
  • 网络insurance accident;insured event;insurance event;The Perils Insured
  1. 然而,劳动者与用人单位是否存在劳动关系是工伤保险事故认定的前提。

    However , if workers and employers labor relations is a prerequisite for occupational injury insurance accident identified .

  2. 所谓危险单位,是指一次保险事故可能造成的最大损失范围。

    Alleged and dangerous unit , it is the limits of the biggest loss that shows insurance accident may be caused .

  3. 德国工伤保险事故预防机制评介

    Study on Accident Prevention Mechanism in Occupational Injury Insurance System of Germany

  4. 对于不同的事故年所发生的保险事故,同一进展年选定的进展因子是相同的,没有客观地反映出现实状况的随机性;

    The loss development factors are same for the same development year of different accident years .

  5. (七)于发生保险事故可能受到损失的其他财产和产生的责任、用。

    Other property which may sustain loss from a maritime peril and the liability and expenses arising therefrom .

  6. 未发生保险事故而谎称发生保险事故,骗取保险金的;

    To defraud the insurer of insurance money by falsifying the occurrence of insured risks that have not actually happened ;

  7. 在这种情况下,当保险事故发生后,保险人应当向被保险人给付保险金。

    Below this kind of circumstance , after insurance accident happens , the underwriter ought to give to insurant pay insurance gold .

  8. 保险事故发生的时间不在保险期间内,则保险人不承担保险责任。

    The time that insurance accident produces is not between insurance period inside , criterion the underwriter does not assume insurance responsibility .

  9. 对于保险事故造成的损失,在保险金额的范围内承担赔偿责任。

    It shall be liable for paying indemnity for the losses caused by an insured accident within the scope of the insured amount .

  10. 本条例中的保险事故,是指发生保险合同责任范围内的事故。

    The event mentioned in the present Regulations refers to and event coming within the scope of cover under the contract of insurance .

  11. 在保险事故发生时,被保险人有义务尽力采取必要的措施,防止或者减少保险标的的损失。

    When insurance accident happens , insurant is accountability endeavor to take necessary step , the loss that avoids what perhaps reduce insurance award .

  12. 若故意犯罪并非保险事故发生的直接原因,保险人不能当然免责。

    Thirdly , the insurer can 't certainly excuse non-compliance , if the intentional crime isn 't the direct reason of the insurance accident .

  13. 封面包括直接访问到一位经验丰富的的响应顾问,协助和处理保险事故的复杂性,引导放心。

    Cover includes immediate access to an experienced response consultant to assist and guide the assured through the complexities of handling an insured event .

  14. 依法受聘对保险事故进行评估和鉴定的评估机构和专家,应当依法公正地执行业务。

    The appraisal organizations or experts legally retained to make appraisal and evaluation of the insured risks shall do so impartially pursuant to law .

  15. 本公司对每一次保险事故的累计赔偿责任不超过保险单明细表所规定的赔偿限额。

    Provided always that the aggregate liability of the Company for any one accident shall not exceed the limit of indemnity stipulated in the schedule .

  16. 前项所称六个月或三年,包括发生保险事故当月在内。

    The " six months " or " three years " referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include the month when the insurance incidents occur .

  17. 为查明保险事故的性质、原因和保险标的损失程度所支付的费用由谁承担?

    By who is the fee that pays to find out the loss rate of the property of insurance accident , reason and insurance mark assumed ?

  18. 投保方如不履行此项义务,由此引起保险事故造成的损失,保险方不负赔偿责任。

    If the Insured fails to do so , the Insurer shall not be held liable for any loss arising from an insured event resulting therefrom .

  19. 我们希望客户在发生保险事故后通过客户服务热线或其他途径向我们报案,以便于我们能够提供及时的理赔服务。

    A3.We hope the customers to inform the claim cases in time through hot line or other ways , so that we are able to provide the claim service promptly .

  20. 生产关闭、承包商或其分包商企业罢工、公用设施或服务税费的增加、运输的不及时提供、保险事故的多次发生;

    Downtime of production , strike in enterprise of the contractor or its subcontractor , increase in tariffs for utilities or services , untimely provision of transportation , multiple occurrence of insured accidents ;

  21. 保险事故发生后,造成保险标的全部灭失的情况较少,大多数受损的保险标的还会留有残值。

    After insurance accident happens , those who cause insurance symptom is all destroy the case that lose is less , of the insurance mark of most damage still can keep cost having damage .

  22. 保险事故发生后,投保人、被保险人或者受益人应当及时通知保险人,以便保险人迅速地调查事实真相,收取证据,及时处理。

    After insurance accident happens , policy-holder , insurant or beneficiary beneficiary ought to inform an underwriter in time , so that the underwriter investigates nitty-gritty quickly , collection evidence , handle in time .

  23. 投保了交强险的机动车,在发生保险事故(交通事故)造成损害,依法应承担赔偿责任的,保险人依据交强险合同约定向请求权人承担保险补偿责任。

    According to the insurance contract agreement the insurer should take the liability insurance compensation to the obligee when the compulsory traffic accident liability insurance was brought for the vehicles that caused the accident .

  24. 对于保险事故发生前被保险人弃权,保险人还能否行使代位求偿权或是否应当继续给付保险金,我国没有相关法律予以释明。

    When the insured gives up compensation right before the insurance accident , whether the insurer can perform insurance subrogation and pay insurance benefit to the insured , there is no law statement in our country .

  25. 第四十五条保险事故发生后,保险人未赔偿保险金之前,被保险人放弃对第三者的请求赔偿的权利的,保险人不承担赔偿保险金的责任。

    Article45if the insured waives the right of indemnity against the third party after the occurrence of the insured event and before the insurer making the indemnity , the insurer shall bear no obligation for indemnity .

  26. 科主任/护士长在防范保险事故中所应承担的责任不明、不同专业之间风险差异的衡量与保障不清等诸多问题。

    And many problems exist , such as uncertainty of responsibility which section chief or head nurse should hold in the course of preventing medical accidents , difference of risk assess between different sections , and ambiguous duty for medical insurance .

  27. 保险事故的鉴定人、证明人、财产评估人故意提供虚假的证明文件,为他人诈骗提供条件的,以保险诈骗的共犯论处。

    Any expert witness , witness or property assessor of an insured accident who deliberately provides false supporting documents , thus creating the conditions for another to practise defraudation , shall be deemed an accomplice in insurance fraud and punished as such .

  28. 第三,从诉讼中案由的确立、诉讼主体和审理方式的确定、当事人抗辩权的行使、法律适用及保险事故认定五个方面对现行法律诉讼中的相关问题进行探讨。

    In the end , this thesis discusses the relevant issues regarding the litigation under the current legal framework from the aspects of determination of cause of action , litigation subject , trial method , exercise of right to defense , and application of laws and determination of insurance accidents .

  29. 建立工伤保险与事故预防相结合的机制

    Discussions on the Establishment of Industrial Insurance and Accident Prevention

  30. 我们有健康保险和事故保险。

    We have health insurance and accident insurance .