
  • 网络Information consumption
  1. 消费(Consumption):此外,前面工作的全部意图是需要有操作者(包括机器)来使用它;因此信息消费位于该堆栈的顶部。

    Consumption : Additionally , the whole purpose of previous work is to have some actors ( including machines ) to use it ; thus information consumption sits on the top of the stack .

  2. 我国企业信息消费满意度研究

    The Research on Satisfaction of Information Consumption in Chinese Enterprises

  3. 本论文系国家社会科学基金项目《我国学习型企业信息消费的满意度研究》课题(批准号:03BTQ022)的研究成果之一。

    This paper is within the research of national social science fund projects " The Research on the Satisfaction Degree of Learning Enterprise Information Expense in China " ( No. 03BTQ022 ) .

  4. 信息消费的转变对世界经济的影响

    Influence of Change in Consumption to Information upon the World Economy

  5. 信息消费的创新性特质信息消费水平测度方法研究

    An Measurement of Information Consumption Level through the Elements Comprehensive Methods

  6. 我国资本市场中会计信息消费问题

    Research on the Consumption Problems of Accounting Information in China

  7. 城市居民信息消费水平过低。

    The information consumption of urban citizens is too low .

  8. 高校图书馆在网络信息消费中的作用

    On the Functions of University Library in the Consumption of Network Information

  9. 国家创新体系的信息消费市场研究

    A Study on the Information Consumption Market of the National Innovation System

  10. 农村居民信息消费行为影响因素分析

    Rural Residents the Impact of Consumer Behavior Information Factor Analysis

  11. 传媒产品是一种精神消费和信息消费的特殊商品,既具有政治属性,又具有经济属性。

    The products of media have political attributes and economic attributes as well .

  12. 中国城镇居民信息消费的差异性研究

    A Study on the Differences of Information Consumption of China 's Urban Residents

  13. 我国信息消费学术论文及其作者状况分析

    Analysis on the Status Quo of Chinese Information Consumption Learned Papers and Authors

  14. 企业信息消费满意度分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation on Satisfaction of Enterprise Information Consumption

  15. 体育信息消费市场的现状调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Information-consuming Market of Sports

  16. 而学习型企业最重要的活动就是信息消费活动,构建学习型企业过程实质上也就是信息消费过程。

    And the most important activity of a learning enterprise is information consumption .

  17. 我国国家创新体系的信息消费结构初探

    An Inquiry into the Information Consumption Structure of China 's National Innovation System

  18. 论我国居民食物信息消费障碍及对策

    On the Obstacles and Strategy of Food Information Consumption for Inhabitant in China

  19. 论述了政府决策信息消费的基本特点。

    On governmental administrative decision mistake and its countermeasures ;

  20. 信息消费时代的大众文化形态

    Mass Culture Forms in the Information Consumption Time

  21. 发展完善信息消费的思考

    Reflection On Development and Improvement of Information Consumption

  22. 信息消费与信息环境有密切的关系。

    Information consuming and environment has close relation .

  23. 国内信息消费研究综述

    An Review of Information Consumption Research in China

  24. 信息消费系数及其测算方法研究

    Information Consumption Coefficient and the Measurement Methods

  25. 第五章对信息消费的风险进行了分析,在此基础上提出了减少风险的方法。

    Chapter V of information consumption risks analysed on the basis of proposed risk-reduction methods .

  26. 研究结果表明:体育信息消费市场管理混乱,产品质量良莠难分;

    The conclusions are : the management of sports information consuming market is rather disorderly ;

  27. 企业信息消费满意度指标体系构建

    Construction of Enterprises Information Consumption Satisfaction Index

  28. 关于信息消费的理论探讨

    On the Theory of Information Consumption

  29. 第四章介绍了消费者信息消费的过程,并据此建立了信息消费函数;

    Chapter IV introduced consumer information consumption process , and accordingly established a consumer information function ;

  30. 大学生信息消费心理与高校信息服务质量

    Students ' consuming psychology of information and the quality of information service at colleges and universities