
xìn lìng
  • signalling
信令[xìn lìng]
  1. 移动通信网的MAP信令测试技术研究

    Study on MAP Signalling Test Technology of Mobile Communication Network

  2. 七号信令网IP化的演进分析

    Analysis of the IP Evolution of the No.7 Signalling Network

  3. 带内信令系统实现adhoc网络的邻居预留

    Neighborhood reservation with in-band signaling system in Ad Hoc networks

  4. 第三章详细介绍了爱立信公司ENGINE解决方案的具体内容、基本单元、信令标准、方案优点及其在世界范围的应用。

    Charter 3 introduces the detailed content , basic components , signaling standard , solution advantage of ENGINE , and its marketing situation .

  5. 本课题的主要目标,就是在对SIP信令协议进行研究的基础上,对SIP的实现进行尝试。

    The main object is trying to implement SIP stack .

  6. 网络结构采用4×4的曼哈顿网络,偏折路由和JIT(JustinTime)信令协议;

    The network model uses 4 × 4 Manhattan street network , deflection routing , Just-In-Time signal protocol and self-similar source .

  7. 在基于IP的3G移动网络中,SIP将是主要的信令协议。

    SIP will be the dominant signaling protocol in the third mobile network which is IP_based .

  8. 本文先介绍了EDGE网络的逻辑和信令结构,对EDGE网络中的每一个网络元素都进行了介绍。

    At the first , the EDGE network logical and signal construct is introduced , including each network element in EDGE network .

  9. 它是应用层信令控制协议,主要用于IP网络中媒体通信时的会话管理。

    It is the application layer signaling control protocol is mainly used in IP network traffic when the media session management .

  10. 本文阐述了CORBA技术在中国某移动公司信令网监测系统的应用,包括接口对象建模。

    The paper analyzes CORBA object model 's application on7 Signal Network Monitor System .

  11. CDMA移动信令分析仪中A1接口信令的实践

    Practice of A1 interface signal in CDMA mobile signaling analyzer

  12. ARM嵌入式处理器通过运行于其上的嵌入式操作系统完成信令控制、网络传输控制、用户界面支持等功能。

    The embedded operating system based on ARM embedded processor complete the network transmission control and user interface support functions .

  13. Oracle高级复制技术在七号信令网管系统中的应用

    Research on Application of Oracle Advanced Replication of the Distributed System of No.7 Signaling Network

  14. SIP是一个应用层的信令控制协议,用来创建、修改和终结一个或多个参加者参加的会话进程。这些会话包括Internet电话、Interact多媒体会议、远程教育以及远程医疗等。

    These sessions include Internet telephone calls , multimedia distribution , multimedia conferences , remote education and medical treatment .

  15. 因此本文主要研究了基于SIP信令的企业即时通信系统的实现。

    So this paper 's target is the implementation of EIM based on SIP .

  16. 在SIP代理服务器上获取信令数据,从网关上得到通信内容。

    We shall gain signaling data from SIP proxy and communication content from gateway .

  17. SIP和ISDN之间网关信令转换分析与实现

    Analysis and Implementation of Signaling Translation in SIP and ISDN Gateway

  18. 而初始会话协议SIP是IMS的标准信令协议。

    SIP is the standard signaling protocol of IMS .

  19. IMS采用会话初始协议(SessionInitiateProtocol,简称SIP)作为会话控制信令协议。

    Session Initiate Protocol ( SIP ) is accepted in IMS as the session control signaling protocol .

  20. 扩展RSVP信令传递QoS等级信息;

    Extending RSVP signaling to transmit QoS class information ;

  21. GPRS系统信令开销的探讨

    Discuss for GPRS System Signalling Spending

  22. 在NGN中,VOIP网关分为媒体网关和信令网关。

    VOIP gateway is classified by media gateway and signal gateway in NGN .

  23. 第三,介绍了软交换网络协议,包括IP电话协议、媒体网关协议、呼叫信令协议、软交换互通协议。

    Thirdly , introduced protocols for Softswitch , such as IP Phone Protocol , Media Gateway Protocol , Call Signaling Protocol and interlink protocol .

  24. 最后通过仿真计算得出了采用分布式位置管理方案时区域注册移动IP信令开销的数值结果。

    At the end of this paper , numerical results of signaling cost are calculated when deploying this scheme into Mobile IP Regional Registration .

  25. 信令代理在VoIP中的实现

    The realization of signaling proxy in VoIP

  26. 传统信令在NGN中的应用实现

    Application and implementation of traditional signaling message in NGN

  27. 由于VOIP的关键技术包括信令技术、编码技术、实时传输技术、服务质量(QOS)保证技术等。

    The key techniques of VOIP include signaling , encoding , Real-time transmission , QOS and so on .

  28. 本文介绍了全IP核心网的概念以及无线网、骨干网、信令网的演进。

    This paper introduces the concept of all IP core network , then discusses the evolution of wireless network , backbone network , signalling network .

  29. 4)增加了一条新的信令帧BPC(BeamPatternChange)帧,用于进一步释放协议积极性。

    4 ) A new signaling frame , Beam Pattern Change ( BPC ) frame , is adopted in order to release the protocol aggressiveness .

  30. 针对传统IP寻呼(IPpaging)方法存在的寻呼信令风暴问题,提出了一种采用分布式寻呼策略的链式IP寻呼方法,提高IP寻呼的灵活性和扩展性。

    A distributed link-based IP paging method is proposed to enhance the scalability and flexibi - ( lity ) of traditional IP paging .