
  • 网络Guarantee contract;Contract of Guarantee;contract of guaranty
  1. 企业与C企业的分支机构甲签订的保证合同是有效的。

    The guaranty contract signed by Company A and Jia , the branch of Company C , is valid .

  2. 首先,怀孕保证合同包含四个IVF周期,每个周期都打了折扣。

    First , the Pregnancy Guarantee ? contract bundles four IVF cycles at a discounted cost per cycle .

  3. 一年半以前,他拒绝了德意志银行(DeutscheBank)丰厚的保证合同,选择在雷曼度过整个职业生涯,有了这样的经历,他晚上还怎么睡得着?

    But how does he sleep at night having passed on that offer of a fat guarantee from Deutsche Bank a year and a half ago , choosing to stick with Lehman for his entire career ?

  4. 保证合同是附混合条件与期限的合同,成立后并不立刻在当事人之间发生法律效力。

    The guaranty contract has compound additional condition and term .

  5. 论无效保证合同及其法律责任

    On Invalid Guaranteed Contract and It 's Legal Obligations

  6. 无效保证合同有关问题的探讨

    A Probe into Issues Related to Invalid Warrant Contracts

  7. 现在按照现实生活,保证合同得到更完整的改善。

    Guaranteed contracts have been improved and are now working as per real life .

  8. 它与传统的保证合同有着本质的区别,是一种新型的人的担保。

    As a new kind of guarantee , independent guarantee differs from the traditional guarantee in nature .

  9. 论独立保证合同&以契约性和独立性为视角

    The Independent Guarantee Contract

  10. 其次,对各类不同成因的无效保证合同的法律后果作了分析。

    Secondly , the legal consequences of a variety of causes of the invalid suretyship contract are analyzed .

  11. 卖方保证合同中订购的仪器以一流的工艺和最好的材料制成。

    The Seller guarantees that the instrument contracted for will be made of the best materials with first-class workmanship .

  12. 为了保证合同双方的共同意愿得到实现,一方应当对另一方提供合作。

    One party should offer cooperation to another party that will of both seller and buyer can be realized .

  13. 主合同解除与保证合同的关系&从保证目的的角度分析

    The Relationship between Dissolution of the Principal Contract and the Guarantee Contract & analyzing based on the goal of guarantee

  14. 笔者认为保证合同的诉讼时效期间不能长于主债务的诉讼时效期间。

    The author thought guarantee contract limitation of lawsuit period cannot excel in the main debt limitation of lawsuit period .

  15. 在国际贸易中,最基本的一点是要保证合同双方达的内容达成共识。

    An essential point in international trade is to ensure that the two parties have identical under-standing of what being communicated .

  16. 正确认定保证合同的效力并不影响依法对主合同债权人利益的保护。

    To define the effect of the guarantee contract will not affect the protection for the creditor of the main contract .

  17. 但保证合同作为单务合同、无偿合同,保证人负有较多的义务,却享有较少的权利。

    However , a guarantor who ensures that the contract is unilateral and gratuitous bears more liabilities and enjoys fewer rights .

  18. 第二种意见认为本案中人事保证合同有效,被告应承担保证责任。

    The second view was that the present case the contract personnel to ensure effective , the defendant should bear the guaranty liability .

  19. 制定程序,规定客户合同的修改方法,保证合同变更在全组织得到沟通。

    Develop procedures which specify how customer contracts are amended , and which ensure that changes in contracts are communicated throughout the organization .

  20. 本款项下中资银行出具的对外保证合同自出具之日起生效。

    The foreign warranty contract provided by Chinese-funded banks under this paragraph shall be effective as of the date on which it is provided .

  21. 司法实践中对无效保证合同的缔约过失责任认识极不统一,有的甚至把它混同于有效的保证责任。

    In the practice of judicature , there is a severe lack of unanimity of opinion on contracting fault liability in valid guarantee contract .

  22. 但合同因解除而消灭时,债务人所负担的恢复原状及损害赔偿义务是否仍为保证合同效力所及不无问题。

    But it is a question whether the guarantor shoulders the responsibility of restoring the quota status and compensating damages after the contract is terminated .

  23. 保证合同诉讼时效制度由于立法上的不完善甚至条文之间的相互冲突,引发了较多的争议。

    Guarantees contract limitation of lawsuit system , because of imperfect Legislation , and even between the article mutual conflict , has initiated many disputes .

  24. 保证合同既可能因主合同无效而无效,亦可因自身的原因而无效。

    Suretyship contract would be null and void not only because of being null and void of the principal contract but also because of its own .

  25. 随着人事保证合同的普遍使用,因人事保证合同所带来的法律问题越来越受到人们的关注。

    With personnel guarantee contract being used generally , people begin to pay regard to the legal problem gradually which the personnel guarantee contract results in .

  26. 本章结合现行立法,详尽地分析了保证合同无效后,在不同情况下,无效保证人应承担的具体责任问题。

    Based on the current law , this part chiefly concerns the guarantor 's concrete responsibility of invalid guaranty contracts , which varies in different circumstances .

  27. 一种保证合同,保险方保证一旦由于雇员的行动造成意外的经济损失,雇主将得到陪偿。

    An insurance contract in which an agency guarantees payment to an employer in the event of unforeseen financial loss through the actions of an employee .

  28. 法律应尊重当事人自愿履行约定的意思表示,但如果这种约定出现了纷争,法律应该根据双方当事人的各种具体情况来保证合同实现具有基本的公平或正义。

    If the agreement appeared conflicts , the law should promise the basic justice of the contract in accordance with the specific conditions of the two parties .

  29. 因此,开发冷轧薄板工业的生产计划和调度系统在有效利用企业产能、提高产品质量、保证合同交货期等方面都具有重要意义。

    Therefore , developing production plan and scheduling system for cold roiling process is effective to improve product quality , increase producing ability and guarantee order due date .

  30. 笔者将保证合同与保证保险合同相比较进行分析并抛砖引玉,以期能够正确界定保证保险合同的法律性质。

    The thesis compares the guaranty contract with the guaranty insurance contract , hoping to give a correct definition to the legal nature of the guaranty insurance contract .