
  • 网络Insurance Research;Insurance Studies;Flood Insurance Study
  1. 《保险研究》应在繁荣学术研究,创新保险理论上有所作为,在促进保险事业发展,服务建设小康社会上多做贡献。

    " Insurance Studies " has the responsibility of Stimulating research work and promoting innovation , and should contribute more to the development of insurance industry and the building of a well-off society .

  2. 加强中国保险学会会刊《保险研究》当前的工作,着眼长远发展,对推动保险理论的研究和创新具有重要的意义。

    Paying more attention on the current and long-term development of " Insurance Studies ", a journal of the Insurance Institute of China , is very important to drive insurance theory study and its innovation .

  3. 阿灵顿,弗吉尼亚州-今天的SUV和皮卡构成前几代的风险远远小于人们在汽车和小型货车,从公路安全说明保险研究所的一个新的研究。

    ARLINGTON , VA-Today 's SUVs and pickups pose far less risk to people in cars and minivans than previous generations , a new study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows .

  4. 中国种植业生产风险与政策性农业保险研究

    Study on Production Risk and Policy Agricultural Insurance in Chinese Cropping Sector

  5. 我国城镇低收入居民基本医疗保险研究

    Study on Chinese Urban Basic Medical Insurance of Low-income Residents

  6. 洪水保险研究现状与发展趋势分析

    Research status quo and development trend analysis of flood insurance

  7. 加强保险研究工作推动保险理论创新

    Heighten Insurance Study Work , Propel Insurance Theory Innovation

  8. 知识产权风险与保险研究

    Studies on Intellectual Property Risk and Intellectual Property Insurance

  9. 中国国有企业职工养老保险研究

    The Study on the Endowment Insurance of State-run Units ' Workers in China

  10. 江苏人口老龄化趋势及社会养老保险研究

    Studies of Ageing Tendency of Population and Social Security Situation in Jiangsu Province

  11. 期望效用最优意义的最优保险研究

    The Optimal Insurance Based on Expected Utility Maximum

  12. 农村移民社会保险研究

    Research on Social Insurance for Rural Relocated People

  13. 中国人口老龄化背景下的养老保险研究

    The Research of Pension Insurance in the Background of Aging of Population in China

  14. 建设工程相关职业责任保险研究

    Study on Professional Indemnity Insurance for Engineering Profession

  15. 四川盐载保险研究

    On the Salt Transportation Insurance of Szechwan

  16. 中国养老保险研究

    Study on old Age Insurance in China

  17. 我国建筑工程质量保险研究

    Research on Building Quality Insurance in China

  18. 银行操作风险保险研究

    The Study of Operational Risk Insurance

  19. 何平,所长,劳动社会保障部部社会保险研究所。

    Ping He , Director , Social Insurance Institute , Ministry of Labor and Social Security .

  20. 房地产风险与保险研究

    Realty Risk & Insurance Research

  21. 洪水保险研究

    A Study of Flood Insurance

  22. 建国初期企业职工劳动保险研究(1949-1953)

    The Study of the Workers Labor Insurance at the Early Years of the New Nation ( 1949-1953 );

  23. 本文首先阐述了学生团体保险研究的背景、意义和方法,从教育、经济和法律的角度分析了学生团体保险的环境和需求;

    The paper fist expounds the background , significance and means of the research of the students ' group insurance .

  24. 提出本文研究农业保险研究的背景意义,简介本文所采用的研究方法和技术路线,提出基本思路和主要研究内容。

    Put forward in this paper to study agricultural insurance research background significance in this paper has introduced the research method and technical route , puts forward some basic ideas and research content .

  25. 以此来把握当前医疗保险研究现状和前沿问题;进而形成构建城乡一体化居民医疗保险制度研究的理论分析框架。

    In order to grasp the current research status and cutting-edge issues between the Health insurance ; thus , the formation of residents in urban and rural construction of the medical insurance system theory framework .

  26. 总结了目前农村社会养老保险研究的发展趋势,并对国内外关于农村社会养老保险的研究、文献进行了梳理。第三章,四川省农村养老保障的发展历程及制度分析。

    Consolidation of the domestic and foreign research on rural social old-age insurance of the relevant literature , and the research trends . Chapter ⅲ, New type of rural old-age insurance in the development process and system analysis .

  27. 在成本的计算中,采用企业的实际数据通过时间加权平均数来计算延保的预期成本,在此成本上,结合了保险研究的理论依据,加成了道德风险因素。

    In the calculation of the cost , using the real data of the enterprise through the weighted average time to calculate the expected cost of extended warranty costs on this , combined with the theory of insurance research , plus the moral hazard factors .

  28. 在实践中,它又是产品可靠性的主要指标,不少产品就是用失效率的大小来确定其等级的,失效率已经在可靠性、生存分析、保险研究等许多领域有广泛的应用。

    In practice , it is also the main index of product reliability . Many products that depend on the size of the failure rate to determine the level . Failure rate has been widely used in reliability , survival analysis , insurance , research and many other fields .

  29. 基于DFA方法的中国洪水保险定价研究

    The Research on Problem of Flood Insurance Pricing Based on the DFA

  30. 此外,(美国商业组织)保险信息研究所[注3]的罗伯特•哈特维希(RobertHartwig)说,现有的大多数非寿险保单都是强制性的[注4]。

    Moreover , says Robert Hartwig , of the Insurance Information Institute , an American trade body , most existing non-life policies are nondiscretionary .