
shù jù chuán shū
  • data transmission
数据传输[shù jù chuán shū]
  1. 传真机及其他形式的电子数据传输

    the fax machine and other forms of electronic data transmission .

  2. 这种接入方式降低了投入和应用的成本,又保证了ddn专线数据传输的速率和质量。

    The new way not only lowered the cost of investment and application but also ensured the speed and quality of DDN data transmission .

  3. 利用VB实现采集器与SqlServer之间的数据传输

    Realizing data transmission between collector and SQL server by using VB

  4. SOAP协议在XML数据传输中的应用

    Application of SOAP Protocol in XML data transmission

  5. 网格GIS数据传输机制与策略

    Strategy of Data Transmission in Grid-GIS

  6. 一个基于P2P高性能计算的高效数据传输协议

    An Efficient Data Transfer Protocol for P2P-Based High Performance Computing

  7. USB接口技术为PC主机间的数据传输提供了便捷的解决方案。

    USB interface technology provides a wonderful solution for the data transmission between PCs .

  8. USB支持控制传输、同步传输、块传输、中断传输四种数据传输类型。

    The USB defines four transfer types : Control Transfers ? Isochronous Transfers ?

  9. 利用USB(通用串行总线)技术设计了一个实时双向的数据传输通道。

    The article designs a real-time bidirectional transmission channel .

  10. 基于GPRS实现桥梁检测远程数据传输

    Realization of Remote Data Transmission for Bridges Monitoring Based on GPRS

  11. TCP是Internet所采用的主要数据传输协议,采用基于窗口的拥塞控制机制。

    TCP ( Transmission Control Protocol ) is the data transmission protocol of Internet and uses window-based congestion control mechanism .

  12. 重点介绍了系统组成中所使用的GPRS数据传输模块以及所使用的AT指令使用方法。

    It devises the methods using GPRS data module and AT command .

  13. 通过VC编写了一个较为通用的数据传输软件并进行了打包。

    Have written a data transmission software comparatively in common use and baled through VC .

  14. HF串行数据传输系统抑制CW干扰的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of HF Serial Data Transmission Systems for CW Interference Rejection

  15. 论文研究的对象是基于Internet的SCADA数据传输系统。

    In this paper , the research concerning the SCADA data transfer system based on the Internet is developed .

  16. 通过使用代理节点协助数据传输,QoS中间件提高了端到端网络通信质量。

    Through using of proxy node to help the data transfer , QoS Middleware optimizes end-to-end communication QoS .

  17. Oracle数据传输加密

    Data Transmitting Encryption in Oracle Network

  18. 基于USBTORS-232转换器实现低成本高速数据传输

    Based on USB to RS-232 switch realization Low cost high speed data transmission

  19. 实用型CIMS数据传输系统

    The Practical CIMS Data Transmitting System

  20. 第二章对数字电视的四种数据传输标准协议、PSI/SI表做了介绍。

    Chapter 2 gives a recommendation of data broadcasting protocol and the PSI / SI specification .

  21. RS-485总线的高速串行远距离数据传输方法

    RS-485 bus-based high-speed serial remote data transmission method

  22. 用VB6.0开发串行数据传输处理系统

    Applying VB 6.0 to Develop a Serial Data Transmission and Processing System

  23. IP组播技术实现了IP网络中点到多点的高效数据传输,它能弥补单播通信和广播通信的不足。

    IP multicast technique realizes efficient data transmission from one point to multiple points in IP network , and remedies the defects of unicast and broadcast communication .

  24. 设备驱动程序使用这些例程来请求各种类型的数据传输(control、interrupt、bulk或isochronous)。

    Device drivers use these routines to request various types of data transfers ( control , interrupt , bulk , or isochronous ) .

  25. 利用Sniffer分析数据库应用系统的数据传输安全性

    Security analysis of data transporting in database application system with sniffer

  26. NetRemoting和RTP/RTCP的原理以及在数据传输中的应用。

    The emphasises are put on the theories and applications in data transfer of . NET Remoting and RTP / RTCP .

  27. 为提高RFID阅读器网络中移动阅读器数据传输的效率和节省其传输能量,提出了一个新的适合RFID阅读器网络的传输方案H-TCP。

    A new TCP transmission mechanism H-TCP within RFID reader network is proposed .

  28. 由于受DSP平台运算速度的限制,本系统尚不具备高速数据传输的能力。

    Due to the speed restriction of the DSP platform , the system , for the time being , does not have the ability of high-speed data communication .

  29. SRT协议的运行过程包括网络启动阶段和数据传输阶段。

    SRT protocol includes network-setup phase and data-transfer phase .

  30. 高生存性RPR网络数据传输实现

    High survivability RPR network data transmission realization