
fēn miǎn
  • deliver;be confined;childbirth;accouchement;parturition;give birth;birth;confinement;birthing
分娩 [fēn miǎn]
  • (1) [parturition]∶诞生后代的行动或过程

  • (2) [childbirth]∶自母体中作为新的个体出现;特指胎儿脱离母体作为独自存在的个体的这段时期和过程

分娩[fēn miǎn]
  1. 目的探讨晚期妊娠合并原发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)的治疗与分娩方式。

    Objective To investigate the therapy and deliver ways of late pregnancy with ITP .

  2. 2011年2月,Lacey前往范德堡医学中心准备分娩时,她并不清楚孩子是否能存活。

    When she went to Vanderbilt Medical Center to deliver Christian in February 2011 , she did not know if he would live .

  3. 有的母亲分娩时选择硬膜外麻醉。

    Some mothers choose to have an epidural when giving birth .

  4. 她分娩时用了麻醉混合气体。

    During the birth she was given gas and air .

  5. 这本小册子介绍了减轻分娩疼痛的知识。

    The booklet contains information on pain relief during labour .

  6. 有些妇女惧怕在分娩过程中失去控制。

    Some women have a terror of losing control in the birth process .

  7. 简分娩花了十个小时。

    Jane was in labour for ten hours .

  8. 她现在不像原来那样害怕分娩了。

    Childbirth now held fewer terrors for her than it once had .

  9. 一场支持女性在家分娩的运动一直在进行。

    There has been a movement to support women seeking home confinement .

  10. 这家医院率先使用了分娩池。

    The hospital has pioneered the use of birthing pools .

  11. 她随时可能分娩。

    She 's due to give birth at any moment .

  12. 我一直十分担心分娩会花很长时间。

    I 'd been dreading that the birth would take a long time .

  13. 有些女人喜欢在分娩期间下床走动。

    Some women prefer to move about during labour .

  14. 分娩过程最终非常顺利,生了个健康的男婴。

    In the end , it was an easy delivery : a fine baby boy

  15. “我太开心了,”吉米在妻子分娩后说。

    ' I 'm tickled pink , ' said Jimmy after his wife gave birth .

  16. 你可以通过胎动图表记录分娩前胎儿的活动情况。

    You can keep score of your baby 's movements before birth by recording them on a kick chart .

  17. 双胞胎的早产率要比一般的高出两倍,在36到38周之间分娩很正常。

    Premature birth is three times more likely for twins , and delivery at 36 to 38 weeks is normal .

  18. 那个年轻妇女是无痛分娩。

    The young woman had a painless delivery .

  19. 她今天一早就开始分娩了。

    She went into labour early this morning .

  20. 她恰好在医生所说的预产期分娩了。

    She delivered exactly when the doctor predicted she would .

  21. 她将于下月分娩。

    She expects to be confined next month .

  22. 昨天晚上分娩顺利吗?

    Did the parturition go well yesterday evening ?

  23. 分娩的症状是宫缩和羊膜破裂。

    The signs of labor are contractions and rupture of membranes .

  24. 妊娠期系指从配种到分娩之间的时间。

    Gestation extends from fertilization to birth .

  25. 他的夫人正在分娩。

    His wife is in labour .

  26. 三天后,当她做清洁时看了看吉米的书桌,在他的作业上看到写着的第一句话:“三代以来,我们家都没有过自然分娩。”

    Three days later , when she was tidying up and looking at Jimmy 's desk , she read the first sentence of his paper , " For three generations there have been no natural births in our family " .

  27. 母亲们了解分娩时的痛苦。

    Mothers know the travail of giving birth to a child .

  28. 绝大部分羚羊能把分娩期推迟几个星期,甚至几个月。

    Most antelopes can withhold their young for weeks , even months .

  29. 然而分娩脚本并非完全准确的。

    But the birth scenario is not completely accurate .

  30. 针刺对分娩活跃期产妇血中P物质含量的影响

    The effect of acupuncture on the content of substance P in serum of gravida during delivery