
  • 网络information cost;cost of information;Informational cost
  1. 考虑运输成本和信息成本的JIT采购模式选择

    JIT Purchasing Option Considering Transportation Cost and Information Cost

  2. 其次运用MM理论来分析资产证券化的效益问题,指出资产证券化可以减少信息成本、增加公司的现金流、减少交易成本。

    Secondly , it points out that asset securitization could decrease information cost , increase company 's cash flow and cut down transaction cost .

  3. 通过扩展Cox、Ross和Rubinstein(1979)的二叉树模型,说明了离散时间下实物期权定价的方法及其在考虑了管理灵活性评估中的信息成本时在R&D项目评估中的应用。

    We explain the real option pricing method in discrete time and its application in R & D project .

  4. 通过引入时间成本,对以信息成本和代理成本权衡来确定最优决策点的J-M(詹森和麦克林)决策权配置模型进行了修正。

    By introducing the opportunity cost of time , Jensen-Meckling 's Model of Decision-making Configuration was modified where the optimal locus of decision making is laid out according to the tradeoff between information cost and agency expenditure .

  5. 本章研究了三项内容:一是管理信息成本的本质与特征。

    The first part is the nature and characteristics of MIC .

  6. 考虑信息成本的序列投资决策

    Making decision of sequential investment with information cost taken into consideration

  7. 支付信息成本后的资本市场投资预期收益

    Expectation Returns of Investment in Capital Market after Spending Information Cost

  8. 考虑信息成本的委托资产组合管理合同研究

    A study of Delegated Portfolio Management Contract with Information Cost

  9. 三是管理信息成本的构成和识别。

    The third part is the composition and the identifying of MIC .

  10. 信息成本影响人们作出准确的人力资本投资决策。

    The information cost effects the correct decision on human capital investment .

  11. 企业信息成本的科学控制

    On the Scientific Control of Enterprise 's Information Cost

  12. 二是管理信息成本控制战略思想和战略分析。

    The second part is strategic ideas and strategic analysis of controlling MIC .

  13. 实际上,这种信息成本是存在的,而且是不能忽略的。

    In fact , cost exists , and it should not be neglected .

  14. 消费的信息成本和信息收益

    On the Cost and the Gains of Consumer Information

  15. 管理信息成本集成是对管理信息成本进行控制的基础。

    Integrated MIC is the basis of controlling MIC .

  16. 流动性成本,信息成本及信息不对称

    Liquidity Cost , Information Cost and Information Asymmetric

  17. 信息成本通常被认为传统产业中的交易成本,其实它是一项极高昂的成本,并且表现出很大的变动性。

    It is generally consider cost information as the traditional industries of transaction costs .

  18. 经济组织和经济组织的演化与信息成本密切相关;

    Economic organizations and development of economic organizations are closely related to the cost of information .

  19. 分析企业信息成本的变化规律及影响因素;

    It analyzes the change of enterprise 's information costs and some influence factors on them ;

  20. 信息成本约束下的契约设计与信息共享激励

    Study on the Contract Design under the Obligation of Information Cost and Demand Information Sharing Incentive

  21. 三是管理信息成本控制战略的方法选择与保障措施。

    The third part discussed the selected means and security measures of controlling strategy of MIC .

  22. 信息成本、分工授权和激励

    Information Cost , Delegation and Incentive

  23. 那么,什么是信息成本、信息价值,信息效益又应如何计量呢?

    Then , what is information value and information cost ? And how to measure information benefit ?

  24. 管理信息成本的本质内涵是基于管理的信息成本。

    The essential connotation of management information cost ( MIC ) is information costs based on management .

  25. 管理信息成本计量在财务会计与管理会计系统中都居于核心地位。

    The measurement of MIC is the core in both financial accounting system and management accounting system .

  26. 因此,信息成本的变动会传导到经济产出层面,最终造成经济增长的波动。

    So the fluctuations of information cost may transact to the output and finally cause economic growth fluctuations .

  27. 接下来的第二节,便在模型中加入信息成本,以深化前文所探讨的内容。

    So in the second section we add information cost into the model to deepen the first section .

  28. 另一种是将知识转移给有决策权的人,这面临着信息成本。

    Or knowledge can be transferred to people with decision-power , which can bring out the information cost .

  29. 着眼企业的长远发展,提出了控制和降低企业信息成本的四种基本策略。

    It introduces some basic strategies on how to control and lower the information costs on full-range and long-term view .

  30. 笔者认为,金融中介起到降低交易成本及信息成本的作用,有利于专业化分工。

    In my view , financial intermediaries can reduce transaction costs and reduce information costs , and conducive to specialization .