been proved that bifurcation theory is one of effective tools for studying the structure stability of nonlinear dynamic system .

  25. 本文首先比较了常规电压稳定计算方法和基于分岔理论的电压稳定计算方法。

    The conventional calculation method of voltage stability and calculation method of voltage stability based on bifurcation theory was compared in this paper .

  26. 本文以一个典型多节点系统为例,利用分岔理论研究系统的负荷特性、负荷发展方向、发电机动态参数对系统动态电压稳定性的影响。

    In this paper , the emphasis are using bifurcation theory to research the effects ofload characteristics and generator dynamic parameter on the voltage stability .

  27. 首先对分岔理论进行了系统的研究;之后对两相流双流体模型偏微分方程组进行了转化,最后采用分岔分析的方法对于化简后的模型进行分析。

    First of all bifurcation theories were studied systemically . Then Sine Perturbation Method was introduced to transform partial differential equations to ordinary differential equations .

  28. 用分岔理论来研究围岩再变形、再破坏的力学过程和物理本质,研究允许围岩破坏但限制其变形发展的稳定性条件是具有重要理论意义和实用价值的。

    When the deformation of roadway surrounding rock is bigger than deformation threshold value , the variety and non-exclusivity of instability and failure will happen in system .

  29. 其中包括非线性动力学理论中混沌的基本概念和分岔理论,现代控制理论中动力系统的基本概念和李亚普诺夫意义下的稳定性理论。

    These theories include basic notions of chaos and bifurcation theory in nonlinear dynamics theory , basic notions of dynamic system of modern control theory and stability theory .

  30. 理论和实践表明分岔理论是研究电力系统结构稳定性的有力工具,因而可以运用分岔理论对电力系统电压稳定性进行研究。

    Bifurcation theory is a powerful tool to analyze structural stability of power system in theory and practice , so we can use it to research power system voltage stability .