
rè diǎn
  • hotspot;hot spot;hot point;plume
热点 [rè diǎn]
  • (1) [hot spot]

  • (2) 物理学上指温度高于周围环境的一个局部

  • (3) 引起广泛注意的事物

  • 关贸总协定成为谈论的热点

  • (4) 互相激烈争夺的地区或争论问题的焦点

热点[rè diǎn]
  1. nativeXML数据库是当前数据库领域的研究热点之一。

    Native XML database is a research hot spot in the database fields home and abroad .

  2. 在说话人识别领域,基于支持向量机(supportVectorMachine,SVM)的识别方法是当今的研究热点。

    In speaker recognition field , recognition method based on Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) technique is a hot spot .

  3. 这个地区在20世纪90年代成了新的投资热点。

    In the 1990s the area became a magnet for new investment .

  4. 近几个月来这个问题又成为热点。

    The problem has come to the fore again in recent months .

  5. 油轮的沉没使得海洋污染的方方面面都成为眼下大家尤为关注的热点话题。

    The sinking of the tanker has made aspects of marine pollution particularly topical .

  6. 该地区有很多处于交火状态的热点。

    There were many hot spots in the region , where fighting had been going on .

  7. 然而,与一般受众进行有效沟通的重要性不仅仅体现在气候变化等热点问题上。

    However , the importance of effective communication with a general audience is not limited to hot issues like climate change .

  8. 在意大利境内,热点地区是罗马,其古代遗迹和最新成就都被展示给了每一位大陆游学旅行者。

    Within Italy , the great focus was Rome , whose ancient ruins and more recent achievements were shown to every Grand Tourist .

  9. 我们是否能在周末之类的时间补足睡眠是睡眠研究者在讨论的热点话题。

    Whether or not we can catch up on sleep — on the weekend , say — is a hotly debated topic among sleep researchers .

  10. 你必须大喊,“热点新闻!爆炸新闻!”另一个报童查德告诉杰森。

    You must shout , " Hot news ! Bomb bursting ! " another newsboy Chad told Jason .

  11. 最近,中国南方人和北方人之间的另一个差异成为热点:人们在市场上购物的方式。

    Recently , another difference between southern Chinese and northern Chinese became a hot one : the way people shop at markets .

  12. 就因为这样,你没有胃口吃东西,无心欣赏美景,也不愿跟人说话,一心只想找个能帮你上网的WIFI热点。

    You don 't have appetite , not in the mood to enjoy beautiful scenery or talk to people , the only thing you care about is where you can find a WIFI hotspot .

  13. 五是通过“蹭热点”、制造话题等形式干扰舆论,影响传播秩序行为。

    Influencing public opinions through newsjacking or hyping , disturbing public communications .

  14. 科技产业领袖吹捧为增长热点地区的汽车

    Technology industry leaders are touting cars as a hot area for growth .

  15. 菲尔普斯的“比赛脸”引发了里约奥运会最佳网络热点。

    Michael Phelps ' game face spawned1 the best meme of the Rio Olympics .

  16. 例句:2014年的旅游市场又添新的热点趋势:零科技旅游。

    We 're adding one more travel trend to our 2014 list - tech-free tourism .

  17. 我喜欢读热点新闻。

    I like reading hot news .

  18. 汇丰银行的年度调查显示,曼彻斯特是英国购房出租的热点。

    HSBC ’ s annual survey found that the city of Manchester was Britain 's buy-to-let hotspot .

  19. 数千年以来,这片水域一直是众多海洋生物聚集的热点地区之一。

    For thousands of years , these waters have been one of the hotspots of life in the ocean .

  20. 除了储存大量的碳以外,古老树木和热带雨林还是生物多样性热点地区,是红毛猩猩、美洲豹和老虎的家园。

    As well as storing massive amounts of carbon , they 're hotspots of biodiversity as the homes of orangutans , jaguars1 , and tigers .

  21. 当前INTERNET的某些热点问题

    Some Current Topics of the Internet

  22. 把B/S模式应用到电力系统的实际生产中已成为近几年一个研究热点。

    The application of B / S mode in power system is a hotspot recently .

  23. 移动无线自组织网络(mobilead-hocNetwork)是当前网络研究中的一个热点。

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Network is a hotspot in the research of network at present .

  24. 当前,软件GPS接收机技术是国际上卫星导航领域的热点问题。

    Software receiver technique is one of the focuses of nowadays GNSS field .

  25. 这类设备的实现中,PC与专用卡等外部设备的数据通信、信息交互技术是技术研究与应用的热点。

    The data communication and information exchange is the hotspot of research and application .

  26. 因此对精子DNA损伤的研究已成为生殖医学的热点之一。

    So research on the damage to sperm DNA has become one of the hot spots in reproductive medicine .

  27. 当前NC的热点&开放化与PC化

    Current NC Focus & Open and PC

  28. 项目投资中的真实期权(RealOption)方法是目前金融经济学研究的热点问题。

    The real option method in the project investment is a hot point problem in the research of current financial economics .

  29. P2P网络和SIP协议都是目前互联网技术的研究热点。

    P2P network and SIP protocol both are the current Internet technology research focus .

  30. 随着Internet图像通信业务的飞速发展,高压缩图像在不可靠的Internet上的健壮传输成为图像压缩编码研究的热点。

    With the expeditious development of Image Communication Applications , robust transmission of high compressed images over unreliable Internet has become one focus in image compression coding .