
tiào gāo
  • high jump;leap
跳高 [tiào gāo]
  • [high jump] 田径赛中的一个项目,包括立定或经过助跑后跳过横杆

跳高[tiào gāo]
  1. 她跳高得了银牌。

    She won a silver medal in the high jump .

  2. 古巴的世界跳高纪录保持者索托马约尔跳过了2.36米。

    Sotomayor , the Cuban holder of the world high jump record , cleared 2.36 metres .

  3. 他轻松地通过了跳高预赛。

    He has easily won the preliminary contest for the high jump .

  4. 报名参加跳高比赛的有多少人?

    How many entries are there for the high jump ?

  5. 他跳高时试跳了几次才跳过去。

    He had several goes at the high jump before he succeeded in clearing it .

  6. 田径运动的项目很多,例如跳高、跳远、百米赛跑等。

    There are many track-and-field events , such as the high jump , the long jump , the100-metre dash , etc.

  7. 她创造了欧洲跳高的新纪录。

    She established a new European record in the high jump .

  8. 跳高运动员的起跳角度不好。

    The high jumper took off at a bad angle .

  9. 这名撑杆跳高运动员以5英寸之多超过了世界纪录。

    The pole vaulter bettered the world 's record by five inches .

  10. 跳高比赛第二名是谁?

    Who was second in the high jump ?

  11. 几乎不可战胜的撑杆跳高名将伊辛巴耶娃又给俄罗斯军团增添一金。

    And the almost unbeatable pole-vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva added one more gold to Russia 's tally .

  12. 其他的田径项目有longjump/跳远和highjump/跳高。

    Other athletics events are the long jump / the long jump and the high jump / the high jump .

  13. 跳高中H4与H3的区别与联系

    The Differentiation and Affiliation of H_4 and H_3 of High Jump

  14. Tojumpthegun。Tojump就是“跳高”或“跳跃”的“跳”。

    To jump the gun is to do something too soon .

  15. 从4H体系中找到了影响跳高成绩的新因素H4。

    The new factor H4 affecting high jump achievement is found in 4H system .

  16. 以此模式为依据,制作了《背越式跳高教学多媒体CAI课件》。

    Based on this mode , the Multimedia CAI Courseware for Back Layout Teaching was also designed .

  17. 设计合理连贯J型跳高弧线的研究

    Study of designing a " j-type " curved-line of the proportionate consistency in high jump

  18. 采用摄影测量的方法,对我国12名撑竿跳高优秀运动员在力量作用时期技术动作的完成情况进行了分析,提出了影响H2和H3的一些技术要素。

    The study , using the cinematographic method , analysed the movements of twelve Chinese top vaulters in the phase of force action . Major factors that affect the H_2 and H_3 were revealed .

  19. 运用多媒体CAI课件在中小学业余田径运动员背越式跳高训练中进行辅助教学,明显地帮助学生建立了完整的正确动作,迅速掌握技术,显著提高训练成绩。

    The application of Multimedia CAI courseware in fosbury flop training will help students have a complete and correct notion of the action , and master the skills to improve their performance .

  20. 短跑、跨栏、跳高和跳远项目得分比例较大,而投掷1、500m跑和撑竿跳高等项目相对较弱,反映出项目间发展的不平衡。

    They had relatively higher scores in sprint , hurdles and high jump events , while they had relatively poor performances in throws , 1 500 m race and vault events , showing an unbalanced development in the events ;

  21. 运用文献资料法,针对我国田径项目的实际发展水平,对我国男女跳高、男子110m栏、女子中长跑及马拉松项目的训练特点进行归纳分析。

    Based on the method of documentation , aiming at the actual level of track and field development of China , this article analyzed and summed up the training characteristic of man and woman high jump 、 man 110m hurdle 、 woman middle-distance race and marathon .

  22. 运用文献、调查问卷和数理统计法,对我国女子跳高成绩在1.97~1.82m之间的34名运动员8项身体素质和运动成绩的关系进行分析。

    With documents , questionnaire and statistic data , this paper analyzed the relationship between 8 fitness indices and performance of 34 Chinese elite women high jumper which range from 1.82m to 1.87m .

  23. 卡塔尔的穆塔兹•艾萨•巴希姆(MutazEssaBarshim)和加拿大的德里克•德劳因(DerekDrouin)是两位有望获得跳高比赛奖牌的选手。他们也被耐克批准穿其他品牌的运动鞋,但要用带有耐克标识的弹性鞋套来遮盖。

    Two medal favorites in the high jump , Mutaz Essa Barshim of Qatar and Derek Drouin of Canada , have also been permitted by Nike to wear shoes from other brands that are covered by elastic sleeves resembling spats that bear the Nike swoosh .

  24. 表象演练用于背越式跳高教学的实验研究

    An experimental study about adopting image drill to Fosbury flop teaching

  25. 背越式跳高起跳过程的动力学分析

    The Dynamic Analysis on the Course of Back Type High Jump

  26. 优秀背越式跳高运动员技术的快速特征

    On the Speediness Characteristics of Excellent High Jump Athletes ' Techniques

  27. 撑杆跳高是一项奥运会的比赛项目。

    Pole vault is a competitive event in the Olympic games .

  28. 如果我是你,我就会报名参加跳高。

    I would enter ( myself ) for the high jump .

  29. 论我国跳高运动员快速力量发展的原则

    On principles of developing high jumpers ' fast force in China

  30. 背越式跳高旋转动力来源和利用的再认识

    The Probe and Application of Circumrotate Momentum in Back-layout High Jump