
  • 网络Insurance Agency
  1. 湖南保险代理公司业务转型趋势及风险探析

    The business transformation trend for insurance agency firms in Hunan province and related risks

  2. 所以,本文把研究上海合泰保险代理公司保险超市的营销模式作为主要写作内容。

    So the article tries to study the marketing mode of Shanghai Hercules Insurance Agency Company as the main content .

  3. 保险代理公司信用评级的特殊性保险代理公司有区别于其他金融机构的特性,相对的,对其进行信用评级也要体现出这些特殊性。Agent的体系结构

    The credit rating system also helps select the agent . The Architectures of Agent

  4. 然后通过市场调查和运用SWOT分析的方法,确定了上海合泰保险代理公司的目标市场。

    Then we investigate the market and analyze the SWOT of the company , it is also necessary process to select the target market .

  5. 发展保险代理公司业务是保险公司的必然选择

    Developing Agency Business , an Inevitable Choice of Insurers

  6. 上海合泰保险代理公司保险超市营销模式的研究

    The Research of " Insurance Supermarket " for Shanghai Hercules Insurance Agency Company

  7. 第三部分主要是引入事件树分析方法,认定保险代理公司面临的主要风险因素。

    Part ⅲ identifies the main risks in insurance agent companies with Event Tree Method .

  8. 各大企业集团出于加强风险管理,节省保费的角度考虑出资设立保险代理公司、保险经纪公司等中介机构。

    For risk management and premium savings , many large enterprise groups established insurance agents ; insurance brokers and other intermediaries .

  9. 在这种背景下,上海合泰保险代理公司作为一家新成立的公司,面对竞争激烈的保险行业,提出了发展保险超市的新模式。

    Facing to the sharp competition of insurance business , the company creates a new marketing mode named " insurance supermarket " .

  10. 使保险代理公司实现了现代化的电脑管理,减少了手工管理的混乱,为保险代理公司的发展提供了基础。

    It will make insurance agencies to achieve modern computer management , reducing confusions caused by human , provide better chances to the agencies .

  11. 面对激烈的行业竞争,保险代理公司将专注于业务的拓展和资金的运作上面,做成专业化的保险代理公司。

    The face of fierce competition in the industry , insurance companies will focus on business development and capital operation , to be professional insurance agents company .

  12. 实现了汽车保险代理公司的保单管理,退保、注销保单,单据管理,客户管理,车辆管理,收保险费,缴保险费,以及基础数据管理,数据权限的管理等功能。

    This program achieved the functions of policy management , surrendering , cancellation policy , document management , client management , vehicle management , charging premium , data management and permission management .

  13. 主体的特殊性(有广义、狭义之分,具体为保险代理有限责任公司、兼业保险代理人和个人保险代理人)。

    The special features of the mainstay of IAA ( sensu lato and sensu stricto , specified as insurance agent limited company and personal agent );

  14. 当前,中国保险业实现销售的主要手段仍然是以代理人即保险代理公司拓展业务为主,柜台销售为辅。

    At present , the primary means of insurance sales is insurance agency corporation to expand their business ; the secondary is counter sales in china insurance industry .

  15. 在保险代理项目中根据SOA的设计思想、方法及应用模型,对保险代理公司与保险公司、银行、通信等相关企业之间的业务交互部分采用了SOA架构的解决方案。

    SOA solution architecture is applied in interactive part of the business of insurance agents , insurance companies , banks , communications companies and so on in accordance with the thinking design , methods and models of application of SOA in project of insurance agents .

  16. 目前,我国保险电子商务市场已经从导入期进入快速发展期,各保险公司和保险中介代理公司纷纷加大投入构建自己的电子商务网站和电话营销平台。

    Currently , China e-commerce market share is already entering to the station of rapid development , most insurance companies and insurance agencies increase their input on building up own e-commerce system which including website and call center .