
  1. 莫尔斯电码里两个电报信号里较长的一个。

    The longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code .

  2. 在现代通信中,如何从接收信号里提取同步信息至关重要,并直接决定通信系统性能指标的好坏。

    How to abstract synchronization signal from received waveform is the key to modern communication and determines the performance of system .

  3. 跟踪的任务就是解决如何从观测设备(如卫星、雷达、传感器等)中得到的混杂有干扰与噪声的观测信号里及时、准确的恢复出目标的运动信息,这个过程也称作滤波。

    Tracking task is to restore the target movement information in the measurement signal from a mixed interference ( noise ) timely and accurately , which is get from the observation equipment ( such as satellite , radar , sensors , etc. ) .

  4. 隐藏在摄像机里的信号传送器里,以5.8千兆赫频率输出。

    Transmitters built into the covert cameras transmit at5.8 GHz ;

  5. 这些研究通常是在周期性的探测和决定性的信号环境里进行的。

    However , the investigations are usually carried out in the context of periodicity detection and deterministic signal .

  6. 激光焊接等离子体声信号的付里叶分析

    The FFT analyze of the acoustic signal on plasma in laser welding

  7. 就个人而言,我从来没有需要提高我国的无线信号在家里,但绝对需要这样做的工作。

    If you absolutely must use such a compiler for your project , I 'm afraid Boost .

  8. 传感器发射无线信号,从房间里的物体上发生反射,利用无线电断层成像创建3D地图。

    The sensors emit wireless signals that bounce off of whatever 's in the room and create a 3-D map using radio tomographic imaging .

  9. 在比赛前等待发令信号时你脑海里最突出的是什么。

    What 's uppermost in your mind just before a race when you 're waiting for the starter 's signal ?

  10. 比如小偷只要把偷来的手机放在一个能阻绝无线信号的手机壳里,就能阻断这部手机的所有电磁通讯。

    For instance , a thief could place the stolen phone in a signal-blocking phone case that would prevent all electromagnetic communications from reaching the device .

  11. 在用微机进行数据测量和控制时,必须将信号输入到微机里和将微机里数据输出去。

    When the data is measured and controlled with microcomputer , the data that had been input into the microcomputer must be output out of microcomputer .

  12. 随着对混沌学的深入研究,越来越多的科学研究表明很多微弱信号湮没在具有混沌行为的背景信号里。

    By thorough study of chaos , more and more researches show that a lot of weak signals are embedded in the strong chaotic noise .