
chū bǎn hé tóng
  • publishing contract;publication contract;contract for publication
  1. 图书出版者出版图书应当和着作权人订立出版合同,并支付报酬。

    A book publisher who publishes a book shall conclude a publishing contract with , and pay remuneration to , the copyright owner .

  2. 手稿被拒绝的滋味不好受,而且出版合同也很复杂,所以很多作者会雇佣代理人帮自己与出版社协商。

    Being rejected is awful and publishing contracts are complicated , so many authors employ an agent to negotiate a deal with a publisher .

  3. 目前,国际咨询机构AIA、JCT、FIDIC、ICE等出版了多种标准合同格式,业主们需要考虑从中选择一个合适的国际工程合同来解决这个问题。

    Now the international consultation institutions AIA , JCT , FIDIC , ICE , etc have published a variety of standard contract format . Owners need to consider choosing an appropriate contract to solve this problem .

  4. 图书出版单位在申请合同登记时,可将填好的合同登记表与合同一并交给地方版权局。

    A book publisher may , when applying for contract registration , submit the filled contract registration form andwith the contract to the local copyright bureau .