
wù tánɡ
  • pentaglucose, pentose
  1. 耐辐射异常球菌中磷酸戊糖途径对DNA损伤修复的作用

    Possible role of the pentose phosphate pathway on DNA repair system in Deinococcus radiodurans

  2. 树干毕赤酵母戊糖连续发酵及低pH值处理技术

    Continuous Fermentation of Pentose by Pichia Stipitis with Low-pH Treatments

  3. 戊糖乳杆菌R1冻干保护剂的优化研究

    Optimized study on the protective agent of lactobacillus pentosaceus R_1 for freeze drying

  4. 脱氧核糖:组成DNA核苷的一种戊糖(五个碳)。

    Deoxyribose A pentose ( five-carbon ) sugar that is a component of the nucleotides that make up DNA .

  5. 研究结果表明,植物乳杆菌(Lp)、嗜酸乳杆菌(La)和戊糖片球菌(Pp)是良好的发酵肉制品发酵剂;

    The findings indicated that Lp , La and Pp are the good fermentation meat product starter cultures ;

  6. ODN序列的磷酸戊糖骨架修饰对其作用也有影响。

    The modification of the backbone of the CpG ODN has a prominent influence on its immunostimulatory activity .

  7. G6PD是磷酸戊糖旁路代谢的限速酶,也是重要的看家酶.G6PD缺乏症是人类常见的遗传性疾病。

    Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase ( G6PD ) is the key enzyme of Pentose Phosphate Pathway , G6PD deficiency is common hereditary disease .

  8. 戊糖片球菌与复合发酵剂对羊肉干发酵香肠质地剖面分析(TPA)和色泽的影响

    The effects of P. pentosaceus and combined starter cultures on the analysis ( TPA ) and color of dry fermented sausage from sheep meat

  9. 结论两种培养方式之间,G6PD基因的转录与表达不存在差异,说明早期胚胎都存在磷酸戊糖途径。

    Conclusion It is concluded that there is no difference in gene expression of G6PD between 1g gravity and simulated microgravity in vitro .

  10. 要从木质纤维素生成乙醇,所利用的微生物必须能同化所有的戊糖、已糖成分,而且含有生成乙醇的关键酶:丙酮酸脱羧酶(PDC)和乙醇脱氢酶Ⅱ(ADHⅡ)。

    The microorganism which produce ethanol from lignocellulose must be able to dissimilate both five-carbon and six-carbon sugars and consist of the PDC and ADH II which are key enzymes in ethanol formation .

  11. 初始培养基中加入10g/L的葡萄糖酸钙,能够诱导葡萄糖酸激酶的生成,大幅提高其比活,增大磷酸戊糖(HMP)途径的通量。

    This may be ascribed to the induction of glucose kinase synthesis , leading to the improvement of hexose monophosphate ( HMP ) shunt flux and its specific activity greatly .

  12. 除磷酸己糖激酶外,在白地霉无细胞提取液中测出有EMP途径及磷酸戊糖循环的主要酶类,葡萄糖和木糖培养的菌体在各酶活力方面无显著差异。

    All the key enzymes but phosphohexokinase of the EMP and the pentose phosphate cycle were found in cell-free extracts of Geotrichum candidum and the activities of these enzymes were substantially equal in the extracts from xylose-grown and glucose-grown cultures .

  13. 戊糖,C5H10O5,作为核黄素、核苷酸及核酸的一种组分存在。

    A pentose sugar , C5H10O5 , occurring as a component of riboflavin , nucleotides , and nucleic acids .

