
  1. 在今年10月初,CNN一项针对全球读者新闻消费与分享习惯的调查显示,43%的新闻通过Twitter和Facebook等社交媒体网络和工具分享,社交网络已经成为新闻分享的最大渠道。

    In early October , a survey conducted by CNN on the consumption and sharing habits of global-news readers showed that more than 43 percent of news was shared through SNS tools like Twitter and Facebook , and SNS had become the single most important way of sharing news .

  2. 你对杜撰新闻消费得越多,你对现实宏图的了解就越少。

    The more news factoids you digest , the less of the big picture you will understand .

  3. 也许这么说有点言过其实,但是新闻消费至少在一定程度上导致抑郁症流行。对此我并不感到意外。

    It 's a bit of a stretch , but I would not be surprised if news consumption , at least partially contributes to the widespread disease of depression .

  4. 然后由新闻消费方通过对低码流视频文件进行打点操作,产生最终需要下载的视频序列索引表。

    After that , the news receiver / user will produce an index table of the video sequences that are to be downloaded by dotting the low bit rate video files .

  5. 由于5G网络和AI技术的推出势头强劲,尚利建议传统媒体与科技公司合作,以适应新闻内容消费的变化。

    As the roll-out of 5G networks and AI technology gains momentum , Shanlely suggests traditional media team up with tech firms to adapt to the changes in the consumption of news content .

  6. 关于中国新闻纸消费与生产发展的思考

    On the Consumption and Production of China ′ s Newsprint

  7. 摘要随着社会进步和时代变迁,观众对电视新闻的消费观念也发生了很大变化,电视新闻的服务功能和娱乐功能更加凸显。

    With the progress of societies and the change of eras , audience 's consuming conception to television news also has changed greatly , while the serving and entertaining functions of television news become more prominent .

  8. 不过对部分出版商而言,谷歌新闻对于人们消费数字内容的方式,仍然起着重要的作用。

    For some publishers , however , Google News still plays an important role in how people consume digital content .

  9. 目前因特网是一个巨大、全球性的信息服务中心,且分布广泛,它涉及新闻、广告、消费信息、金融管理、教育、政府、电子商务和许多其它信息服务。

    Internet is a huge , widely distributed , global information service centre at present . It involves news , advertisement , consumption information , financial management , education , government , e-commerce and a lot of other information service .

  10. Facebook希望不仅仅是将用户导向新闻网站,而且还能让用户留在Facebook进行新闻消费。

    Facebook wants not only to point users to news sites but to be the place where they stay and consume it , too .