
  • 网络insurance contract interpretation
  1. 保险合同解释之我见

    On the Insurance Contract Interpretation

  2. 合理预期原则作为一个新兴的保险合同解释原则,必然有其特有的价值和功能。

    Reasonably be expected to principle as an emerging principle of insurance contract interpretation is bound to have their own values and functions .

  3. 浅析保险合同解释中的合理期待原则

    The Reasonable Expectation in the Explanation of Insurance Contract

  4. 第一章介绍保险合同解释的原因、主体和客体。

    Chapter one introduces the cause , the subject and the object of this interpretation .

  5. 第六部分说明人身保险合同解释的规则,并提出自己的观点。

    The last part explains the rules of interpreting life insurance contract where personal views are raised .

  6. 本文从保险合同解释原则的分类、适用位阶以及疑义利益解释原则的适用方面作了进一步探讨。

    The text makes the further study on explaining the classification of principle from the insurance contract , applying a rank and the doubt benefits to explain the principle to apply aspect .

  7. 保险合同解释应该首先适用合同的一般解释原则,然后适用不利解释原则,而且不利解释原则的适用还有一定的适用前提及适用范围。

    The general explanation rule should first of all be applied for insurance contract explanation , and then the unfavorable explanation rule be applied . However , there are applicable premises and range for the unfavorable explanation rule .

  8. 参考、比较了两大法系保险合同解释制度的相关原则,并重点分析了目前司法实践中运用得最为广泛的疑义利益解释原则,和西方国家兴起的合理期待原则。

    It consult and compare the related principle about insurance contract explanation of the two big legal system , including the doubt benefit principle which is widespread in the present judicial practice , and the reasonable anticipation principle in the Western countries .

  9. 第三章介绍保险合同解释的一般原则,即文义解释原则、整体解释原则、目的解释原则、习惯解释原则、诚实信用解释原则和补充解释原则,以及各解释原则之间的具体适用标准。

    Chapter three introduces the general interpretation rules , such as literal interpretation , total interpretation , teleological method of interpretation , conventional interpretation , honesty and credit interpretation and complementary interpretation , and also the specific application standard between these rules .

  10. 保险合同解释的有利解释原则产生和存在的原因:一是私法的公平原则,二是法律在商事行为中对弱势一方的特殊关照。

    The formation and existence of the principle of preferential interpretation in insurance contract derives from two reasons , one is the fairness principle of civil law , and the other is that the law takes care of the weak party in commercial act specially .

  11. 试论保险合同的解释原则

    A Discussion of the Expositive Principle of the Insurance Contract

  12. 保险合同的解释问题研究

    A Study on Explanation Issues of Insurance Contract

  13. 保险合同有利解释原则的法律分析&兼评如何完善我国《保险法》第31条

    The Discussion of Law Issues on the Rule of Favorable Interpretation in Insurance Contracts

  14. 如何正确理解和适用保险合同的解释原则&完善我国保险合同解释制度的一点建议

    How to Understand and Apply the Interpretation Rule of Insurance Contract Properly-Some advice on perfecting our system of interpretation of insurance contract

  15. 论保险合同的有利解释原则

    On the Principle of Preferential Interpretation in Insurance Contract

  16. 那适用不利解释就一定是最能公平有效地解决合同分歧吗?需要我们进一步探讨,寻找解决保险合同格式条款解释的途径。

    That certainly applies to negative interpretation is the most fair and efficient resolution of contractual differences it ?

  17. 现在学术界对保险合同条款进行解释时,要么适用不利解释原则,要么适用合理期待原则。

    Now the academic circles on the insurance contract interpretation , either for the unfavorable explanation rule , either to apply the doctrine of reasonable expectation .

  18. 保险合同的有利解释原则,是出于保护在缔约过程中处于弱势地位的保险相对人的利益而产生的。

    The rule of favorable interpretation to policyholder is designed to protect the benefit of insurance counterpart , who is considered to be at a disadvantage in contracting with insurers .

  19. 有鉴于此,本文拟对保险合同条款的解释进行探讨,以期能为审判实践中遇到的常用问题提出可供参考的意见。

    In view of this , the article intends to discuss the legal interpretation of the terms of insurance contracts , then to provide some available advices for common problems in judicial practice .

  20. 第六章从立法、司法以及保险业三个方面,提出对我国目前保险合同解释制度的建议。

    Chapter six raises some advice for the present interpretation system of insurance contracts from three aspects of legislation , justice and insurance industry .

  21. 保险行业承担着分解社会危险和将来可能出现的意外风险功能,当保险行为越来越频繁,保险合同纠纷案件数量日益增多,带来了很多问题,保险合同解释成为大众生活不可忽略的一大焦点。

    The insurance industry bear the decomposition of social risk and possible future accident risk function , when the increasingly frequent acts of insurance , insurance contract disputes increase day by day , the insurance contract explanation into public life can not be ignored a focus .