
  • 网络insurance intermediary;insurance broker;Insurance Intermediation
  1. 作为保险中介人之一的保险经纪人是保险市场的重要组成部分。

    As one of the insurance intermediary , insurance broker plays an important role in insurance market .

  2. 保险中介人一般是由保险经纪人、保险代理人、保险公估人以及同业协会、精算师事务所、律师事务所等构成。

    Insurance intermediary is generally constituted of insurance broker , insurance agent , insurance public valuator as well as trade association , actuary office , and law office , etc.

  3. 我国保险中介业应对WTO的策略研究

    The Strategic Research on Insurance Intermediary Industry After China Joined WTO

  4. 基于角色的RBAC模型在保险中介系统中的研究与应用

    Research and Application of RBAC Model Based on Role in the Insurance Medium System

  5. 劳合社的技师们为其市场上的42家保险中介创设了一项服务,他们可以通过Google上最受欢迎的GoogleEarth地图服务来确保他们能更好地管理世界各地的风险。

    Technicians at Lloyd 's have created a service that the market's42 managing agents can use with Google 's popular mapping service to ensure they are better prepared to manage the world 's risks .

  6. 桑迪赛比恩(SandySabean)今年49岁,是纽约州的一名小企业主。她通过自己的注册理财规划师史黛西弗朗西斯(StacyFrancis)找到了房产中介、保险中介和其他专业人员。

    Sandy Sabean , a 49-year-old small-business owner in New York , found a real-estate agent , insurance agent and other professionals through Stacy Francis , her certified financial planner .

  7. 保险中介的经济学分析。

    The third part is the economic analysis of insurance intermediaries .

  8. 我国建设工程保险中介市场的现状和发展对策研究

    Remarks on the Reasonable Development Countermeasure to Engineering Insurance Intermediary Market

  9. 英美日保险中介制度及其借鉴

    UK , USA and Japan Insurance Agency System and Reference

  10. 规范保险中介市场等措施。

    Rebuilding the social honesty on insurance market and standardizing insurance intermediaries .

  11. 我国建设工程保险中介发展对策研究

    Studies on the Development of Engineering Insurance Intermediary in China

  12. 中外保险中介市场比较研究

    Analysis and Comparison of China & Developed Countries ' Insurance Intermediary Market

  13. 保险中介的功能定位及其制度借鉴

    The Definition of Insurance Intermediary Function and Its Institution Research

  14. 保险中介市场的委托代理问题

    Research on the Principal-Agent Problem About the Insurance Agency Market

  15. 我国保险中介业存在的问题研究

    Research on the Existed Problems in China Insurance Intermediary Industry

  16. 刍议我国保险中介的制度安排与创新

    On System Arrangement and Innovation of Chinese Insurance Medium

  17. 保险中介代理是金融混业经营的突破口

    Insurance Agency is the Breakthrough for Comprehensive Financial Operation

  18. 保险中介人发展较快,保险中介机构呈多元化、专业化趋势;

    The middleman system developing fast with a tendency to specialize and multivariate .

  19. 浅析中国保险中介市场的法律规范

    The Analysis of law about Insurance Intermediaries in China

  20. 中国保险中介发展研究

    A Study on the Development of Chinese Insurance Intermediary

  21. 发达国家保险中介人制度模式及其启示

    Insurance Intermediary System in Developed Countries and Its Implication

  22. 健全保险中介人组织的内控制度是微观监管的重要组成部分。

    Finally , perfecting internal control regulations is the significant respect of micro-supervision .

  23. 第一,信息不对称导致的保险中介机会主义行为。

    The first one is opportunism caused by asymmetry .

  24. 论我国保险中介市场的可持续性发展

    The Sustainable Development of China 's Insurance Intermediary Market

  25. 规范和发展中国保险中介市场。

    Regulating and developing Chinese insurance agency market .

  26. 论保险中介的发展与监督

    On the Insurance Medium 's Development and Supervision

  27. 我国保险中介市场交易成本的影响因素及对策研究

    Research of Influence Factors of Transaction Costs and Countermeasure in China Insurance Intermediary Market

  28. 论保险中介市场的规范化专业化建设

    On Standardization and Specialization of the Intermediary Market

  29. 新疆保险中介需求分析

    Analysis on Demand of Insurance Agency in Xinjiang

  30. 论保险中介与保险公司的关系回归

    Regaining Partnership by Insurance Intermediaries and Insurance Companies