
xìn xī fǎn kuì
  • information feedback
  1. 目前基于Web的科技查新委托系统的各功能已基本实现,系统已试运行,根据用户信息反馈表明系统总体方案设计合理,解决问题的措施可行。

    The system is under trial run and the information feedback shows that the whole method has rational designs and feasible measures for problems solution .

  2. 在CS战略中导入信息反馈的研究

    Study on Information Feedback into CS Strategy

  3. 信息反馈给政府有关部门。

    The information is fed back to the government department concerned .

  4. MIMO系统中的部分信道状态信息反馈

    Partial Feedback for Channel State Information in MIMO System

  5. 该方法基于MIMO信道的衰落特性,在统计信道信息反馈的条件下通过最大化系统的遍历容量来设计预编码和功率分配策略。

    The proposed scheme gives the power allocation and the precoding algorithms to maximize the ergodic capacity based on the statistical CSI feedback and the MIMO channel fading characteristic .

  6. 面向协同质量管理的协同服务:应用Web技术建立协同服务平台,具体介绍了其技术支持子系统和信息反馈子系统的结构和工作流程,阐述了协同服务平台对质量管理的贡献。

    Other of key technology-collaborative service is presented . Based on Web , collaborative service platform is set up . The structure and process of technical support subsystem and information feedback subsystem is proposed in detail . Its contribution to quality management is expatiated .

  7. 该公司的交互式零售柜台(interactiveretailstand)采用动作感应屏幕,向顾客介绍他们拿到的商品,动作传感器再将顾客与机器交互产生的信息反馈给商家。迪奥(Dior)和阿玛尼(Armani)已经采用了他们的柜台来展示香水。

    The start-up 's interactive retail stands - which have been used for fragrances by Dior and Armani - use motion-activated screens to tell customers about the products they pick up .

  8. 该系统与企业CIMS系统的生产管理子系统、设计管理子系统,物资采购子系统等有机集成,形成了覆盖企业主要业务领域的质量信息反馈网络,实现信息流、业务流的统一。

    This system integrated with production management sub-system , design management sub-system , material purchase sub-system of CIMS , formed the quality information feedback system network which covered the whole company operation .

  9. 系统采用C/S结构,前台采用PowerBuilder开发环境,后台DBMS为Oracle数据库管理系统,具有数据的接收、预警控制、信息反馈、制订维修计划、维修项目的完成关闭、维修历史的查询等功能。

    This system is based on C / S , PowerBuilder , and Oracle DBMS . It possesses data acquire , warning control , information feedback , establishing plan , query maintenance history .

  10. 传统Authorware课件通过简单按钮、文本进行帮助信息反馈,MicrosoftAgent以其生动、活泼的画面、拟人化的表情、动作和言语等人性化特点对传统帮助系统产生了很大影响。

    Traditional Authorware courseware feedbacks help information through simple button and text . Microsoft Agent produces heavy influence to the tradition help system because of its humanized characteristics : its vivid , picture , personified expression , movement , speech , etc.

  11. 针对PSO算法可能出现的停滞现象,MPSO引入了基于全局信息反馈的重新初始化机制。

    To avoid the possible occurring of stagnation phenomenon in the PSO algorithm , the re-initialization mechanism based on the global information feedback is introduced in the MPSO .

  12. 介绍了Jedi型高压发生器的基本原理、各部分的功能及信号流程、软件结构和指令描述,以及安全监控、信息反馈、状态追踪。

    This article particularly introduces the fundamental principle of high voltage generator Jedi , function characterization of sub-assembly , signal flow , software configuration and command description , as well as their safety monitoring , information feedback , state trace .

  13. 同时,高斯分布和均匀分布的信道衰落信息反馈误差对自适应MQAM吞吐量性能影响的研究表明,当误差超过一定程度时,自适应系统吞吐量性能明显下降。

    At the same time , analysis of effects of Gaussian distributed and uniform distributed feedback error of the channel fading behavior on throughput performance of adaptive MQAM reveals that the obvious throughput loss shall be observed as far as the error exceeds certain limit .

  14. 建立信息反馈机制,推行动态信息交互;

    Establish feedback mechanisms , carry out communication of dynamic information ;

  15. 现代远程教育的发展及其信息反馈控制系统

    Development of Modern Distance Education and Its Information Feedback Control System

  16. 人工信息反馈在织造生产中的应用

    The Application of Manual Information Feedback System in the Weaving Room

  17. 大学生就业信息反馈控制环路刍议

    Discussion on the Information Feedback Control Chains in College Students Employment

  18. 浅析排球运动技能教学的信息反馈

    Elementary Analysis of the Information Feedback in Volleyball Skill Teaching

  19. 买卖双方的信息反馈,提高了双方描述的准确性;

    Based on the information feedback , description precision being highly improved ;

  20. 隧道施工监测和信息反馈中的模型识别方法

    The Model Identification in Tunnel Excavation Monitoring and Information Feedback

  21. 铅球声音信号信息反馈设备的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Equipment of Shot Sound Signal 's Information Feedback

  22. 链路性能感知与信道状态信息反馈技术研究

    Research on Link Performance Cognition and Channel Status Information Feedback

  23. 应用三种信息反馈策略研究含瓶颈的双通道模型

    Two-route model with bottleneck applying three kinds of information feedback

  24. 生产异常信息反馈,诊断数据收集及分类;

    Initiate production abnormal feedback , data statistics and analysis ;

  25. 地质信息反馈法在解译地震资料中的应用

    Application of Geological Information Feedback Way in Interpreting Seismic Data

  26. 学生信息反馈在教学质量监控中的应用研究

    The application research of students ' information feedback in monitoring teaching quality

  27. 行波管的失效模式和机理及质量信息反馈的分析

    Mechanism and Mode for TWT Failure and Analysis of its Quality Information Collection

  28. 您将得到非常有价值的信息反馈。

    The feedback you get will be extremely valuable .

  29. 高校毕业生教学质量信息反馈系统的研究

    Study on the Information Feedback System of Quality Evaluation for the University Graduates

  30. 麦克风监视着拍打情况并把信息反馈到控制器那里。

    The microphone monitored the flapping and fed this information to a controller .