
  1. 出口货物的成交价格,是指该货物出口时卖方为出口该货物应当向买方直接收取和间接收取的价款总额。

    Transaction value of export goods refers to the total amount of money charged by the seller to the buyer directly or indirectly for the exportation of the goods at the time of exportation .

  2. 我跟您说,尽管进口和出口是分别成交,但是我们进口的牛羊肉和你们进口的棉花是等额的。有海关官员驻扎检查进出口人员和货物的港口。

    I tell you , the total import of beef and mutton roughly would equal your purchase of cotton , though the import and export trade will be carried out separately . a port where customs officials are stationed to oversee the entry and exit of people and merchandise .