
  • 网络Insurance claim;claim
  1. 例如,如果SOA项目所处理的是保险索赔业务流程,则可能有以索赔数据为中心的程序或事务可利用。

    For example , if the SOA project is about an insurance claim business process , there are probably programs or transactions centered on claim data that can be leveraged .

  2. 给出基于Petri网的保险索赔工作流模型,将Petri网三要素以对象的形式描述出来,并对此工作流模型的正确性定义和验证进行了说明。

    By presenting a workflow model for insurance claim based on Petri nets , the article describes the three key elements of Petri nets in the form of object , explains both the definition and the verification of the validity of the workflow model .

  3. 你可按你的保险索赔你遗忘在火车上的大衣。

    You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train .

  4. 预计保险索赔数量会急剧增加。

    Insurance claims are expected to soar

  5. 设计,背景,和患者的医疗保险索赔的回顾性队列分析2002-2007年,以2007年为重点,评估并发症和US医院资源利用。

    Design , Setting , and Patients Retrospective cohort analysis of Medicare claims for2002-2007 , focusing on2007 to assess complications and resource use in US hospitals .

  6. 或者保险索赔工作流系统可能轮询以查看是否有任何新的索赔可以分配给空闲的索赔调解人(claimsadjusters)。

    Or an insurance claims workflow system might poll to see if there are any new claims that can be assigned to available claims adjusters .

  7. 在像台风海燕或飓风卡特里娜(Katrina)这样的事件导致保险索赔大幅增加时,保险公司是有切身体会的。

    They were at the sharp end when events like Typhoon Haiyan or Hurricane Katrina caused a huge increase in insurance claims .

  8. 苹果公司(Apple)的iPad也许是上班时携带的便利工具,但如果你的工作是管理海上油井或在飓风中处理保险索赔,它就不那么便利了。

    Fortune - an Apple iPad can be a handy tool to bring to work & unless , of course , your job is managing an offshore oil rig or handling insurance claims in the middle of a hurricane .

  9. 方法:我们利用与医疗保险索赔数据有关的癌症监测、流行病学、最终结果登记资料,进行了一次回顾性群组研究来判定RT导致SBO的风险。

    METHODS : We conducted a retrospective cohort study using Surveillance , Epidemiology , and End Results cancer registry data linked to Medicare claims data to determine the effect of RT on risk of SBO .

  10. 免赔额和NCD赔付条件下保险索赔次数的分布超额赔款再保险又分为险位超赔再保险、事故超赔再保险和累积超赔再保险三种方式。

    The Distribution about Numbers of Claims on Homogeneous Policyholders under NCD System and Stop Loss Insurance Excess of loss reinsurance composed of per risk excess of loss , per occurrence excess of loss and stop loss reinsurance .

  11. 美国检察官员称,德银及旗下的mortgageit部门从转售抵押贷款中获利,而这些贷款最终会导致数以千计的美国人面临债务违约或房屋被收回的境遇,而美国政府需要负担数亿美元的保险索赔。

    US officials allege that Deutsche and its MortgageIT arm profited from the resale of mortgages that would eventually leave thousands of Americans facing Default or eviction while sticking the government with hundreds of millions in insurance claims .

  12. 保险索赔额的分布及其应用

    The Distribution of Amount on Insurance Claim and it 's Application

  13. 为了说明这一点,让我们以一个保险索赔处理流程为例。

    As an example , consider an insurance claims handling process .

  14. 底线则是:不断增加的健康问题和保险索赔。

    The bottom line : increased health issues and insurance claims .

  15. 关于工程索赔与工程保险索赔的分析与建议

    Analysis and Suggestion on Project Claim and Project Insurance Claim

  16. 伪造保险索赔的顾客将受到严肃处理。

    Customers who make bogus insurance claims will be dealt with severely .

  17. 包括任何保险索赔的重置成本。

    Include the replacement cost in any insurance claim .

  18. 泊松分布和负二项分布常用于拟合保险索赔次数。

    Poisson and negative binomial distributions are usually used to fit claim frequencies .

  19. 针对船舶、货物的灭失损坏的保险索赔纠纷。

    Third , the dispute about the loss and damage of insured goods .

  20. 在失业保险索赔的基本周期内支付或所得的工资。

    Wages earned or paid during the base period of an unemployment insurance claim .

  21. 先验与后验相结合的汽车保险索赔模型

    A Claim Frequency Model of Automobile Insurance Combined with Priori Probabilities and Posteriori Probabilities Methods

  22. 保险索赔也能减少,这样一来就能减少投保项目和结算所需费用。

    Insurance claims may be reduced , thus reducing the costs of coverage and settlements .

  23. 调整了的保险索赔;调整速度以后这辆车跑得更平稳了。

    An adjusted insurance claim ; the car runs more smoothly with the timing adjusted .

  24. 对从印度打来要求保险索赔和信用卡支付的电话,美国人已习惯了。

    Americans are used to receiving calls from India for insurance claims and credit card sales .

  25. 论我国海上保险索赔理赔程序的完善

    Study on the Consummation of the Procedure of Marine Assured 's Claim and the Underwriter 's Settlement

  26. 在我们的一家餐饮企业,保险索赔数量的上升令人不安。

    At one of our restaurant companies , we have suffered a disturbing rise in insurance claims .

  27. 最后通过保险索赔过程的优化实例,验证了工作流优化算法的有效性。

    Optimization of insurance claim process as an example verifies the validity of the process optimization algorithm .

  28. 改变某事以适合新情况,尤指对保险索赔的计算和清算。

    To change something to fit new condition , especially to calculate and settle an insurance claim .

  29. 业务流程可以特定于某个领域或行业,如保险索赔流程。

    Business processes can be specific to a domain or industry , such as an insurance claim process .

  30. 根据保单要求发送详细的保险索赔程序,并且承包商必须严格遵守此程序。

    Detailed insurance claim procedures may be issued based upon insurance policy requirements and with which the contractor must comply .