
  • 网络gateshead;Newcastle Gateshead
  1. 1913年生于盖茨黑德,墨菲女士的演讲就从她盖茨黑德的童年开始。

    Ms Murphy 's talk began with her childhood in Gateshead , where she was born in 1913 .

  2. 车门关上了,“好啦,”一声大叫,我们便上路了。就这样我告别了贝茜和盖茨黑德,一阵风似地被卷往陌生的、当时看来遥远和神秘的地方。

    Thus was I severed from Bessie and Gateshead ; thus whirled away to unknown , and , as I then deemed , remote and mysterious regions .

  3. “再见了盖茨黑德!”我路过大厅走出前门时说。

    " Good-bye to gateshead !" cried I , as we passed through the hall and went out at the front door .