
  • 网络information compression;compressed information;information condensing
  1. 随着Internet的快速发展,人们迫切需要信息压缩工具来对大量的信息进行提炼、浓缩,而自动摘要系统正是这样的工具。

    With the development of Internet , People need information compression tools to epurate and condense information , such as the Automatic Summarization System .

  2. 一种新的核爆地震模式识别方法&信息压缩式Hopfield神经网络

    A New Approach to Nuclear Seismic Pattern Recognition - Hopfield Neural Network Based on Information Compression

  3. 我们已经学会了如何把重要的信息压缩成简短独立的句子。

    We have learnt how to condense serious messages into short , self-contained sentences

  4. 实际上,在添加data()函数(如下所示)之前,通常都必须将所需信息压缩到一个可用变量内。

    In fact , before the data () functions were added ( see below ), you usually had to squeeze the information you needed into one of the available variables .

  5. 研究了基于分布式压缩感知(DCS)的信道信息压缩反馈问题。

    The problem of channel compression feedback based on distributed compressed sensing ( DCS ) is studied .

  6. H.263信息压缩编码的研究与实现

    The Research and Realize of the H.263 Communication Compression Coding Standard

  7. Haar小波变换实现音频信息压缩的研究

    A Study of the Audio-information Compression Realized by Haar Wavelet Transform

  8. 一种基于VQ信息压缩的频域数字水印算法

    A Frequency-Domain Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on VQ Compression

  9. 多媒体信息压缩技术的研究及MPEG-2解码系统的设计与实现

    The Study of Compression Technology of Multimedia Information and the Design and Realization of the System of MPEG-2 Decoder

  10. 分布式信源编码(DistributedSourceCoding,DSC)是一种信息压缩编码的技术,可以用来对有相互关系但却不相互通信的相关信源进行压缩。

    Distributed Source Coding ( DSC ) is an information compression coding technique . It can be used to compress the interrelated sources that are related but can not communicate to each other .

  11. 可见本文提出的基于BlackfinDSP的MPEG-4视频信息压缩处理系统是非常可行的有很大的发展前景。

    This paper proposes that the Blackfin DSP based on the MPEG-4 compressed video information processing system is very feasible have great prospects for development .

  12. 多媒体信息压缩的技术是多媒体通信领域的关键技术,因此编码标准MPEG-4也成为了研究的焦点。

    Multimedia information compress technology is one of the key technologies in multimedia communication area . So the international coding standard MPEG-4 becomes focus of the research .

  13. 针对系统帮助功能,实现了:报表输出、数据备份与恢复、用户权限设置、信息压缩、操作日志、与excel交换数据等功能。

    Help function for the system to achieve : the report output , data backup and recovery , user permissions , information compression , operation logs , to exchange data with excel functions .

  14. 全新的多媒体信息压缩技术DivX

    DivX : A New Technique of Multimedia information Compression

  15. 文章利用Delphi语言为平台,阐述了Haar小波用于音频信息压缩的实现原理和方法,并对应用结果进行了探讨。

    With Delphi as a platform , this paper has a detailed study of the principle and methods in realizing the audio-information compression by Haar wavelet , and has a further exploration to the practical result .

  16. 介绍一种全新的多媒体信息压缩技术DivX,重点阐述DivX的视频、音频压缩编码原理及其特点,并介绍了DivX的具体应用实例和应用前景。

    A new technique of multimedia information compression DivX is introduced in this paper , focusing on video and audio coding principle and its advantages , with a practical example and offers the prospect its application .

  17. 一种用于智能卡的人像信息压缩算法

    A compression algorithm for personal image information used in smart card

  18. 基于图形矢量模式的图像几何信息压缩方法

    Methods of Geometrical Image Compression Based on Vector Mode of Images

  19. 信息压缩阵在传感器智能化功能实现中的应用

    Application of Information Compression Matrix in Intelligentize Function of Sensor

  20. 禁忌频率的信息压缩技术节约了大量存储空间。

    The information compression of tabu frequency reduces plenty of memory demand .

  21. 基于邻域预测的三角形网格几何信息压缩

    Compression of Triangle Mesh Geometry Information Based on Adjacency Prediction

  22. 基于人头部图像分割的视频信息压缩算法

    Compressed Computation of Video Information Based on Human Head Region Image Segment

  23. 基于自适应提升方案的嵌入式系统信息压缩编码

    Information Compression Algorithm Based on the Adaptive Lifting Scheme In Embedded Systems

  24. 略论通用型汉字库信息压缩方案

    On the schemes for reducing the information of the common Hanzi bank

  25. 基于信息压缩矩阵算法的增量式规则挖掘

    Incremental Rules Mining Algorithm Based on Information Compression Matrix

  26. 无线传感器网络中的信息压缩与路由技术研究

    Information Compression and Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

  27. 视频信息压缩域处理技术的新进展

    New Advances in Compressed Domain Processing Techniques of Video

  28. 物体轮廓线的信息压缩的研究

    Research about the Body Outline of Condensed Information

  29. 图像信息压缩技术的发展和研究

    Development and Research of Image Information Compression Techniques

  30. 本文主要讨论了信息压缩阵在非线性校正中的应用。

    This article mainly discusses the application of the information compression matrix in nonlinear correction .