
  1. 分析市场因素对保险产品定价的影响,保险产品差别定价的策略是保险业产品定价之良策。

    To analyze the influence and discrimination price strategy for insurance product is a good way for pricing .

  2. 介绍了总保费的计算方法,利用资产份额法对总保费进行了测试,并概括了健康保险产品定价的完整过程。

    I research the calculation of total premium , and use asset share method to test the total premium , and then summarize the complete process of pricing .

  3. 健康保险产品的定价方法研究

    Study on the Approaches of Pricing of Health Insurance Products

  4. 对健康保险产品的定价进行研究具有重要的现实意义和实用价值。

    It 's important and valuable to make a study on the pricing of health insurance products .

  5. 教师保险产品的定价

    Pricing of Teacher Insurance Products

  6. 健康保险产品的定价基础是疾病发生率和医疗费用数据,而寿险产品的定价基础是生命表,财产保险产品的定价基础是财产损失发生率。

    Health insurance products , pricing is based on the incidence of disease and medical cost data , the pricing of life insurance products is based on the life table , and property insurance products , pricing is based on the incidence of property damage .

  7. 保险公司寿险产品定价风险实证研究

    The Empirical Analysis for Pricing Risk in Insurance Company

  8. 最后,研究在市场均衡定价基础上,金融型保险公司的产品市场定价策略,从理论回到实践,以理论指导保险实践。

    Finally , after studying the equilibrium pricing of markets , describes the market pricing strategy for financial-type insurance company products , from the theories back to the practices , using the theories to guide the insurance practices .

  9. 保险精算学与保险经济学中保险产品定价之比较

    Pricing Comparison of Insurance Products between Actuarial Science of Insurance and Economics of Insurance

  10. 本文的第一章介绍了国外保险业将财务经济学应用到保险公司产品定价的方法,但是这些方法都没有说明如何确定多业务线保险公司的公平保费;

    Chapter one of this text has recommended the foreign insurance to apply financial economy to the products pricing method of insurance company , but these methods have not explained how to determine the fair premium of the multiple-line insurance company .

  11. 第五章在前面各章基础上建立金融型保险公司经营模型,并以此建立金融型保险公司的保险产品市场定价模型。

    On the basis of the front parts , Chapter 5 establishes the operation model for financial-type insurance company , and consequently builds the market pricing model for financial-type insurance company products .

  12. 而我国对保险精算的研究起步较晚,尤其对非寿险精算理论的研究更要滞后,致使财产保险公司在产品定价和准备金评估方面具有很大的灵活性。

    In our country the actuarial study is backward , especially for non-life insurance actuarial study , with the result that property insurance companies have a great deal of flexibility in product pricing and assessment of the reserve .

  13. 随着国内保险市场的进一步发展和完善,权益连结保险产品将会受到更多消费者的欢迎。实际上,很多权益连结保险产品的定价问题都可归结为相应的或有期权的定价问题。

    With the further development and maturity of insurance market , they will be popular with more and more consumers in China . Actually , a lot of problems about the pricing of equity-linked insurance products boil down to the valuation of the corresponding embedded contingent options .

  14. 鉴于我国保险精算定价只是从保险公司供给的单方面角度出发,忽略了市场需求因素,因此,应结合市场需求的特点对保险产品定价做出适当的调整。

    In view of our actuarial pricing is only from the unilateral perspective of insurance companies ' supplies , ignoring the market demand factors . Therefore , we should make appropriate adjustments in pricing of insurance products , combing with the characteristics of market demand .

  15. 本文以金融型保险商品概念注释当代保险经济与金融经济的融合,在金融型保险公司经营理论基础上,提出金融型保险公司的产品市场定价理论。

    This article uses the concept for finance-type insurance to annotate the convergence between contemporary insurance economics and finance economics , on the basis of operation theory in financial-type insurance company , put forward the market pricing theories of the financial-type insurance company products .

  16. 论文以此为研究的出发点,在定性定量研究金融型保险公司在保险市场与资本市场经营规律的基础上,建立金融型保险公司经营模型,并以此建立金融型保险公司的保险产品市场定价模型。

    The thesis regards this as the departure point , after describing the operation rules of insurance market and capital market capital market for the financial-type insurance company qualitatively and quantitatively , builds the operation model and consequently establishes the market pricing model for the financial-type insurance company .