
chū kǒu bào ɡuān
  • export declaration
  1. 本公司对出口报关。

    The company 's export declaration .

  2. 出口:报关前做好中文的发票、装箱单和出厂检验证明供报关;

    Export : Make Chinese invoice , packing list and certificate of product inspection application .

  3. 出口货物报关单。

    Exports of goods declarations .

  4. 对出口企业报关出口但不实际离境的产品,不予办理退税。

    For products applied for export by export enterprise but actually not leaving the territory , tax refund is not handled .

  5. 我们以一般贸易的出口货物报关单的内容为例介绍该单据的缮制方法。

    We take the specification of an export customs declaration form for general trade as an example to show the method of making out the document .

  6. 本产品厂家直供,运费买家承担,具体运输费用参照邮局运费标准!出口需报关费!

    Originally , the product manufacturer provides straightly , the freight buyer bears , concrete transportation cost consults the post office freight standard ! Need the customs clearing charges outlet !

  7. 联系船运公司,并完成出口商品的报关和报检工作。

    Contact shipping companies , and complete declaration of export commodities and inspection work .

  8. 出口货物的报关时限限为装货的24小时以前。

    Declaration of export goods is limited to the time limit of24 hours before loading .

  9. 出口用途、报关口岸、进口国(地区)的情况说明;

    The explanation of the export purpose , port of entry and importing country ( region );

  10. 国外货物→元亨物流仓→出口加工区报关,清关→国内客户交租提货。

    Foreign goods → Yuanheng Logistics warehouse → Export Processing Zone declaration , customs clearance → domestic customers to pay rent delivery .

  11. 内陆港的建设加速了区域经济和外向型经济的发展,实现了外贸出口商品的就地报关,封关。

    The construction of inland port accelerates the development of regional economic and export-oriented economy and achieves customs foreign trade exports or closed off in the local .

  12. 第二条本规定所称的“报关单位”,是指:(1)直接向海关办理进、出口货物和进、出口运输工具报关手续的企业;

    Enterprises directly performing the customs procedures for imports and exports and customs formalities applicable to incoming and outgoing means of transport ;

  13. 海关根据实际出口货物的数量、价格等签发出口货物专用报关单,并按规定收取签证费。

    Customs based on the actual quantity of export goods , and prices of export goods , the issue of special declarations , in accordance with the provisions of charging visa fees .

  14. 对不享受入仓即予退税政策的出口监管仓库,海关在货物实际离境后签发出口货物报关单证明联。

    In respect of those which don 't enjoy the above policy , the customs will issue certificates of export customs declarations after the goods leave ports actually .

  15. 产品出口时,企业应增填一份“出口退税货物专用报关单”。

    For export of products , the enterprise shall additionally complete a Special Customs Declaration Form for Export Tax Refund of Goods .