  14. 大肠杆菌含有同化戊糖和己糖的所有必需酶,但缺乏PDC-ADHⅡ系统,只能生成非常少的酒精。

    E. coli is capable of metabolizing both hexose and pentose sugars , but it lacks PDC-ADH II system .

  15. 在果糖磷酸酶的作用下,6-磷酸果糖转变为6-磷酸葡萄糖,从而进入磷酸戊糖途径的氧化分支,完成NADPH的再生。另外,添加5g/L的电子受体3-羟基丁酮可以缓解混合发酵中的木糖醇积累问题。

    Fructose-6-phosphate was converted to glucose-6-phosphate , and then glucose-6-phosphate flew into the oxidative branch of pentose phosphate pathway for NADPH regeneration . Acetoin , as the artificial electron acceptor , could alleviate the xylitol accumulation during glucose-xylose co-fermentation . 4 .

  16. 核糖-5-磷酸异构酶(RpiA)是一种磷酸戊糖途径和卡尔文循环中必需的酶。

    Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A ( RpiA ) is an enzyme which is essential for the pentose phosphate pathway and Calvin cycle .

  17. 通过分析调节后G6PDH的各种活性与细胞中紫杉醇产量的关系,认为采用合适的处理方法调节磷酸戊糖途径,有利于红豆杉细胞合成紫杉醇

    After analyzing the relationship between various G6PDH activities and Taxol production , we concluded that regulation of phosphate pentose pathway by the appropriate methods could be beneficial to Taxol production in Taxus cells

  18. 微波辐射下活性MnO2选择氧化苯甲醇合成苯甲醛转酮醇酶是磷酸戊糖途径的关键酶,催化二碳单元在酮糖(体)醛糖(体)的转移。

    Synthesis of Benzaldehyde from Benzyl Alcohol by Selective Oxidation with Active MnO_2 Under the Microwave Irradiation Transketolase is the key enzyme of pentose-phophate pathway , catalyses transfer of a two-carbon fragment from a ketolase ( donor substance ) to an aldose ( acceptor substance ) .

  19. 固定化休哈塔假丝酵母细胞能够利用己糖和戊糖,80g/L的混合糖(己糖与戊糖1:l)经12h发酵,糖的利用率达90.5%,而相同条件下游离细胞发酵需48h。

    The immobilized cells could utilize both hexoses and pentoses , 90.5 % sugarin 80 g / Lsugar solution ( glucose to xylose , 1 : 1 ) was utilized after 12 h fermentation , while 48 h were re-quired by free cell fermentation of the same medium .

  20. 双波长法测定二元混合体系中戊糖的含量

    Quantitative Determination of Pentose in Duplex Mixture System Using Double-Wavelength Method

  21. 一种戊糖,是核糖核酸的重要成分。

    A pentose sugar important as a component of ribonucleic acid .

  22. 秸秆水解戊糖和己糖发酵生产酒精是解决秸秆生物转化酒精的有效途径。

    Straw hydrolysis pentose and fermentation alcohol is straw biotransformation of alcohol .

  23. 戊糖己糖混合糖发酵生产乙醇的主要影响因素

    Main Factors of Influence for Fermentation of Pentose and Hexose Producing Ethanol

  24. 亚硫酸盐废液戊糖、己糖同步酒精发酵的调控

    Simultaneous fermentation to ethanol of pentoses and hexoses from spent sulfite liquor

  25. 富含淀粉固体菌质中灵芝多糖含量的测定造纸原料多戊糖含量的测定

    Determination of Ganoderma Lucidum polysaccharide from solid fungal substance rich in starch

  26. 树干毕赤酵母连续发酵戊糖己糖生成酒精

    Ethanol Continuous Fermentation of Pentose and Hexose by Pichia stipitis

  27. 戊糖和葡萄糖的热降解行为研究

    Investigation of Thermal Degradation Behavior of Pentose and Glucose

  28. 溴化法测定毛竹中聚戊糖含量

    Determination of Pentosan Content in Bamboo by Bromination Method

  29. 在体内,核糖主要通过磷酸戊糖途径生成。

    Ribose is formed in the body mainly through the pentose phosphate pathway .

  30. 其聚戊糖含量较高;

    Pentosan content of its raw material is higher .