
tiào xiàn
  • jumper;jumper wire;wire jumper;bridle wire
跳线[tiào xiàn]
  1. 当前的WesternDigital驱动包括一个跳线,可用于设置WindowsXP兼容性。

    The current Western Digital drives include a jumper you can set for Windows XP compatibility .

  2. 在这篇文章的最后有SCSIID对应的跳线设置。

    SCSI ID Jumper Settings are at the bottom of this article .

  3. 广义Poisson单的跳线和样本函数的结构

    Jumping Lines and Structure of Sample Functions for Generalized Poisson Sheet

  4. 因此,您几乎可以肯定不能使用该跳线;二是使用您的Linux分区软件创建合理对齐的分区。

    Therefore , you should almost certainly not use this jumper ; instead , use your Linux partitioning software to create properly aligned partitions .

  5. 这种根据地理位置规划的VLAN可以大到一整个建筑物或者小到一个交换器或跳线架。

    This geographic location can be as large as an entire building or as small as a single switch inside a wiring closet .

  6. 在W频段双平衡混频器的设计中,本文提出由混合环构成的魔T与巴伦级连而成的功率混合电路,这种新颖的电路结构使整个电路单平面化,避免了任何跳线。

    In the design of W band double-balanced mixer , a novel structure using Magic-T and two baluns , which all realized by ratrace , is proposed with no crossing of transmission line .

  7. 500kV单回路耐张塔边相跳线直跳上绕布置

    Upward-bypassing Arrangement for Side Phase Jumper of 500 kV Single-circuit Tension Tower

  8. 那个男孩从窗口跳下去。在DLC上把一根跳线从地端#4回放至地端#5。

    The boy took a leap from the window . BACK JUMPER A WIRE FROM GROUND TERMINAL # 4 TO GROUND TERMINAL # 5 IN DLC .

  9. 这些电路设计使用及其繁琐,一方面串口不支持热拔插和供电,另一方面针对同一系列的不同MCU还要完成复杂的跳线。

    The circuit design and cumbersome to use , on the one hand and the serial does not support hot-swappable power supply , the other for the same series of complex but also the different MCU jumper .

  10. 然而单节宽边耦合带状线耦合器的带宽一般只有一个倍频程左右,而Lange耦合器中有些互联必须使用金丝键合实现跳线或采用其它复杂工艺实现跨接互联。

    However , the bandwidth of a single broadside-coupled stripline coupler is only one octave or so . Lange coupler have to use gold or jumper wire press welder welding .

  11. 750kV输电线路耐张塔刚性跳线的研究开发

    Development of Rigid Jumper for Strained Towers of 750 kV Transmission Line

  12. 事实上,这是该行成立骘Fakirpelvan(如图所示)父系的欧洲著名跳线Penteli的颜色。

    In fact , this was the color of the line founding stallion Fakirpelvan ( shown here ) sire of the famous European jumper Penteli .

  13. 构建了基于边界扫描技术的边界扫描测试验证平台和基于MTM维修总线技术的系统级测试验证平台,研制了实验用验证电路板,该验证电路板通过设置跳线部分模拟各种电路故障。

    Which is helpful for circuit designers . 3 , Construct boundary-scan test verification platforms based on boundary scanning technique and MTM system-level test verification platform based on MTM maintain bus technique . develope experimental verification circuit board that can simulate a variety of electrical fault by setting jumpers .

  14. 特殊情况下跳线计计算及电气间隙检查

    Jump Wire Calculation and Check of Air Clearances in Special Condition

  15. 由短的金属丝组成的跳线。

    A jumper that consists of a short piece of wire .

  16. 这应该和您的音效卡及跳线设定一致。

    This should match your sound card type and jumper settings .

  17. 这是跳线电缆和回形针导线之间的混乱状态。

    It was a tangle of jumper cables and clip leads .

  18. 跳线成型机铆钉接头揭秘

    A Circuit Jumper Former Revealing the Secret of Rivet Joint

  19. 象前一步那样重新连上跳线。

    Reconnect the jumper wire as in the previous step .

  20. 剪掉(切断,停止)控制板上绿色跳线。

    Cut the GREEN jumper wire on the Control board .

  21. 考虑弯曲刚度影响的跳线长度计算

    Calculation on length of jumping-line considering influence of bending strength

  22. 切换矩阵与跳线在有线机房的应用

    The Application of Switching Matrix and Jumping Line in CATV Machine Room

  23. 架空送电线路非直线塔跳线及间隙设置探讨

    Study on Jumper Wire and Gap of Non-Linear Tower for Transmission Line

  24. 一个实际的硬件跳线器被以另外的一个卡争执。

    A physical hardware jumper is conflicting with another card .

  25. 跳线索舞!跳线索舞!

    Do the clue dance ! Do the clue dance !

  26. 悬垂绝缘子串与跳线在风洞中的风偏试验

    Suspension Insulator String and Jumper Wire Tested in Wind Tunnel

  27. 关于测量室列架跳线拥塞问题的探讨

    Discussion on jumper line jam in test room MDF

  28. 预制式铝管跳线装置的研制与应用

    The R & D and Application of Jumper Device for Prefabricating Aluminum Pipe

  29. 路轨跳线爆炸焊接连接技术试验研究

    Experimental Study on Explosive Welding Technique for Rail Skip-string

  30. 地址采用跳线设定方式。

    The address is designed by using jumper mode .