
xiàng kōng jiān
  • phase space
相空间[xiàng kōng jiān]
  1. 量子力学的相空间图像恰恰提供了研究经典世界与量子世界对应关系的桥梁。

    The picture of quantum phase space precisely provides a bridge between the quantum and the classical world .

  2. 相空间中单面完整约束系统的Lie对称性研究

    Lie Symmetries of Holonomic Systems with Unilateral Constraints in Phase Space

  3. 基于CT算法的束团横向相空间测量

    Transverse Phase Space Measurement Based on Computerized Tomography

  4. 基于MATLAB语言的非线性系统相空间分析

    Phase space analysis of nonlinear system based on MATLAB

  5. 非完整非保守力学系统在相空间的Lie对称性与守恒量

    Lie Symmetries and Conserved Quantities of Nonconservative Nonholonomic Systems in Phase Space

  6. 基于相空间遗传BP神经网络的径流预测研究

    The study on runoff prediction model of BP neural network based on phase space and GA

  7. 基于相空间重构技术的EM聚类模糊神经网络预测模型及其应用

    Forecasting Model of EM-Cluster Fuzzy Neural Network Based on Phase Space Reconstruction Method

  8. 不同相空间维数下的两相湍流PDF模型

    Two-Phase Flow PDF Models in Different Dimension of the State Vector

  9. 基于相空间重构的RBF江水浊度预报研究

    Study of RBF Neural Network River Water Turbidity Forecasting Based on Phase Space Reconstruction

  10. 相空间中Green函数的生成泛函和Feynman规则

    The Generating Functional of Green Function in Phase Space and Feynman 's Rule

  11. 各向异性弹性力学问题Hamilton正则方程的一般形式相空间和哈密顿正则方程在统计力学中的应用

    The application of phase space and Hamilton Canonical Equation in statistical mechanics

  12. Poisson稳定点在局部紧相空间中稠的等价条件

    An Equivalent Condition of the Density of Poisson-Stable Points in the Locally Compact Phase Space

  13. 利用AE指数重构磁层相空间&对存在问题的讨论

    Phase space reconstruction of magnetosphere from AE index ── discussion of the problems existed

  14. 给出高维增广相空间中广义力学系统的Lie对称定理及其逆定理。

    In this paper , the Lie 's symmetrical theorem and its inverse of generalized mechanical systems in dimensional extended phase space are given .

  15. 和基于倒谱的传统方法不同,本文利用音素在重构相空间中吸引子的不同特性,采用非线性特征作为SVM的输入矢量,对音素进行识别。

    Unlike traditional cepstral based method , this approach uses features in reconstructed phase spaces as the input vector of SVM .

  16. Lyapunov指数反映了相空间中在各方向上吸引子相邻两条轨道随着时间的推移按指数分离或聚合的平均变化率。

    Lyapunov exponents describe the average change rate of radiation and convergence of two adjacent orbits in phase space .

  17. 这个局部裂步Fourier传播算子是由相空间(空间-波数)-频率域的相移算子和空间-频率域的窗口时移算子两部分组成。

    The local split-step Fourier propagator consists of a phase shift operator in phase-space-frequency domain and a windowed time shift operator in space-frequency domain .

  18. 证明了如果相空间X局部紧,则Poisson稳定点在X中稠与非游荡点在X中稠等价。

    It is proved that Poisson-stable points are dense in the locally compact phase space X if and only if non-wandering points are dense in the X.

  19. 相位φ引起了Wigner函数在相空间中的旋转。

    Phase φ causes the ro-tation of Wigner function in phase space .

  20. 利用相空间分析方法,系统研究了具有双重指数势的phantom动力学。

    Using phase space methods , the phantom dynamics of the double exponential potential are systematically analyzed .

  21. 其次利用相空间BP神经网络模型对分解系数进行预测,并根据预测结果进行月径流量的降尺度计算。

    A BP neural networks model based on chaotic phase space was used in forecasting the decomposition coefficient , and the predicted result used in calculating monthly runoff downscaling .

  22. FDR飞行数据的相空间重构及混沌特性分析

    Phase Spatial Reconstruction and Chaotic Characteristic Analysis of FDR Flight Data

  23. 量子相空间理论与Bose-Einstein凝聚态

    Theory of Quantum Phase Space and Bose-Einstein Condensate

  24. Wigner函数是定义于相空间中的准概率分布函数,是最常用的量子相空间分布函数之一。

    Wigner function is one of the most commonly used quasi-probability distribution functions in phase space .

  25. 通过研究系统相空间的Poincare截面和最大Lyapunov指数,对端铣铣削工艺中的混沌现象进行了研究。

    Using the system 's phase portraits ' Poincare section and maximal Lyapunov exponent , chaos in end-milling system is investigated .

  26. 由于动量不守恒,电子声子在更大相空间内相互作用,从而导致了2αF(ω)低频端的上升。

    As a result of momentum nonconservation , electronic phonon in bigger phase space interaction , thus caused to rises of α ~ 2F (ω) at the extremity of low frequency .

  27. 鉴于干散货运价指数的非线性特征,本文提出了结合混沌时间序列分析的相空间重构和支持向量机(SVM)的混合预测模型,探讨并阐述了混合模型的预测原理及建模思路。

    Secondly , this paper discusses the modeling idea and develops a hybrid forecasting model based on Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) and chaotic time series theory .

  28. 相空间中力学系统的非Noether守恒律的几何基础(英文)

    Geometric Foundations of A Non-Noether Conservation Law for Mechanical Systems in Phase Space ;

  29. 相空间中的广义Noether定理

    Generalized Noether 's Theorem in Phase Space

  30. 基于短时交通流的特性分析,提出两个改进的预测方法:对于非混沌短时交通流,采用小波分解重构BP神经网络预测方法;对于混沌短时交通流采用相空间重构RBF神经网络预测方法。

    Based on the characteristic analysis of short-term traffic flow , BP neural forecasting method based on wavelet resolve-reconstructs and RBF neural forecasting method based on phase space reconstruction are proposed .